Guild Bank items gone

Is 3 days a long time?
From what they’ve said it’s quite a complicated thing to fix without losing stuff.

Where did you read that - link please.

I’ve been following this thread very closely, and not at any point that I can recall have I seen them say that there is a risk of losing stuff with the fix.

Yes, they’ve said it’s complicated - but your whole “without losing stuff” is new information, and needs the source referencing.

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Agreed. I locked our guild bank second day after this happened, so nothing could even interrupt blank log entry. Whilst am grateful that a blue poster even bothered to respond, after all these weeks to just ‘assume’ we knew all was now fixed going forward and banks could be used again without affecting ANY solution to return STOLEN items, is not how a business keeps its customers informed!


Blizzard/ Microsoft you both are are now a shambolic excuse for companies which once cared about their customers… and sooner or later this worldwide failure and worse you failure to rectify it, will eventually get back to your shareholders.

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Not first hand … but from a ticket reply someone on the US forums had:

Link to where I posted this, in this thread:


guild bank items all still missing - any hope of recovery? any recent blue post on this ?

Yet it does not say anywhere in that response (or the bits you have included) that there is a risk of them “losing stuff” in the implementation of this fix - when/if it comes.

By “complicated thing to fix without losing stuff” I’m reading that as ‘fix’ [to return what was deleted] and then ‘without losing stuff’ as maybe not all of what was deleted.

What they have actually said which is completely contrary to what Roisin said is “the plan and goal is, that everything will be saved”.

So whilst I appreciate you linking what you’ve linked - it doesn’t quite back up what Roisin said.

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I can’t say I ever remember or thought of Microsoft that way… and I used to work with a company that had MS Gold Partner status :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Maybe I didn’t word it very well … but what I meant (and thought I said) was that they may be taking a long time to fix it so they ensure nothing is lost. I have no idea if that’s a possibility but thought it might be why it’s taken a long time.


Thanks, and on the flip-side I maybe took it too literally.

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We should really be compensated for this bug, I had to spend gold and time because of this bug. Add to that the time we have to wait for it to be fixed…

I was really miffed I had to either grind or buy dragonflight stuff… even though normally I would have a guildbank filled to the brim with all these items.


Well for me it would be an easy fix, getting about 10 million gold and i buy everything back in the ah.
But there are other players around who are missing items/others what cant be replaced.

There absolutely must be an embargo on this issue, wowhead releasing at least 2 posts on how delves were easier in groups, which resulted in a rapid fix, but still not even a mention of this issue. Has anyone seen a mention of it by any streamers? Surely at least one streamer has been affected. And if there is an embargo then why?


I have no doubt of this. Comments in wowhead about it seem to disappear too.

Blizzard demonstrating complete disregard for affected players. I’m now thinking they’re never going to fix it, and are just treading water waiting for us to forget it, and are doing their utmost to snuff out any mention of it outside of their forums.


Someone on the US forums posted this, showing a response they’d had to a ticket, which seems to suggest Blizzard are fully intending on getting everything back to people. I mean … there’s no guarantee this is true, as the GM answering the ticket may have been misinformed or misunderstood the information they had.

imgur dot com/a/Atkwfyy

(they posted it like that … you’ll need to replace the dot with an actual dot :stuck_out_tongue: )

Link to the post on the US forums:


I feel many of us here collectively owe you a thank you. You’ve been doing a lot of back and forth between this thread and the US one, linking pertinent posts and updates to keep people informed. Definitely above and beyond and very much appreciated.


Top priority for delves with fixes at the same day, one month waiting so far here. :thinking:


This is concerning.

I realise this is for the warband bank and NOT the guild vaults … but they had already apparently fixed the warband bank glitch, so if they haven’t … then there’s no guarantee the guild bank glitch is fixed, either.


… and I wonder if this is one of the things that may have caused the issue with the Guild banks in the first place. This person is having issues accessing their guild bank with their alts on different realms. I seem to recall characters on other realms could not, initially, access guild vaults (I’m assuming this is now not the case?) - but if they’ve done something to enable them for cross-realm guild members, then perhaps that’s had a knock-on effect?

Not any good news yet?
still they cant fix it?
Not even a blue post?