Guild Bank items gone

Having been banned from this forum for posting about our guild and that we had rights (this was called ‘trolling’ by whoever banned me), I’ve plastered what’s happened on every social media outlet I have access to.

The situation strikes us as corrupt database indices and, like the CrowdStrike software update which crashed hotels and airports recently, Blizz’s update should have been tested properly before release. To be told (when I mentioned I was in software development) that “I should know” info and a timeline to fix couldn’t be estimated or given is complete nonsense and to tear my post down for even mentioning it and banning me - with incomplete guild bank restore and no compensation - is disgusting customer treatment. 14 years worth (including rare things) - randomly gone. We don’t even know which or when we might get anything back.

How the heck is 8 tabs worth gonna even fit in my mailbox?!


I got 13 Mails from Blizz, saying they restored sth from the twisting nether for me. 13 Mails full of dragonflight-consumables (mostly not full stacks).
I hope there will be more, cuz u guys wiped 5 of my guild bank tabs completely. this “compensation” isnt all you wiped in that one specific consumable-only tab of my guildbank…

Suggestions seem to indicate that “items have been returned using in game mail” and what has not been returned cannot be returned.
So, my feedback, from 15 personal guilds across multiple servers, with something in the region of 1000 items or stacks missing from said banks (difficult to really tell apart from the numerous high value and battlepet items that form my AH trading business) I have had the grand total of 6 ‘stacks’ returned. No battlepets have been returned, perhaps I have lost (well Blizz have lost for me) the 100 or so that cost various currencies which are not so easy for people to obtain quickly, or other rare non pet items. No words currently describe how I feel - just the faint hope that I am wrong and the “restoration” is ongoing not completed.

not true…



but as the current situation shows, not much was actually restored. Mostly some mats, but many are missing items that are worth millions of gold, that have a personal value like Vanilla letters from now dead friends …

Blizzard can not be serious with their “sorry, we can not do more” response.

I don´t think it is possible to compensate someone for the loss of these letters, but if people lost so much gold, I don´t know - find a solution, else people will unsub and refuse to buy TWW.

I am still holding out with buying TWW, I find the situation just horrible, it´s also a matter of trust. Who truly want´s to store anything now on the bank, knowing that if it goes missing, it won´t come back.

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My addon can not handle this? (Postal) and there is only one item per mail, which means quite a lot of mails.

Any one have an addon that can open these mails automatically?

Got back nothing compared to what was in the guild bank, millions of gold lost, thanks…



I got one mail with 34 Crusader Orbs…
I really hope there will be more, I’m completely devastated… I had 6 full tabs of crafting materials from every expansion plus various currency items worth probably millions and this is it?!!

I happen to have a backup of my WTF folder from 1st August, does anyone know if these files may contain data about what was in the guildbank and where to look in that case?


Is this a joke? I got 2 mails from Blizz, 2 gray items and 3 elemental motes? I have no words for this bs tbh, and I am even one of the lucky players who kept some of the real important stuff ( to me) in my personal bank.


No ingame mail so far from Blizzard, looks like a poor customer support from Blizzard.


Lost for words. 4 tabs completely empty and get 3 bits back, 2 DF food mats and some old armour patches. So glad I didn’t pre-order TWW and wont bother now unless this get resolved better. Calling this poor customer support is giving them too much credit, I’d call it taking the p***.


welp, I have my restoration mails, just over 600 rank 2 resilient leather and just over 600 tattered wildcloth is all I got back from 5 tabs fully wiped. I’m speechless at how much is now permanently gone.

While some of it is simply slightly annoying to lose, the loss of the dragonflight items is particularly galling since like many of you I had multple tens of thousands of rousing/awakened items in there, along with the various ores, leathers, cloth, herbs, enchanted bolts and so on to be making stuff that is still relevent in TWW. Whole stacks of awakened things, gone, that’s easily a couple of million gold to replace,

I’ve spent most of my life in IT as a developer, and if I’d given this response to a 5 week long problem I’m sure I would have gotten fired…


Well its looking grim. I havent recieve any mails from Blizzard, 6 full tabs gone. Mostly mats and some rare items as well. That combined with the other bugs
( like amd video driver crash) and very poor customer support service. I consider just to leave. I just came for a good time and distraction from daily life. It seems Blizzard is even worse than real life and i have no intention of keeping that


I got 3 star ruby, 99 runecloth and 25 rugged leather. I’m missing lots of stuff from DF, mostly crafting stuff, but also other stuff. Almost half my bank is missing, 2 empty tabs with DF-stuff… I feel bummed.

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What an absolute joke of a company you work for. 16 Arkhana, 7 Laestrite Ore and 5 Solenium Ore …compared to literal hundreds of essences, dust, cloth, ores, gems and items, dating back all the way to our days of Classic raiding.
This is not a solution, this is a poorly timed april fools joke. Kitten the kitten off.


A joke.
1 Mithril ore, 100 Solid stone, 16 silver bars.
Where are the herbs, ores, hides, gems, pets, recepies and so on? We gathered them for about 15 years and this is what we got back?
A joke!


Say good bye to your stuff.

I did get nothing. Absolutely zero of my 7 tabs.
Didn’t use GB since things broken, except gold withdrawal.
I still see my logs with items added to the GB (1-2 months in the past).

Pretty sure things will NOT change at monday/next wendesday/sometime. Based on responses on US-forums “restoration” process is really dumb. They don’t have any solid db-backups which could be used as a basement for restoration.They even cannot use GB-logs for partial “restoration”.

TWW refunded, subscription stopped. I’m no sure i even want to waste my time to “celebrate” 20 years in stupid grinding of another piece of mount.


I spent 14 years collecting memorabilia, my daughter spent 16 years collecting. What was returned is trifles, nothing. The most expensive pets and mounts from the event are gone. It looks like it’s gone forever.

I won’t even log into the game at this time.
This is a sham, I have nothing to celebrate today.


I’m going to assume all ours was lost. I see people reporting some stuff being mailed - I’ve had nothing. We were “lucky” in that I’d done a pre-expansion clearout of our vault so, from my fuzzy memory, mostly missing is around 75% of a battle pets tab and 50-75% of our transmogs tab. Probably a bunch of stuff from our flasks/potions - not DF specific but the type of things that are useful across expansions like the inky black stuff.

Just Blizzard yet again thumbing their noses at guilds.

I mean … I’m not even angry. I just feel sad that they’ve lost so much enthusiasm for the game and for the people that play it, that they think this is an acceptable outcome.

It shouldn’t have taken this long for them to get to this point. It shouldn’t have gotten to this point at all, which suggests a complete mishandling of the entire process.

The information that has trickled out over this entire sorry period has been sadly lacking and in some cases misleading/untrue. Blizzard saying it is so, no longer means it is so, apparently.

And, so far, their “resolution” is just disrespectful and dismissive of every single person and guild affected.

I find it very hard to believe that they do not have the ability to go back through their records and actually see what items went into the guild vaults. And then see what was actually withdrawn from guild. Then it’s just a matter of maths. If this is not something they can do … then I really wonder WHY … this is pretty much a basic requirement for banks, surely? I don’t even understand how banks can work, if these basic principles aren’t utilised.