Guild Bank items gone

It’s sad, but in our situation it’s quite fair.

I got 229 frostweave cloth. I guess I could make a ginormous frostweave t-shirt saying “been playing WoW for 20 years and all I got is this ginormous frostweave t-shirt”


I received some of my stuff back, only crafted items, but not even all from those. But no transmogs and no proff materials :frowning: Hopefully will recieve them back soon. Nothing special for me, will not cry for these items, but I saw all your posts. Keep my fingers crossed for those who had collected stuff and kept old things from old expansions. <3
I am glad I got back at least a portion of what I crafted before the expension went live. Tho it ruined the start a bit, I wanted to level alts in the first few weeks and packed my Gbank mostly with useful stuff for them. Instead I went to play BG3 for 2-3 weeks because got angry and sad at this Gbank situation.

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I’m done, me and my partner have had our guild bank wiped completely, we got nothing returned and there is no talk of any compensation coming
I have already cancelled renewal of my six month subscription in November, so I guess that’s 15 years of playing WOW down the drain
I appreciate that you, Felranys, have done your best to keep us updated, but the update is worth nothing, since we have been lied to about “we can still see all the items in your bank” and now a few people have had insulting restoration of insignificant items, we have received NOTHING, but to me it’s better than a stack of linen cloth
IF there is compensation, I MAY continue to play, but if you give me nothing, that’s it
It’s a shame really as this expansion was enjoyable, but if I cannot trust basic game utilities any longer, never mind not be able to trust anything Blizzard tell us, I cannot be bothered to waste my time
I shall go back to playing BG3 until I see if any REAL resolution is provided and, if not, it’s the end for me


I got absolutely nothing back. It’s a shame after all these years.


Literally unacceptable. What the hell are you doing over there?


So i had to go check cause i remember seeing in the log what was deleted from the guildbank, and sure enough, it says right there some of the stuff that was deleted, but i did not get any of these items mentioned in the log back

imgur. com/a/P5FT4sM

So i wonder how that happens? the guildbank log can show what was deposited but not taken out, that is now no longer in the bank? and yet blizzard cannot restore these items?


I had a look on Wowhead’s twitter account and Blizzard.

Wowhead: Didn’t post that article on Twitter. Strange no? They usually post their articles there, especially if it contains Blue responses.

Blizzard: Didn’t see them post about the issue either. I haven’t checked all their accounts (they have a gazillion) but yeah… everyone seems to do their hardest to surpress this issue. Is it just coincidence? Don’t know.

I don’t follow any streamers/tubers so can’t say if they made an effort to bring this up. One would think the drama reporters would have a field day with this… but can’t say I’ve heard anything and usually I would at least hear it from someone else bringing up the drama.


Yeah, everyone can see their log… Blizzard seems to be the only one struggling to see it. Or at least they are trying to make it look like that…


My guild bank was affected too. All items in 6 tabs lost, roughly 480 items lost, many of them stacks.
I am on EU-Anachronos, guild named Homeland Security.

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Did anyone get stuff from DF back? Seems like items returned are from long, long time ago. They also said they could see what was in our banks. Why can’t we have all of our stuff back? Very disappointing.


It´s actually pretty common that the media and “influencers” remain silent to not lose their benefits.

In theory a multi billion dollar company losing data of their customers is a huge deal, as it shows how unsafe virtual Data actually is and that they could not just lose our items, but the entire characters.

Imagine this happening to a bank, all the money is just poof from one day to another. No compensation given, as nobody knows who had what on the bank.

This would blow up, but since it´s just a video game, it does not, yet it shows the danger of virtual data pretty clear and would make a decent topic for a journalist that cares about his job.

We have witnessed a real threat to society in the 21th century where we store everything, from money to insurences on harddrives. We are playing with fire every day and I guess, many have not realized that.

I always said, the next economic crysis is not health related, not immigration, or a war, it´s the loss of our virtual “identity” stored in some storage facility that goes boom.


Secret TWW event from MS Blizzard - “Xal’atath stole things from the guild bank”


Having just gone to my alts guild bank used for storage and discovered everything gone I put in a ticket not knowing it was a huge issue as I don’t check the forums often.
After reading the thread not hopeful of getting any off it back.
Was having great fun from The War Within now I don’t even want to log in.


There is also no information anywhere that even one hardcord or semi-hardcore guild suffered! Doesn’t anyone find this a little strange? That is, all the known top guilds are fine.


Someone posted on one of the US forum threads about this:


5 tabs filled with Darkmoon stuff, old reagents, pets, BoEs → nothing so far.


I am really really really upset (to use a “friendly” word) - so far, after MORE than FOUR WEEKS of YOUR ERROR DELETING OUR HARD-EARNED THINGS, you dared to send me four things? Is that ALL you can see that got deleted? If yes I think you need to go to the next doctor, you may have a cataract.

Too bad this is not real life. And you guys at blizzard hide behind silence and “our team is still at work bringing your items back”.


Yeah, I’m pretty used of the majority being silent out of fear for their benefits.

But that the drama ones can pass such a juicy story for them… feels odd.

That being said, I have been disappointed of people. They probably know who and why. Many seem to feel this issue is radioactive.

I know I’m a bit of a whiner on this issue… but I feel plenty people don’t grasp the severity of this clustertruck.


Let’s call this thread what it is:

Blizzard’s complete erosion of our trust, and loyalty. It is a betrayal, pure and simple, and how they are handling it is beyond acceptable in any way or form - and the quality of the resolution is nowhere near what is required considering how aggrieved many of us feel as a result of this calamitous handling of in-game data.

I simply don’t trust them to do anything with the data in this game correctly again. Imagine if this had happened with a maintenance script after a character level or stat squish?