Guild Bank items gone

Well since i notice the vanishing of 6 out of 7 tabs nothing has changed, but may i call luck or noit moving nothing none of the other banks has had any issues. Warband bank nothing that i’ve notice… but Milions of items, even if they were stacks and memoris are in the fray…


I sit and think that I feel very sorry for all of us who suffered from an unknown misfortune and were abandoned to our fate. :sleepy:

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I submitted a ticket asking for full refund, this is where we ended up: -

My name is Gamemaster xxxx, I will do my utmost to assist you. Thank you for contacting us with your enquiry regarding guild bank missing items.

After reviewing the details of your inquiry, I empathize with your frustration, as a similar issue has occurred in my own experience. Some guilds have encountered a bug, and the game team is working to resolve it. All the gear is still there; it just can’t be seen.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the potential disruption to our long-term subscribers, such as yourself. We recognize the possibility of issues and bugs that may arise during the development of this product. It is not our intention to breach the relationship we have with our players. However, as with any software, unexpected issues may arise. Please accept my sincerest apologies for the unsatisfactory handling of your request and the repeated rejections. However, Blizzard Customer Service is not equipped to handle legal matters, and I must stress that this issue cannot be escalated as the developers are currently addressing the original problem.

Regarding the refund for the War Within expansion, I can confirm that, as my colleagues have stated, we have determined that the item in question is not eligible for a refund. Please refer to our Refund Policy, which can be found here:

Despite this setback I hope you have a better rest of the week going forward. We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject.

Kind regards
GM xxxx

they then closed the ticket as resolved, meaning I couldn’t ask for further help.
I want to point out some things “It is not our intention to breach the relationship we have with our players.” yet you have.
“Blizzard Customer Service is not equipped to handle legal matters” then who within the company is?
“However, as with any software, unexpected issues may arise.” as a software developer myself, I whole-heartedly disagree, for example, if this was banking software these issues would not be tolerated.
“Please accept my sincerest apologies for the unsatisfactory handling of your request and the repeated rejections.” and yet you closed out the ticket stating that “We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject.”

this shows the sheer audacity of Blizzards, (outsourced), customer services. clearly they don’t care about customers and have put out a media black out on the subject. I still have at least 6 months left of a yearly sub and I want my money back, since you aren’t willing to deal with it privately via the ticket system, we can have the discussion publicly, in front of all the other customers you are screwing over.


I agree Emberz, would be better if there was an open ticket for all of us affected by this issue that they could add you to and potentially give updates - other than ‘we know it’s annoying but coding sucks’ :slight_smile:

When you mention banking you’re obviously not a TSB customer? Our ability to access our bank accounts was gone for weeks. Hang on, TSB said our money was there but we just couldn’t see it too… :slight_smile: - spooky…


the problem is that the customer support is an outside company, they are basically the troops around the outside of the fort, on the other side of the moat, every now and then the people inside the walls fire out an arrow with a message telling the outside troops what they can and can’t say to the crowd that’s gathering asking questions. the drawbridge is up, the troops outside cannot get messages back inside the walls.
and so blizzard sit in their ivory tower, maybe using a spyglass every now and again to see what the crowd are doing, but they are untouchable, they don’t have to respond if they don’t want to, and customer services can do nothing but shrug and say, we can’t do anything.
its time blizzard were held to account.


why aren’t pop-streamers affected, aswell as raiding guilds??
is it mostly about exclusive solo player guildbanks??
who are we even?
why aren’t these very big news?


This is getting absolutely ridiculous, if you are not going to restore the missing items SOON then offer compensation
Why are you just leaving us hanging for MONTHS?
Are you waiting for us all to forget you destroyed our guild banks?
I’ve got an empty guild bank I’m not using because, despite assurances you have sorted things out, I don’t actually believe anything I’m told by Blizzard any longer
I can tell you one thing, I will not be renewing my 6 month subscription without this resolving satisfactorily

I Have the same issue on multiple guild banks

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Has anyone heard any thing more about this ? Like when they might sort it out or if that’s it and everything is gone for good. Would be great to get an update on this matter.

Raiding guilds are affected. Our guild (active since 2007) vault was one of the ones affected and the only saving grace was that it happened AFTER I’d done a pre-expansion clear-out … so expansion specific things like feasts, food, flasks, etc, were all sold off. However, we did have around 75% of our battle pets disappear, along with a whole load of materials and random transmog stuff. We have a raider tab that we usually open up for raiders once we start a season - I’m leaving that locked up for now as I’m still not convinced they’ll fully fixed the original bug.

Unfortunately as the vault logs also don’t work … there is no point at all in me checking the vault regularly anymore, because I can’t tell if people are taking stuff out they shouldn’t, who is putting what in … if anything IS actually going in.

It just feels like yet another nail in the guild coffin - and they’ve got a good stock of those nails, and they just keep pounding away …

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The last contact we had from anyone was 10 days ago …

US are even worse than us and, as far as I can tell, they’ve had no communication since right at the start of this issue.

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Someone on US told that some items suddenly reappeared today in his GB. I’ve checked my totally wiped 7 tabs and nothing changed, still emptiness.

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Can you link the source of that please?

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Thank-you :slight_smile:

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We are still counting the days.

This person has also just posted that some stuff has reappeared:

No change, everything still missing.

Another week and no solution. :unamused:

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Just checked, still showing completely empty