Guild Bank items gone

Still nothing… No items in the guild bank and no blue replies…


This entire thread has blue replies you’ve posted in. The last response promises to post anything if they get it not just a “we’re on it” type thing.

There is simply no new information from what I’ve gleaned on at the US bug report thread either, just from all collected Blizzard replies so far they’re working on it.

Just like the Character Undelete and Warbank they said they were working on it, it got eventually re-enabled/fixed.

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Well yes … we can also read the US bug support forum. Which is getting even less information that we have been. I think the general feeling was that, up until now at least, Felranys was popping in occasionally just to show we’d not been forgotten about because simply saying “they’ve said they will, so they will” doesn’t necessarily make it so. I’ve seen a few occasions in the past where Blizzard have said they’d do something … and then just went radio silent and never did what they’d promised.

And it’s all well and good saying “they’re fixed” … but there is still the occasional report of ADDITIONAL items going missing - not en-masse like previously, but enough for people to be still concerned about whether or not they can safely use their vaults.

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Clearly not fixed if the logs aren’t working.

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I don’t disagree. However, the issue with the guild logs, which has been going on for some, to a greater or lesser degree, for a lot longer than the issue with the guild vault contents going missing, could well be a separate problem.

I mean, it’s still just one more thing to add to this ever growing and, for the most part, pretty much ignored, pile of issues relating to guilds as a whole … so in that respect it’s related.

But I digress … the comment I made, that you replied to, was in reply to this comment previously:

Because people are still reporting that items are going missing from both the guild vaults and the warband banks, albeit not in such great numbers now.

I’ve clearly quoted your post, and responded to that element.

Which is apparently purely in concern of vaults and how usable / safe they’re widely perceived to be.

And as you say:

Ergo it clearly is NOT fixed.

LOL … I agree!

I was more disagreeing with the person I was replying to :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, so you and I are talking at cross purposes?

haha I think we’re agreeing with each other, but just misunderstanding/wording it differently :stuck_out_tongue:

Saneko suggested that the issues we’re having with the guild vault will be “fixed” just as the warband bank was “fixed” … yet the warband bank is still having issues, therefore not fixed. And there is no evidence so far that the guild vault missing item issue definitely will be properly “fixed” or even “warband bank fixed” (which isn’t, but works better than it did).

You agreed with me by saying it was clearly not fixed if the logs aren’t working.

And I agreed with you … essentially saying “yes, it’s not fixed”, but also clarifying that the problem with the guild vault logs is a different problem to the one we’re talking about in this thread, ie, items disappearing from the guild vault. But then to agree further with you, I stated that yes, the issue with the logs is yet another problem that is broken and needs fixing.

Does that make sense? It kinda makes sense to me but I feel like I’ve said “fixed” too many times now … :stuck_out_tongue:


I am beginning to think that they aint going to solve this, and getting tired of this crap since I am still not taking stuff out or placing new stuff in.

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Our 12 year+ guild with a guild bank that had all tabs with at least 5 of them fully filled with high value items got wiped completely. Still nothing back

Another week where I need to spend time and gold to do my profession quests in DF.
Even though if it wasn’t for the incompetence and slowness of these Blizzard developers, I could have just taken out these resources out of my guildbank.

Felranys, I’m sorry to say but your colleagues seem absolute clueless. Make sure to tell them how much time and gold they are wasting of us. I want compensation for that. This has gone on way too long.

My patience is running very thin here. I expect way better of a company like: Microsoft Activision Blizzard King. It’s not like you don’t have the resources. You also got rid of Bobbi the Goblin so its high time there’s some investment into this company, it has been bled dry for too long and its really showing. Something needs to change.

I’m sure this post shows how frustrated I am with this company.


Hi there. Any news?
Any compensation plans for time wasted or stuff lost? I suggest something small like 1-2 months of free game time for every guild member affected by this absolute kitten show.
Thanks in advance.


I know these aren’t real banks, but let’s say you had stuff in a real bank and it went missing and the bank over a month later said they were working hard at resolving the issue. You are likely to hang around long enough to see whether you get your stuff returned, but what are you going to think of that bank after this event (assuming it even does ever get resolved)? How many people out of 100 would stick around and not switch banks (games) if the bank handles the situation badly?

I really don’t get what thought processes are going on within the WOW development team/management in relation to this issue. If the customer does not have confidence in a product and their issues are apparently being put way down the companies list of priorities that customer is likely to walk away at their earliest possibility and probably not return. The people that are saying it is taking this long because it is complicated are being extremely naive. If the company really took it seriously, I’m sure they could get it resolved in a day or at most a few days. In the extreme, maybe a week. The time this has taken so far is ridiculous and we aren’t even at the end yet.

On top of this the way we only get fed info indirectly with no verification if it is even fact or not and that tickets raised get closed with no response makes the whole situation even worse. This is the behaviour you might see from a company which is a scam or is about to go bust and shut down


I feel this so hard. I’d farmed and saved a whole load of stuff for pets and mounts from DF and now it’s gone from my alt guild bank. Infuriating. I have neither the time nor the heart to farm sinews yet again.


Hello all!

As some of you may have already noticed, an update on this situation has been posted a few minutes ago in the general forums - I am sharing it here as well for added visibility.

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Thank you Felranys for being the only representative who tried to keep us updated during the long wait. <3

Really sad to hear that the response though devs. I’ve been collecting and storing items since Vanilla and the guild bank is the heart of my alt army.
I’m not sure what the market value of those items are but I’m guessing somewhere between 7-8 digits…

I will wait to see what is actually restored before deciding how to react but I really think some kind of compensation is in order here, this is a huge loss - not only economically but emotional too.


So not only did we lose the chance to make money from the items we stored (as I was going to sell some in the last weeks of DF)… And had to spend time and gold the past weeks on items I should have had a stockpile of…

I now need to read: the majority of our effort and time in Dragonflight is most likely gone?

… Nah, I got no words for my anger.


Thank you for that. Can you tell us which type of items are those that cannot be restored?

I’m guessing probably things like copies of mail-box notes, or items that randomly generate different colours when they appear? Anything else?

I do think that Blizzard should seriously consider giving some recompense for those items they can’t restore, and for this huge delay on getting it fixed. I understand that it’s a bug that just happened unexpectedly, and these things happen, but some people lost out big time due to this bug and it did feel like the issue dragged on for an excessively long time. I’m guessing that some items could have been restored virtually straight away, but they were waiting to try and get all done?

So, some of the items won’t be restored at all? That will be… interesting. Because I kind of expect the things that won’t be restored are probably the ones I’ll miss the most. :frowning: