Guild Bank items gone

So, are we going to have a one month anniversary celebration? :smiley:


Seems so.

On a related note, while we’re being patient until this is fixed, there’s one additional question that I haven’t noticed being discussed (might’ve missed it if so).

Do we need to make a ticket if our guild is affected, in order to have the guild tabs’ missing items restored once the issue is fixed? Or will the fix be returning them whether we made a ticket or not?

If they’ll be returned regardless, making a ticket would just be adding to the pile unnecessarily. But if we need to make a ticket to have them restored (when the fix comes), we’d need to know that and take the appropriate action.


Nothing against the blue in this forum, we have some blue post here about the guild bank problem.
Otherwise sadly no fix so far and radio silent in the us forum, so it looks more and more to me that there will be no solution.

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if they dont or cant restore out stuff- will we get any compensation- i doubt it i expect we will get nothing-and be left with useless guild banks!


At the least i want the gold spent on the extra tabs in the guild bank back, as right now through no fault of my own i have no confidence it is going to be safe to use and won’t use it again, so may as well have that gold back to repurpose into my warband bank.

I have 2 guild banks with 7 tabs I don’t ever see me using again.

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You don’t need to make a ticket … they’ll just be closed, as the GM’s that deal with tickets cannot do anything in this matter, so essentially they’ll just shut them down. You might get a bot reply or, if you’re lucky, a “yes we know … sorry …” reply … but either way, they will mark as resolved.

We’ve been told that Blizzard know which guilds have been affected, and what has gone missing, and that they’re still “working as a priority” on getting stuff back to people. We’ve also been told that they’re trying their best, but can’t guarantee it.

If you scroll back enough, you can find the blue posts/links to blue posts/copies of tickets received, that say these things. But at the end of the day, we’re just having to wait and see.

Its really sad, our guild got big hit for new expansion because of it, old materials gone, no trust until they return them to use Guild Bank. And Blizzard side attention or feedback is like, it small thing. Very sad of such big company

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You know, youngest kid in family gets always attention, everyone else forgotten

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With about 10 million of gold i could buy everything back what is missing in the guild bank.
So 10 million gold is about 35 tokens or 700 Euro. And there are many players with higher costs as well players who lost things in the bank what cant be replaced.

I think they can restore each affected guild bank, but have to do it manually on each bank. So maybe the question is what cost less, loosing some players or invest a lot of time to fix the guild banks.

Doubtful. It’s prob more a matter of restoring it safely. One can’t just shove all those items back in the bank without thinking, as there may now be too little space left. The mailbox is an option, but one gotta make sure that those mails never, ever, expire as the guild-master may be on a break.

It’s prob just an issue with plentiful of things to take into consideration, making it quite difficult to come up with a general fix for all the affected guild-banks.

I remember how almost 10 years ago there was a bug that wiped archaeology journal, perhaps limited to EU. With the old forums gone, it’s hard to enclose the exact specifics, although a few select pages might be saved in Wayback Machine – there’s an associated Reddit thread I was able to find through web search.

My hunter was one of the affected. That also took a few weeks, yet we had some amazing blue replies.

While my log was restored (I can briefly recall epoch fail with one of my solves, don’t think it’s any longer there :P), not all people were lucky, and if I recall correctly, they had been sent a bunch of artifact fragments.

Now, of course, the guild bank is a much more serious issue – and there should be much better resources after 10 years – but this makes me think there might not be a single, cookie-cutter solution for everyone.

At this point we need Ion or Holly to come forward and address this. Blue posts, while appreciated, just won’t cut it at this stage. Also, I’ve posted a comment on the latest wowhead post (about trading post conversations). If they aren’t going to address it, I’ll be thinking about avoiding their content in future. Same goes for streamers, are they gonna be more worried about blizzard telling them not to talk about it, or losing viewers?


It seems pretty obvious that Blizzard have told these sites/streamers NOT to talk about this - especially wowhead should have definitely picked up on this by now as it’s been mentioned multiple times on several of their news articles.

The only other reason for any of these people NOT to be talking about it is because they think it’s a small, insignificant issue. Perhaps these people don’t have guild vaults or were lucky and didn’t have an issue with theirs, and therefore think it’s a lesser problem than the other stuff they report on.

Or perhaps it’s not just Blizzard who don’t really care about guilds anymore …


still items keep disappearing from my warbank.
i lost over 100 Goblin gliders (item=109076)
i used to store them on each of my characters, but i wanted to clean up and put them in my warbank, yet they just disappear.

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This is your warband bank though, right? This thread is relating to GUILD VAULTS.

Just so we’re clear.

There is another thread out there somewhere, I believe, relating to warband bank items going missing …

*Edit … this one is the most recent, as far as I can tell …

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yes, i might be a lucky one, affected by both banks ongoing failures, guildbank and warbank wipes.
this is a nightmare


Unfortunately, please count me in - my personal guild bank is completely empty. Logs show no withdrawals.


Same here, first tab full of cloth and leather all gone. Strange how this hasn’t been picked up.


It’s been over a month now since guild bank tabs were empty, 4 out of 6 tabs completely empty while in the log nothing has been withdrawn. We get that this is a bug Blizzard but why does this have to take so long ? This whole expac hasnt been smooth imo.


More than a MONTH now, closer to 2 months actually. And my guildbank is STILL empty.