Guild Bank items gone

Yes, they’ve lost me as a customer permanently due to this. That includes Diablo IV that I haven’t bought the upcoming expac for.

Once my 12month sub expires - that’s it done. That is how I feel right now.

Totally betrayed and abused.


We can’t be angry. We can be sad and support each other morally.
If you read the License Agreement, we will see that we own NOTHING in this game.
And as we know, “nothing comes from nothing” :((

This isn’t particularly helpful. Would you like some more salt to rub in our wounds?


That won’t do

“Sorry bro, sh*t happens, move on”

7 personnal guild banks affected, 2 wyped and 0 items restored
20 years of memories down the sh*tter

Where did my 4k€ went exactly ?

EDIT : oh and btw we just assisted to the Wow largest gold suppression of all time and nobody bate an eye on any website wow related, what the f is going on


Not at all. It’s just that this whole month has left a feeling of tired doom. We’ve written a lot - we see the result. There is no hope for compensation for all the lost property.

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So far 0 mail. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

This is how my guild bank was set up:

Every tab had mostly Dragonflight items, Some left over stuff from Shadowlands and some handy older items or valuable things to sell off.

The categories: Herbs, Ore, Leather, Ench+tailor, one for: potions, enchants,buffs (main is an alchemist), cooking mats and food and the last one: anything worth of value or use.

All used by just the two of us to store anything that wasn’t soulbound. For repairs we usually had 25.000/50.000 max in the bank just to cover repairs or if an alt ran short or needed a quick top-up.

So yeah, a few mails won’t cut it.
We lost a lot of time, effort and the ability to buy stuff from the rep vendors or even making some gold before TWW released. This is royally messed up.


Ok, but telling us that the EULA / Terms of Service basically says they don’t have to bother because we own nothing is a little inflammatory - do you not think?

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Yes, perhaps. But I just meant that they can “eat us with porridge” without any compensation. Therefore, there is no point in counting on compensation.

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An update on a previous post from me. I send in a ticket this morning and what do they say, sigh, really get tired from the reply they give

Hey there,

It is our understanding that you have recently experienced some losses in your guild bank on one or more of your Guildmaster characters

We would like to thank you for your patience while this issue was investigated, as we appreciate it has been a considerable amount of time to receive an update from the developers. A forum post explaining the investigation into this issue and the outcome has been posted on the US forums which you can read here:

We would like to provide a brief summary of this information for your understanding:

• The guild bank can now be safely used again

• Restorations are currently in progress for any Guildmaster characters who were identified by the developers as being affected by the investigation into losses. These will be received in ingame mail. There is no ETA on how long you may need to wait for your mails.

• The developers are making every effort possible to restore as much of the guild bank losses for identified characters, but due to technical limitations, it was unfortunately not possible to recover everything

We appreciate this is an upsetting and disappointing outcome, and we would ask you please to wait patiently on your restoration mails to arrive if you have not yet received them. If you have received your restoration mails and you note that some items are not restored, we must apologise and confirm that the restoration of these remaining items was unfortunately not possible.

We would like to thank you for your understanding and wish you a good weekend ahead


3 guilds banks wiped of stuff- no mail yet, doubt i ever will, someone in blizz is laughing at us i sense


Ah yes Friday evening, the best time to deliver horrible news. Every aspect of how this this issue was approached, communicated over and handled has been a complete circus. Think twice before you preorder anything again from this company. I’m not saying this because of suffering a personal loss, but because there were other, equally or more egregious cases of data loss with other parts of the game which no one had taken serious MONTHS IN ADVANCE.

And the only reason no one did anything about it or took any kind of precautions in preparation of a possible future incident is because affected players couldn’t band together to form a critical mass of 3000 combined replies over two regions. If I were to make a GDPR request I would see tons of irrelevant data, possibly even a copy of my personal 3am erotic roleplay chat while drunk from 10 years ago, but somehow we are to believe there is no backup logs for contents of the bank?

“But they don’t store information for that long”


You guys actually got some stuff back?
out of 20 of my guild tabs, i got ZERO items in my mailbox.


I just received 14 mails with 1 recovered item in each mail.
I thought it was just the first wave, but no more email has come.
I can still see the deposit logs in my guildbank that proves items was there, and none of these has been recovered. I’m I to belive that Blizzard cannot recover these?

I use the addon ‘Guild Bank Snapshot’ and I have exported the log list to excel that proves all items deposited and that they have never been withdrawn.


This issue is doing little for my inherent anxiety; my main G(uild )B(ank) Tab 1 is empty (to me) and I am extremely paranoid about putting anything IN said Tab in case it, too, disappears… or gets “over-written” by whatever form the resolution takes.

I would personally prefer that anything “restored” be sent to my Guild Leader character to handle, rather than auto-magically reappear as if nothing had happened.

Most, if not all, of what was in that Tab was Dragonflight reagents (as seems to be the new way to refer to Trade Goods) & some of my characters are still sub-L60 with the need to level professions that require them.

I look forward to the day I can fully utilise that Guild Bank again… rather than having to disable the Tab, which I now feel I may have to do.


This is exactly how they are returning whatever items can be recovered from your guild banks.

Sadly, it is apparent that for most people no mail received yet, and those that have, are getting single item emails that aren’t necessarily even full stacks. If they can load up character boost emails how are they not doing the same here?

This whole situation is an example of Blizzards incompetence, or contempt for players - if not both.

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My daughter is still checking her mailbox - zero! I haven’t looked at any of my Alto Banks. I don’t want to be upset anymore. I went to play Classic. Then I’ll decide what to do with the game. My daughter said she’ll wait a bit and then delete the game.

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As this is the Guild Master for the Guild that @Eighjan in post 534 is referring to, I can confirm that THREE items (read: individual Tab slots) have been returned; I have no way to reconcile whether the entirety of the GB Tab in question will have been returned, so my faith over this issue is severely compromised.

I’ll check this characters’ mail more frequently, to see what further progress is made… but it will not be an issue easily forgotten…

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Thanks for that, I made screenshots of my logs today but the moment I read your message I got the add-on and made a snapshot. As its easy to export.

So far 0 mails. Don’t know if that should soothe me or make me more anxious that its taking longer.

Either I might get more back or I get nothing back.

How in the hell do they think this is an acceptable way to treat us.

They probably need a reminder:
Cause this ain’t that.


Re blue post 495 in this thread: Many thousands of items (including stacks) were taken from our guild bank, Renascence, Vek’nilash. Now more than 4 weeks after Blizz were first warned this was happening on an industrial scale… as Guild Leader i have received one stack of feral hide drums x 200… one stack, really Blizzard ?


98 Netherweave cloth, beat that!

6 tabs full of items just vanished, I am just glad the Gbank wasn´t bigger, else I would have put more stuff in there.

I lost so many transmog items, herbs, leather, cloth, lockboxes… But I also lost my trust into this company. They treat their loyal customers like crap, seriously since WC 1 I am with you guys, bought all the games you made and did run tons of Alpha / Beta tests for WOW…

It all seems so stupid now.

I am just glad that I have grown out of gaming, it´s just a silly waste of time now for me, here an hour there another, but people that are still glued to this game with their heart, I so feel sorry for you guys.

My loss is insignificant compared to yours.