Guild Bank items gone

No no no, I refuse to accept this possibility.

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So i turn on the launcher and strangely wow made a little update, went in and all the same, the guild on this char the same, 6 ou the 7 tabs are still empty, the other guilds i have nothing (for now) has vanished. So i think its has someone said earlier, they know how to fix, but people put stuff to “try” and everything is on the fence or the problem is a pain -.-

I think it’s a minority of players that are affected and affects personal guild banks more frequently than actual “guild” guild banks.
I hope people get their items back and/or get compensated but if there are only a few of us the “Suits” at the top will not be particularly concerned BUT this is serious and unless resolved the use of Guild banks may become too risky as if the problem is not solved it has not gone away and could become much, much worse.
What if a top Raiding Guild gets affected and has no foods and potions for a raid later on in the war within.
Every piece of newly added Guild Bank code could break something deep in the 20 year old Engine. Guild banks came out late 2007 in patch 2.3, so that is 17 year old code.

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Hello everyone, what is the problem for Blizzard in simply restoring the last backup?? Every PC user, even the smallest, is asked to back up their data regularly! Is Blizzard above these things? If the guild banks cannot be restored, it will represent an immense loss of prestige! The trust of millions of users worldwide in Blizzard games will be permanently damaged! I suspect that the backups on the company’s banks are active and regularly updated! It’s unthinkable that the many millions of gamers should simply disappear like the things in our guild banks! FINALLY DO SOMETHING!!!


Same here 14 years of gathering all kinda stuff(personal family guild, only one left playing)
The bugs that follow every expansion has me dropping WoW almost every time, but i keep coming back


Me too. 7 tabs full with different reagents. All gone, no logs.

So, my bank alts’ guild that I had on The Sha’tar, I am missing Lightforge Gauntlets & Belt, (luckily bracers are still there) and my 2nd Bank Tab seems to have been cleared entirely too. It was jus filled with random stuff from TBC and WotLK - gear, reagents, etc. I also have a mix of spaces in my other tabs where gear was, but no longer is. To the best of my knowledge all 6 tabs were full

5 of 6 Guildbanks of my divers Chars are Empty, and the all active Guilds

My mains’ guild (the one on my profile) on Magtheridon, all 6 tabs are completely empty also, and my DI Shamans’ guild is also completely clear - including Tab 7 which was filled to the brim of alcohol.

Same here. On Bronze Dragonflight, one tab looks ok, 2 have random bits missing and 4 tabs empty. Missing items not limited to any expansion or time in bank or who put them there.
Can put items in and they show up across logins and characters but they appear where other things should be (items deposited should have stacked on items that should have been in bank).

I check my 22 guild banks now and they are 99% empty. This is a shame.
I lost TGC mounts and pets, unobtainable items like Memento and Wartorn Plate Scrap from Naxxramas 40, BoE, transmog, toys, crafted items, thousands of mats from 20 years of WoW. I lost >100M of golds. I don’t need another full bugged and useless expansion, I need that new content is released when free of bugs. This is the end of WOW.


Got a response from tech support. They said that the developers are aware of the problem, but there is no solution yet. From their side (from tech support) they cannot help in any way. They asked to send a ticket about the error and wait for a solution from the developers.

P.S. Actually, I received approximately the same answer, only in russian.


I recieved an e-mail reply from a GM this morning:

Your ticket has received the following response:

Hello, game master Arcaxenosi here, thanks for contacting us!

Apologies for taking a bit longer than normal to respond.

I completely understand the frustration over the missing Guild bank items, especially if you are missing lots of materials or if the items are really old.

This is currently under investigation by the developer team and our QA.

Blizzard Support

Items Missing from Guild Bank

What to do if the items deposited in your guild bank are missing.

Make sure that you provide this feedback via a bug report, in-game or via the official forums.

Please accept my apologies for this issue, it will be looked into, as soon as possible.

I hope this answers your ticket.

Such bugs shouldn’t exist. I lost 95% of my guild banks items. 5 days passed and still no fix. TWW will be very funny…


Same problem here.

I sent a ticket and they told me that it might be an UI problem. So I tried everything they told me and I still have the same issue, I still mising all the items. In case I still have the same issues, they told me to report the bug so they get it.

The idea of thinking that we might have lost everything is something scares me, and rages me at the same time. I really hope they get a good solution, even if it needs some more days…

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Same issue here. Nagrand - EU. three tabs empty from the guild bank. It’s a family guild, so no one has taken anything.

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Same problem here.

Yesterday i wasn’t able to withdraw items, and today almost everything is gone.

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Hi all! I have the same problem. The first Gvault tab contains items while the other 6 nothing.

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Same with ours … I thought we had been hacked as even my GM personal Tab was empty … This guild is over 16 years old, we had some amazing classic goodies , recipes, etc stored in there. My tab was full of rare pets and little mailed notes from when my Son played as a child … so some personal memories have been wiped for me … i’m totally gutted :frowning:

Every single Tab is empty … the Gold remains .

It’s soul destroying especially as we’re a maxed Guild with active members …


I checked mine earlier today and as far as I can tell, nothing lost.
Last activity about a month ago.
Realms: Hellfire and Terenas.

It could be related to distributed storage affecting specific banks, or specific items (I mostly have old stuff) bugging out, or some sort of a backup-restore messing with fresh deposits (when the inventory and the items do not match).

A bit scary though because the typical argument in favour of playing retail over some random server is reliability - which already isn’t quite true in terms of content, but now this. Hopefully they find the lost bits.

I’m reading about lost items in guild banks (i dont know if something went lost by my guild bank), but I have another problem.

I can’t withdraw or move stored items from guild tab 1, 2 and 3. I can add and withdraw again “new items” into those tabs but old stored items doesn’t work.

Funny thing guild tab 4 til 6 function as intended.

Its kinda sad because I had reorganized my guild bank after a long break from wow and want to prepare for tww. Now I have an expensive gallery instead a storage space since last patch. :thinking:

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