Guild Bank items gone

I log on but don’t feel like playing any more.
What’s the point of asking for transmo, toys, mascots or mounts? Blizzard/Microsoft can lose them and do nothing about it!


Our situation is even worse. For a long time we paid for the game with tokens on RU servers. For us, this is the only official and legal way. Many paid for the game for several months, and this is not a subscription that can be canceled by loudly slamming the door. But this is what my daughter did, being a GM since 2010 on the Death Guard server, having lost all the property accumulated over so many years, she simply deleted the Game completely two days ago. That’s why I am writing here and on her behalf too. My characters on this server are in this Guild, so this is my headache too.


It’s sad when you end up destroying your characters.
They have no respect for us.


So i got a “not normal” answer to my ticket… but at least not a copie past of many we all have seen

Hello there Ricardo,
Game Master Piryomthis here.

My apologies for not having appeared much sooner upon your summons. We have been experiencing a larger than usual tickets in queue for ours games, but we wish to come to the rescue and help all of our players. I shall address your request now.

So in regards to your ticket: I understand that you are missing several items. I know how important this is so I will provide the necessary information to you in regards to this topic.

Taking a closer look at your request, I can confirm that we have been receiving reports of this not working as intended. I personally know how this feels as this has happened to me recently. However, we currently do not have any workaround to provide here, so we are unable to assist here. Keep in mind that Customer Support is unable to correct this but it is being investigated

Please report this as a bug in the in-game menu. That is the best way to get this fixed as this report is sent directly to the Development team. Keep in mind that you will not receive a response from this incident but I can assure you that it is being reviewed.

If you are interested, I suggest for you to report this through our forums in order for this situation to get more visibility. I will provide a link below:

I completely understand that this isn’t the answer you were hoping for but, despite this, should you have any more concerns or questions, please do not hesitate in contacting us.

Game Master Piryomthis
Blizzard Customer Support

I’ve not changed or made “hidden” the GM name because of the way the ticket was adressed, i hape people like him are in the developers “side”


Yeap no mail, no proper response from GM’s and no proper coverage yet.

KEEP this thread alive!


Support, despite the fact that it suffered greatly from layoffs, still tries to work. Health to their hands!


I have one ‘bank guild’ (actually my family member is the GM). We got a full delete across all 7 tabs (stuff from TBC onwards, also loads of crafting materials, loads of Dragonflight stuff);

A few days after the ‘fix’ was announced, they logged in with their GM character. No mail restoration at all.

Also, their personal bank was absolutely empty too (on their GM character). They haven’t been hacked either. I have seen one other post where this happened to someone (personal bank gets deleted along with guild bank for which they are GM).

This, combined with the fact that the guild bank issues started with ‘immovable / bugged’ objects before the wipes, makes things like this:

particularly concerning.

I’ve also seen a thread where someone’s main got deleted due to a server disconnect when taking off (in TWW). Logged back in, and that character was ‘gone’.

A thought on this all : if writing a server for an MMO, how do you handle ‘illogical data’?. If a player does something that ‘is not possible’, they get disconnected.

One way to deal with ‘data corruption’ in a live server, without crashing the entire server, would be to ‘zero’ anything that is ‘corrupted’. Not sure how WoW servers work, but we are seeing ‘vanishing’ of guild banks, warband banks, personal banks, guild reputation, guild achievements, personal achievements, reputation, honour, and pretty much everything.

What would be good from a dev point of view would be to mark corrupted data with an ‘ignore’ flag. I would much rather my guild bank, or achievements, ‘freeze’, and become greyed out, rather than insta-vanishing.

From a dev point of view, using such a flag would allow fixes to be applied much more easily (no data is lost … if server thinks something is corrupt, it just ‘freezes’ it pending an update from the dev team. Imagine if our guild banks had gone grey (with an option to manually ‘erase’ any greyed-out items you want to, so the bank remains useable in the interim).

I would be much happier to be sitting on a greyed out guild bank, waiting for a fix, using a few slots I manually cleared in the meantime.

Anyway that is how I would design (or update the code for) an MMO.

Such a flag would only use one binary ‘bit’ per object…


I got the same answer this morning.
I couldn’t reply on the topic with my other character, because I’m limited to 3 replies now! You too?

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Another week has passed. And I still haven’t received a single letter with compensation for the wipe of two guild banks. I continue to wait.


They know what was lost. They have the backups. They do not want to dig through the data to restore what was lost compared to what is there now.

I am a CompTIA certified A+ tech. When it comes to computers and data i am not stupid. I am totally stupid on other things. That is how we are . Smart in some things and stupid in others. They cant fool me. They have the capability to restore items. This would take some work. Serious work on a data base building custom scripts to get that data out of the data base tables. IT can be done.

They messed this up when their own database ballooned from 60k tables to over 10 million tables. That is some database. I bet they did not do that now since the only way to fix this in the interim is with hardware. Throw hardware at it to hold and process the biggest data base i have ever seen. 10.000.000 tables of data. Nuts. No wonder the AH crashed. The hardware they did have allocated was not enough.

My guess is they do not care about their reputation one iota. The money keeps rolling in so screw the customer.

This is pretty bad. Losing your customers data and expecting them to keep paying after you slap them in the face like that.

They want us and our problem to go away as quietly as possible.

Our guild lost everything in the guild bank. This guild of which i am a part of started in the late 2000;s and is one of if not the oldest guild on our server.


If blizzard were an actual bank there would be a run on the bank by people who have the paperwork to prove that they have money there. They would also go under and cease to function after losing all customer data like that. Then the FED’s would come knocking and heads would roll.

Blizzard at this point in time cannot be trusted to hold data. They have proven that they are incapable of starting backup up procedures, holding back ups or even restoring back ups.

Any backup gnome, yes, they are called back up gnomes, funny enough, worth their salt would have multiple back ups so not to rely on a single point of failure.

The failure on blizzard here is huge. Huge. They made a laughing stock of themselves in the IT world. How can you lose customers data like that? Frankly only idiots do that.


Deleted the post, just now looked with another char and showed empty.


Good morning,

This topic seems to be going around in circles, so we’re going to close this thread.

There is no doubt that entire ordeal has been frustrating from beginning to end. From having to wait for the original correction to this issue, to how long it took for the ultimate disappointing resolution where many did not receive much of anything back at all. We can only say that we absolutely wish the outcome could be different and that was the goal. We never want players to distrust the systems that are in place meant to save what you and your guild have worked for. These situations are extremely rare, and hopefully we’ll not see them happen again.

If you have feedback, please provide your comments in the relevant thread in General Discussion. Alternatively, you can use the Submit a Suggestion option found in the Support interface in-game.