Guild Bank items gone

My guild bank since 14 Aug 2024 after 11 server time was totaly empty! 7 guild bank tabs empty!
Before that time i was about to arrange my chars banks items and i checked at my main guild bank all tabs was like always full of my guldies items and mine too! Suddenly all items and guild tabs was empty…i try to deposide and windraw item of my bag and was working fine BUT the stored bank items was ALL gone! 7 tabs…full…
I want to mention all my guild members have the same problem, they see empty tabs at our guild bank!
I also have other personal guild banks on my account and they are all fine!
my guild is “Since MMV” at Genjuros server on EU!
I have done everything they told me or read on other forums like US servers they have same problem too.
Delete my wtf cashe interfase folders nothing
Re install the whole game at my laptop no addons same problem.
All guild bank items just dissappear WITH NO withdrawls logs! (i have photos of the logs)
That for sure happened after the Wensday patch…
Pointless to say that i have already send a ticket and all you know what the answer was…

P.S. is there any Bug section at forums ? i couldnt find any at EU forums!

Thank you for your time…


In my personal guildbank, all the item is there, but in the guild, where we are over 600 members in, the guildbank i empty, all 8 slots, the guild is “Den Danske Guild” on terokkar.

I have been unaffected. I have personal guild banks on Ravencrest and Bronze Dragonflight but my husband on Bronze Dragonflight had the first 4 tabs wiped from his bank, half of the fifth tab but the sixth tab was unaffected.
He did as you suggested, closed and reopened and the item was still present and he was able to remove it. He was also able to remove an item after logging off and then back on.
This Xala’tath is stretching the tentacles and become a kleptomaniac

Would refer you to this post.

It is another guild bank issue, potentially a symptom of this broader problem.

Only mentioning this as it may be helpful. The bank logs only show what my husband has deposited or removed, including the test. No wiped items shown in the logs.

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Other information - On one of my unaffected personal guild banks. I had 10 deposits/withdrawals 12 hours ago and 3 deposits 1 day ago. This was after the weekly reset.

Maintance did not fix the problems my guildbanks are still empty- how long before its fixed


Same issues on my guild banks, all emtpy.

Huge thread on US forums

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Same issue. Complete contents of Guild Vault gone as of yesterday.

Mine gone too - all tabs emptied of entire contents

Lost everything in my personal guildbank The Corgi Club-Draenor and in my raiding guild Olden Timers-Draenor. I made a ticket yesterday. Really hope tehy solve the problem so I can get all my stuff back…and there was a lot of stuff

we have a proverb that we say after a loss or loss in turks. drink a glass of cold water on top of it. it seems that we will drink a glass of cold water on top of it since the guild bank items have not come back so far. old database records are required to bring back guild bank items. transactions have been going on in guild banks for days. after the disappearance of the items, the transactions made in the guild bank destroyed the records. I started to think that it could not be brought back in software. it’s a pity that tens of thousands of items I have saved are probably gone. they will probably send money and close the case. sad…

Same here, me only member, a few tabs gone :frowning:

And this morning - the contents of my guild bank are decimated. There is still some stuff in there, but no, the vast majority of it has gone.

Tab 1, has had a lot of herbs, ores, crafting reagents (all dragonflight as that tab was used exclusively for DF content) have gone. Nothing in log. Tabs 2,3,4,5,6,7 all empty.

Considering tab 6 and 7 had a lot of gear, and expensive legacy items in it. Arcane Crystals, legendary ores, rep items from decades of play this has aggrieved me a lot.

Blizzard you really need to do something about this, for every last one of us who is affected.


I tried this and it doesn’t change anything. The items goes in there and is still there after closing and opening again, even relogging and disabling addons and the “usual” troubleshooting steps.
But no sign of the items missing.

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I don’t think this is visual unfortunately as new items cannot be put on top of previously existing items.
I have taken screenshots from my guild banks but tbh I think this may well be of little use if I were to lose stuff. All I can think of is not to open Guild banks at all until a fix is found.
I would hate for this to be unsolvable. All the other bugs so far have been relatively trivial in comparison

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Thank you all for the continued reports.

We have no specific details to share about a resolution yet, however please rest assured that this issue is not forgotten and is being worked on.

Thank you all for your patience! :blue_heart:


I think right now we need assurances that things will be fully restored in due course.

Not some arbitrary gold value that you arrive at based on what we had in the bank at the time - which will in no way whatsoever compensate the time spent replacing items if we are merely compensated.


So just as an added bit of info, which may help narrow things down.

I saw these posts yesterday, panicked, checked my guild vault and thought “phew, everything is there” … never thought anything of it … came back this morning, and several tabs are now empty, and one has been 25-50% cleared of contents, seemingly randomly.

Not long ago, I used an Addon called AltVault which kept a record of what I had in my various banks and bags on my alts and, usefully in retrospect, my guild vault. So I could see what was there when I wasn’t actually THERE.

I had removed it, thinking I no longer needed it, but removing it did not remove it’s stored data. So I’ve reinstalled it and, without actually opening the guild vault (which would update it), I’ve checked what it shows in my guild vault.

I don’t think I can post an image here (but I’ve raised a ticket so will try to add it to that), but the tabs where there are missing items … those ICONS for the missing items are now missing. However, I can hover over the individual icon areas and it will give me the item tooltip. Which is useful for most items - not so much for our battle pets tab (they’re all “Pet Cage” :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps a lot of the icons have had an update which has glitched out the vault?