Guild Bank items gone

Where did you see confirmation that some got all? I haven’t yet seen anyone confirming a fully restored guild bank.

Like many, My guilds lost whole tabs of items and have had nothing returned. It’s an absolute fiasco and very disappointing.

TLDR: It all comes down to money!

I believe someone/some probably lost their job over this.

I believe that all the various communication outlets were told to not talk about it , I mean what a massive stain on the release of the new expansion that would be.

I fully believe what we were told when they said they can see our stuff, and I believe they could restore all our stuff IF they were allowed to…but imagine the work hours that would take, It could take a single person, even a team of people months to sift through all our guilds, and then would they only check guilds that have reported things missing or would they have to check every single guild bank ?

I honestly believe that whoever works on fixing things like this have been told ," NO ". They are probably forced to work on the next thing that will bring in the money, and restoring peoples guild banks isn’t it.

It truly is a very sad state of affairs :frowning:


Well i have hoped and expecting that i was getting some items back, like most of us, but indeed not even one tiny bit of resource, a item, a appolgy or something else that will ease the pain, i lost 5 tabs with all full lockers with 1 - 200 items each, (i don’t truely care about the money it should have cost my to safe it, but to replace the items i need again hours of farming, to get stacks of 200 herb, skins, fish, food or mines take hours or days to farm, to buy them in current economy it will cost my 10000’s or more so yeah it hurts that they leave us all in the dark and like many say give us the finger), very dissapointing and extreme annoying, so maybe a quit and delete will bein play if else will go wrog badly, but for now (also due to resent spending by buying the new chapter) i keep playing but with a hole in my heart, and it stays open and hurting.
A truely mend sorry from Blizzard or some compansation will make it much easier to bare.


Personally I think that if what we were told was true (a big IF these days), then they knew which guilds had been affected. Therefore there must have been some easy way of identifying these guilds. They said at the time that those affected did not need to raise tickets, as Blizzard could identify them.

They said we didn’t need to raise tickets about the missing items because they knew what had been affected.

If both of those things are true, then there must have been an automated way to solve the issue. I mean back in the day if someone hacked an account and nicked a load of stuff out of your guild bank - blizzard could just send it back to you en-masse in the mail (and not one item per mail).

Sure it might have required someone writing a bit of code to do it automatically, but I can’t imagine for one minute that a company this big would have someone sit there and individually add each item to the mail box - that would be mad, right?


Not fixing it - has seemingly cut off some proportion (no matter how small that may be) of their existing income with the unsubs that people are saying this has induced.

Had I not got until 5/8/2025 left on a 12month that they won’t refund I’d be gone. My second and third account are both out of time.

I haven’t and won’t be buying any more store items, and didn’t buy Diablo IV expac because of this.

Further, I haven’t done a race or faction change either because of this - but I don’t expect them to be monitoring those trends because things like Remix/pre-patch event made the need for faction/race changes negligible because of the ease of levelling - so they’re clouding their metrics there.

Equally, I’m curious whether they have analysis of Bnet accounts that have a history of buying Diablo Expacs / WoW Store items and services that have suddenly stopped since this occurred - if not then the bean-counters are focussing on the wrong cost center and are hurting themselves by not seeing the bigger picture.

Blizzards executive leadership (not Microsoft because it’s a business unit) needs to start paying this some heed, but probably won’t because this is just one of their products, unless they can see a proper reputational damage arising from this - that has significant impact on their other products/games - but the damage control machinery already appears to have won that battle outside of Blizzard controlled spaces, and is doing a good job of ignoring/supressing us in those they do control.


How many times must i ASK FOR MY ITEMS TO BE RESTORED in my guild bank.

I have been patient ive made tickets for the last 2 months now and nothing has happened not even a response to the issue. You guys either dont care or cannot be bothered. There is no phone line anymore to even talk to REAL PERSON.

Sort it out this isnt the Blizzard i remember.


Well you can stop asking then.

Looks like some of the data was lost and you likely won’t get everything back.

You can get mad, you can quit if you’d like, but you can’t change the fact that what’s lost is lost.

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I think some people on this post or in Guild Bank Missing Items Update - #170 by Hatalii-aggramar this one have read on outside forums

and the US forum equivalent threads - both those that are open, and the ones that were closed.

Pretty much anything on other outlets is finding its way to these threads/forums.

And it is people already aware of the issue and in those threads that have found it, because presumably they were actively looking for outside coverage of it.

That said, I don’t know to what extent people are finding their way to these forums as a result of seeing it externally first. (which is what I think you [Gumbear] are saying is possibly happening).

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I’ve only seen one mention of someone getting “all” back, and this was one post by someone who had been told that a guildmate/friend had played some wow content with a streamer, who mentioned they’d gotten everything restored after 2 days of it being missing.


Please all refer to my post 666/690.
It is plain that Blizzard intend to to do NOTHING re STOLEN items… and I DO mean thousands of items stolen from our guild bank alone (including stacks). This is a MONUMENTAL data loss, affecting Millions of Blizzard customers worldwide. Still Blizzard pretend ‘only a few items lost’ … Here is bottom line. Blizzard have now stated that they cannot restore any ‘more’ items because the have no record of it… I am an old retired IT Network Infrastructure Manager… You cannot have it both ways Blizzard/Microsoft, either you do know what was lost, cos you have industry recognised backups…in which case get on with full restoration for all.
OR your are completely clueless… and therefor have no basis for statement ‘only a few items lost’


“Just a few” is Blizzard’s favorite wording all the time. All servers will be down, they will write in the message that they are aware that “some players” are having trouble logging into the game!


Again, Very True !

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disingenuous is their middle name.

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Bugged them on twitter again, some of the bigger players at Blizz… Holly, Metzen, PR dude, Ion, Some lead producer and a few Blizzard accounts.

I’m expecting being ignored again, so they can tell at their next release: how they listened to their players again or how they need to do better on that.

Nike has a slogan for that: Just do it!

(They all have their part in this issue, even if indirectly)


Is the company planning to do anything further with the restoration of items from the Guild Bank or is this the final “Problem solved”???

In my guild, absolutely all items from the bank have disappeared. And there were no letters with restored items. Game support is powerless and not interested in doing anything.

Please do not let this slide!


If this issue has affected you and you are still subbed, then they have gotten away with it.


I had a 12-month renewable subscription. Because I loved playing WOW. It’s been 3 days now and I’m not enjoying it at all. Why not? Lose something else. I’m quitting. Because all they understand is the sound of money!


Yes, but there is the caveat that there are some of us - whom you could label Blizzards most loyal customers - that are on a 12month sub from just prior to TWW dropping, who are now just playing out our time.

I’m in that group, but my account does not have an ongoing sub beyond early August 2025 - so they kinda already have.


I have already cancelled my subscription renewal, but now I want a refund for War Within, I am looking into submitting a chargeback for the cost, if enough of us did this, they would have to act