Guild Bank items gone

Just saw all the other guild banks and just this one on the zeros om 6 of the 7 tabs, man this gives again the feeling of quit playing the game… this kind of bugs are not normal for people that spent years collecting all stuff for when we need them you have them…

Man thats realy a pain in the soul


I tried to add an item and closed the bank window and relog. the new item was there that I had added but everything else was not there

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My friends have the same story. Randomly, some people lost all their things, others, like me. Out of 10 Twinko guilds, only three items were missing from the banks, the rest were all in place.

I am in the same boat as everyone else.
Can Blizzard just disable guild banks at this point, please, as I don’t want to risk accidentally putting something in my guild bank and taking a slot of an “invisible” disappeared stuff.

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In my guild bank, on the other hand, only DF items are present (recent deposits of herbs and ore), and all old world items are missing.


Having the same issue.

Last night I deposit personal guild bank full of consumables and crafting materials to access trough out all my characters. This morning everything was gone. Logs show only some of the deposited items and nothing withdrawn.

I have deposited new items since to see if this problem will reoccur. Withdrawn log works as well with new items.

I think the best thing to do is just do not move, remove or deposit anything until this is fixed (hopefully).
I wonder what percentage of people have been affected so far as I have posted in several discords about it this morning and no-one has had it happen to them. There is also no in-game chat about it that I have seen either.
I would also like to say thank you to the devs who are working on it. It cannot be easy when the core of the game is 20 years old. It took ages for them to find the backpack code in order to add 2 slots to it.
Also thank you Felranys for keeping us updated.


I just had problems (for now, and ope just) this guild and we sometimes forget how long the game has been running nad how extense it is, and something has simple that we think is, can me a mindbendig stuff, there are still buggs that are not fixed because if you fix it it will bugg the zone, so has annoying that that his its better to call a GM, in this case i think that the code may be in conflict with the new stuff mingled with old suff.

Thanks to all that are helping and to those that keeps us on the loop :slight_smile:

Just wanted to add 1 more to the list: my personal guild bank with all the 7 tabs and 100s of items in them are missing. Server: Karazhan-EU. GM told me they are aware of the issue already after the 14th of August and well, we can only wait now :frowning:

Weirdly enough, my alliance guild vault is fine (Realm: Eonar-EU)

1 more to the list - tab 1/2/3 wiped (Aggra)


Also having the same issue - tabs 1, 2 & 3 completely wiped and tab 4 missing about half of what was stored there. (Magtheridon-EU)

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Just thinking (okay typing) out loud - but are the missing items dragonflight , legacy or both?
Is it anything to do with moving items cross-faction?
Not just the item but the tab it came from being affected?

In our case it’s a complete mixture of DF & legacy crafting materials - specifically tabs 2 & 3 (now empty) were both almost full with stacks of leather/cloth/ore/ingots ranging across all expansions. Tab 4 is the same set-up, but for cooking mats and only ~half of them have disappeared - again a mixture of DF & legacy. Stuff will have been deposited by characters from either faction, but that also applies to tabs 5, 6 & 7, which seem to be unaffected :crossed_fingers:

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Just like to say that I am having the same issue on Argent Dawn EU, I submitted a ticket yesterday, but still no luck in this getting fixed.
Gems, meat, fish, cloth, pets all gone.

My guildbank (Drarnor Horde EU) was totally stocked with recipes and pets. Only on tab 1 there are some scattered recipes. All other tabs are totally empty!
My guildbank logs show that I deposited all my stuff and did not withdraw it.
This happened after the latest patches. I stocked my guildbank just before prepatch went active.
I submitted a ticket.


Same issue. Heart of Kandrakar on Outland.
Tabs 1-8 were full and only tab 1 has some scattered items left. Everything else is gone… Years of collecting erased…

The problem itself is described in the topic title. Today I logged into the game and saw that my two guild banks were completely empty. There was not a single item on any tab. The bank logs were fine - no one except me had taken anything from the banks. I tried deleting the cache, WTF, interface settings and all addons - this did not give any results.


Same issu here

Two guild banks on my account are also affected. I have the feeling that only items I reorganized or newly deposited on the day they disappeared have gone missing.
Items for which I didn’t change either the bank slot or position are, to my knowledge, still there. (I could be wrong, though.)

I hope the bug gets fixed quickly – there were many items, some of which were multiple years old.