Guild Bank items gone

Honestly this seems like a great plan from blizzard, empty a lot of guild banks, randomly, but make sure it hits mainly people with a lot of alts in the guild. Make sure they know that any items added to the guild bank won’t be deleted anymore. Wait until many have filled those guild banks with items, mark them their original items and watch them buy all the watband bank tabs to store it all. Or for those who had their guild banks very organised and who fear placing items in the guild bank because then there’s no way the original items can be returned to the correct spot, wait until they have bought all the warband bank tabs before returning the original items to the guildbank. I know for certain that if this hadn’t happened, I’d have only purchased 1 or at the most 2 warband bank tabs. Ive currently had to buy a third and it’s filling up fast. I’m playing exactly as I’ve played every other expansion, but without my guild bank. The least ammount of compensating expected will be all items returned to the guild bank slots they were in, and the full cost in gold of all warband bank tabs. Those tabs should never have been set at those prices and certainly wouldn’t have sold without this guild bank fiasco.


I don’t know if it’s related but, as we’ve been the “green light” to use guild vaults, I’m just looking at mine now and sorting it a bit. This is a guild vault for an active guild so other guild members access it.

Someone placed something in tab 1, and I moved it to tab 5. Tab 1 log states it was moved out, but tab 5 does not state anything was added. I moved the item from tab 5 to tab 4 … tab 5 the shows that the item was moved out (even though there is no record of it going in), but tab 4 shows no record of it going in.

Tab 4 to 3 … same thing. No record of it going in, record of it going out.
Tab 3 to 2 - same thing.
Tab 2 to 1 - record of it going out of tab 2, AND a record of it going in to Tab 1.

I can do more testing if required, but this is certainly something weird going on. Is this related, or is this something I should be submitting a new bug report for?


This is brilliant example of testing - and evidence gathering. Felranys - can this be fed back into the Dev team?


That’s great testing - I would suggest that, for now, you make another bug report ingame with that exact information. Maybe head it ‘results of testing’.
When Felranys or another blue is around, they may pass it on too.

Some of you don’t seem to realise that the communication is one way, the devs contact the outsourced company that deals with the “pesky customers” with notes on what to say about specific topics. that outsourced company most likely cannot contact the devs, they must rely on the devs seeing what is being reported and sending them a communiqué saying "if anyone asks about this, here is what to say. for example, while I appreciate the communication from Felranys, what actual information have we been given? here’s how that message from the devs most likely went. “Guild bank issue: bug that caused items to disappear is fixed, currently working on fix to return items as priority, banks can be used. do everything in your power to keep customers engaged and ensure this does not affect expansion launch”.
look at Felranys blue post above “The only part we have been informed on with clarity is” the ‘we’ being the outsourced company and the informer being Blizzard. there is a major issue with one-way communication from blizzard, they tell us what they want us to hear, when they want us to hear it, if they decide not to look at forum posts or social media posts, then that one-way communication means they are blind to their customers issues. There is no customer support, it’s customer fob-off.


well I for one am grateful for even the small amount of “support” we get here, over and above what they’re getting in the US forums. I do understand that CS are given minimal information, but I also believe that they must have at least a minimal line of communication TO Blizzard … even if it’s just a form they fill in to say they’ve come across something raised that they can’t find raised elsewhere …

As I expected, there is still some issues.
I’ve made the decision a while back to not use the guild bank at all till we get our items restored.

Let’s just say its my professional background and not knowing what they have in place for safeguards that makes me a little skeptical about using it.

They should do well with these things… but I’ve even seen real world banks playing with fire. I’m always going to be a bit paranoid about those things especially when its taking this long for item restoration :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


The hope that everything will be returned is fading every day. There is practically none left. Two of my friends haven’t logged into the game for two weeks, they wrote that they are leaving. I understand that they are worried, I am very sorry, they were good people and friends. They played WoW for many years and now they have left for other projects.


EU Outland - Achievement Hunters

Just bought WW after a break this summer, just to come back to the GB being completly gone. gold is there still…

Is blizzard even working on it??


Did you bother reading replies above?

Yes, they are working on it.
No, we don’t have any date for a solution.

wtf can we please have a blue post on the US servers for our friends? How is it possible to be so rude and ignorant on the US forums? Its unbelievable.


I’ve seen a couple of reports now of people saying that stuff has gone missing SINCE this fix. One posted on the US forums here (although it’s difficult to pin down specifics):

But also someone in my Guild Leaders Discord has raised a ticket because they’ve lost about 100 vicious flasks of honor, which were deposited after said “fix” - only days ago.

Now I don’t know if these are edge cases, or related to something else completely, but they certainly raise concerns.

And, of course, because bank logs are pretty much broken, no-one can tell now if things have been removed normally (ie, by a character in-game) or it’s caused by a bug.

I won’t get any more information from the one on the US forums, probably (unless they report back with an update), but will update here if I can any more info from the one on our discord.

*edit … more information from the one in our Discord server:

The responses they got from the GM’s were:

Confirmed the issue of missing items; aware and working on a fix; no ETA of a fix being implemented.

When pressed for additional information, the “Specialist GM” stated:

Confirmed issues were known about; just received an update that the issue will be resolved soon and good news is on it’s way; apologised and asked for patience.

There was no acknowledgement of the fact that the items disappeared AFTER the fix to stop things disappearing was made, and no confirmation that they’d checked and the new missing items were caused by the original “fixed” bug. Other than asking them to submit a new bug report.


This has at least been acknowledged, unlike the reputation or honor levels resets which aren’t anywhere close to a problem of this scale but are just as worrying. One crisis at a time I guess, although this one had occurred almost a full year later.


Same issue here, just opened a ticket and got redirected here to stay up to date. All of our guild 8 tabs are empty. Please fix it asap.


Before finding this page I thought it was just me that had this problem so I posted a ticket today under missing items, and although I said it was the Guild bank that was completely empty (all 7 tabs), I was told to go to the restoration page where my characters could undo any deletions! I’m not sure what department is dealing with this but they obviously aren’t talking to each other?
I saw on the US site that they have been told the items are still there, just not visible. Well I’m not going to click on anything in case is causes problems further down the “restoration” line, but I would like our guild stuff back sooner rather than much later!


Someone on the US forums posted a response they had to a ticket:

(link: )


I appreciate the blue updates, even though they don’t contain much info. But what I don’t appreciate is the repeated claims that the developers are doing everything they can to resolve it. This is obviously not true and you would have to be a moron to believe that considering the amount of time which has passed now. I know they will never come out with a truthful statement, but I wish they would just state they don’t know how to fix it (due to lack of data on what was lost) or that they have assigned it a low priority which is why it is taking so long to be looked at. It has to be one of those 2 options. The weird thing is that for both those options making a clear statement about it wouldn’t be that hard.

I am stepping into the realms of guessing now, but if they long ago concluded they don’t know what was lost and cant accurately restore the items even if they wanted to, that might explain why they would continually kick the issue down the street; Because they don’t want to deal with backlash and bad press that would come with admitting their failure. They don’t want to put out bad press while the season launch is going on and so presumably also don’t want to put that out around the anniversary either. Perhaps it won’t be until December that they finally respond on this when they think hopefully nobody would notice it as much?

In December we may get something like ‘We have been hard at work trying to resolve this issue, but unfortunately’ – when the truth is they realised there was no fix quite a while back?


While it is insanely frustrating that you don’t reply to this question being asked over and over again, for it to be replied in a sentence that feels like and afterthought: Thank you for finally clarifying this.


Anybody in this thread bought the new Grizzly Hills Packmaster Store Mount?

Not me - I stand fast by my decision to not give Blizzard another penny/cent until this is resolved.


On American forums, there are already calls for mass cancellation of subscriptions rather than reporting, many are already doing so. I don’t want to call for such a radical decision, it’s up to everyone, everyone decides for themselves. But things are already very bad. The Blues have been silent for a long time, the GBs are still empty, TO is vigorously correcting errors in the game, and what about us? What about us? They are silent about us again.