Guild Bank items gone

Before my entire guild bank items vanished, I had also tried to retrieve them with another character that was in another account and realm. When I was right clicking on the item, I was receiving “Internal Bag Error” message. But I didn’t right click my entire guild bank, just a few items.

My items have gone missing as well.

Im missing items from 2 separate guild banks, tabs are empty. Only chars in these guilds are mine.
Theres no withdrawels or anything that I didnt do my self and yet this morning, some tabs were completely blank ( yesterday all filled ) and other tabs, that were also full, had clusters of empty spaces.
I saw a reply that asked if there had been any re-arranging of wow folders, cache clearing etc. I’ve done nothing like that.
Tried all the usual with relogs, disabling ui etc etc. Nothing has worked and I have no idea how to begin to sum up which items are gone and how many there was.

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Many items in my Guildbank are gone too. Its a Family Guild. 50% of the items of tab 1 are missing. Tab 2 and 3 are empty. Only tab 4, 5 and 6 looks normal. No log information

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The same thing happened to me. So I contacted support and the only answer I got so far was to restore the items. Feels like all my progress is gone in a second.

I wonder if it has something to do with Warbands, because the guild was created just for me and all my characters.

I also noticed that stacking items did not work moments before this happened.

I’ve already reached my limit of item restorations lately. And let them fix their own mistakes, and not shift everything onto the affected players. This is not some local problem. I found a topic on the US forum, which already has almost 300 posts complaining about a similar problem. This is definitely a bug in the game itself.

P.S. Although I just checked. My recovery limit has not been exhausted yet, but the items from the guild banks are not on the list for recovery. I assume that they are most likely listed among the items in the bank, but are not displayed due to an error.

P.P.S. Main topic on EU:

a hole page in my guild bank is emptied, it was almost full off stuff, i’m the only one in the guild with two alts, so this is so weird.

The same problem. All items on all tabs in two guild banks at once were reset: my personal and the general guild one.

Add me to the list, personal guild bank i empty.

Yesterday the entire contents of our guild bank in tabs 2-6 had been removed with most stuff also removed from tab 1. This morning it is even worse as all items have now been removed from tabs 7 and 8 . There are NO removals shown in the log. Guild Renascence, Veknilash on EU

One more reporting.
Guild-Sociopathy Realm-Shadowsong EU

Guild Tempest Inferno (New-ish guild) all items also missing. Gold is still there, can’t be withdrawn, but all items are missing.

Same here. A full tab with thousands of mats gone, plus other tabs missing stuff. Item rest as a solution is a joke right? How can players do that when they lost thousands of items? The US forum is full with complaints so I am sure they will look into it soon enough.
Another bug added to the problem with the new exp starting in a week?

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I have had a Guild bank completely wiped but it was one I forgot to look at until 11pm last night.

Several years ago I moved realms from a low to high popn realm with a group of friends. I used ingame gold/token to pay for 2 chrs and a personal guild bank.
The original guild bank was left behind as it had my AH chr on it with a couple of tabs.
My only activity on this realm was to go to the garrisons once a week to check for the “Eldritch Horror” mission quest for the Medallions of the Legion.

I did a massive sort out the week before and the week when the warbanks came out and moved items to this bank for the first time in years.
Last night at 11pm the logs showed the last activity was 12 days ago. This morning the logs seem intact but show 14 days ago. 2 days in 12 hours - hmmm
The items were mostly pet cages and medallions and all were WoD or previous xpacs.

I lost little, not like 5 haunted mementos I think someone has lost - gulp
It has destroyed my faith in Guild banks though as the guild bank code is probably very old and hard to update with all the new cross realm and faction changes.

Sorry for the tltr but I just needed to add any info I can although there does seem to be no rhyme or reason to this mess.


same here, 1 bank tab still had contents, 6 guild bank tabs were completely empty.
I tried customer support ticket and got a generic response saying we are busy, try the forums. did this solve you issue.
Not a great response, must be automated as guild bank still empty


Our first tab of guild bank is almost empty and 2nd tab is completely empty. Both were full previously and nothing in the log to account for changes. Massive thread on the US bug forum about this as others have previously mentioned.

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I also watched it now, a lot of people write about this problem. But I would like to hear some blizzards!

i expect they will eventulley say sorry we cant restore your stuff!

Before each expansion I condense down what mats I have stored into the personal guild banks I have. Over the years I have amassed a large amount of stuff. I checked one of said guild banks to find 6 out 7 tabs completely empty.
On another guild bank char I can’t add the same mats to what’s already in there, nor can I take them out. Bizarre and perplexing, I do hope they can sort the problem.

Im guessing the lack of blue replies means they either dont yet know how to fix it or do know how but are thinking about the best way to deal with it, since some people may have now put items into the empty slots. What is more worrying is that some of the posts reporting the problem go back 2 days already and you would think by now they would have worked out a fix.

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