Guild Bank items gone

This goes to show that all those people who bought epic edition for beta access not being able to necessarily copy their account data into the beta environment (I could copy characters and keybinds, but not account data) was a big mistake.

Yes, I know that beta has typically not included guilds (and therefore guild banks) in the past, but perhaps if a Guild Master character is copied to beta (and perhaps to any future PTRs) the guild could be replicated along with the contents of the guildbank at that point in time - and I reiterate maybe even do this on future PTRs before the next beta is needed.

Essentially beta is not setup to allow users to test all functionality and systems. Why are there no focused testing cycles and activities like there has been previously (like for WoTLK, Cata and others many years ago?)

This is Blizzards developers chance to shine; to put the entire sorry chapter of pre-patch and what is looking likely to be the worst expansion ever in terms of poor user experience to rest.

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I hate to be negative and this is my favourite game but this is quite serious as it affects people’s trust. I just hope it can be rectified rather than people needing to be compensated.


Same issue.
Pivate guildbank, i’m an owner, no withdraw log entries, 7 wiped tabs.
Last activity was 11 hours ago (all was fine).

imho don’t use it anyway till the problem will be fixed, stay as is. Possibly random items may gone in case they are sharing same space.

Same issue for me.
Logged in today and 90% of my personal guild bank empty.
I am the owner, no logs about withdraw in GB, no signing into my account from different devices except from my PC.
Lost around 8m gold worth of items…


Same issue hear all items gone from 5 of 6 guild tabs, it’s a personal guild bank no one else uses

Same issue, had a lot of caged pets in personal guild bank, all gone.

Whell with this carecter all thins that i have in my personal bank from Classic, Outland, Lich, Cata and Draenor were gone, and gone 100% gone, not one or other item, all.

Sent a ticket now lets see…

Same issue for me, many item in my personal guild bank are gone from today 16 August (tab 1 and 3 empty and tab 4 half empty, tab 2 and 7 they were empty before the issue, tab 5 and 6 with many pet caged not affected by the problem)

Guild: For The PUGs
Realm: Pozzo dell’Eternità
Guild Master: Coccia
Status: Most items gone


Same issue, only the first 2 not affected but rest is wiped. Had all the tabs full of stuff. Everything was ok last night and this morning, gone. What is going on blizz?


my personal guildbanks are affected too.
many items are lost.
EU Frostwolf and EU Onyxia
hundreds of hours of sweat and blood to grind these materials are gone. worth of hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of gold.


Weeks ago players started losing reputations and now stuff from guild banks is gone missing as well. I can only offer my sympathies seeing how absolutely nothing has been done or communicated after the first data loss incident. Not even a proper update from the developers.

It is very convenient that we can transfer gold among characters now, but many of us have lost months worth of progress and it will take some time before I will again be able to buy some mounts with Exalted requirements, those upwards of 100k gold or much, much more. It is not a visual error as we are being told because access to those wares is restricted and the unlock does not rely on matching Exalted Status Achievement (something which several factions don’t even have, so it may be impossible to verify the loss in character’s standing).

Last time something of this scale happened was in WOD with Archaeology. Everyone affected was told to stay patient and await resolution. Months later nothing had been corrected. Lucky few had received only a few boxes of fragments as compensation and others were told they’ve missed the window of opportunity, despite their previous timely reports of a full profession reset.

I just can’t wait for mounts to start disappearing. I believe we may be very close to that day after seeing several posts about the missing TCG items.


same with our guild. tab 3-7 is completely emptied but no entry on removing items… just like the rest of you guys… when will blizz stop ***** things up…

Eudaimon guild in Terenas


My bank guild, The Treasure Hunter-Emerald Dream has lost six tabs and their content :(. Most of the stuff was moved from my characters’ own banks to the bank guild LAST NIGHT - and when I checked it today, everything was gone. Lots of mats, gear, pets from Classic all the way up to Dragonflight.

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my 2 alt Guild banks is allso blank i know the was alot of items in there , Dragonmaw server EU

I did this while logged into my Guild Leader Shaman & said item went to a slot I KNOW to be occupied by another item… I’ll retry it on another character & see if anything does, indeed, change,

I did the same… no difference

I bet they come back with sorry we cant do anything- and we get no compensation!


Well got a reply to the ticket and has usual, i think i saw some similar reply here.

" Your ticket has received the following response:


Thank you for your patience. I have received your ticket regarding the missing items from your guild bank.

I can confirm that we have received several similar reports (starting Wednesday August 14), indicating that a bug has caused items to vanish without any record of withdrawal in the bank logs. Our development team is actively investigating this issue.

Currently, game masters do not have the capability to manually restore these items, however we hope to have more information to share about this situation soon. For ongoing details about this matter, please keep an eye on our forum thread:<> />
We regret the inconvenience that this has caused and are grateful for your continued patience.

Kind regards,
The Game master team

Hope that we all don´t lose years of farming and for those that have also nice items too, that nothing his lost.

Ps: the link that was put on the reply his this one XD

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I got the exact same reply, from GM Feuflet.

I have 6 bankguilds where I store items from different expansions of wow.
After seeing all the reports I checked my bank characters, and they where all fine except for the 2 characters that have DF items stored in the guildbank.
These 2 where totally wiped exept for guild tab 7 which around 50% is gone (but looks like its random slots, meaning not consequtive slots gone)

The guildbanks for where I have Shadowlands and older items (all have 8 guildbank tabs) do not seem to have any items missing (will keep an eye on these in case this changes).

So could it be that DF items are the only things affected in the guildbank?

I have also registered a in-game ticket.