Guild Bank items gone

I would avoid using the Guild bank at all for the moment and best not to even move things about.
This is for 2 reasons. Firstly these actions may cause further losses , and secondly, if there is an attempt at restoration you may lose items deposited since the last weekly update when I believe this all started to happen.

As for ppl trying to cheat the system (and other honest players), by moving stuff out and claiming a loss I would be very surprised if there were not past transaction logs of some kind where high value items like a Haunted Memento could be tracked.
Really, really sorry for the ppl who have lost millions and also sometimes memories.
Hope this can be restored.

However, as soon as a fix arrives I will most likely access my Guild banks and remove all high value items and then slowly move out other items, like legacy mats when I have time and chr bank space. Bags are cheap nowadays


In my “case” i’ve lost all the will to play… i just enter the game go see the banks and log of…

Yap it seams something stupid… but i got nice memories of farming with a late ex-girlfriend… so its sad too…


I’m sure they do backups and can roll it all back … but it would probably involve a full roll back. So all those millions of people/characters that have done stuff in the intervening days … all that will be lost. There is no point in rolling it back until they can work out what caused it, and fix it (or it will happen again), and the longer it takes for them to do that, the less likely they will be to roll anything back. I’d imagine we’re past that now. All we can hope is they can go back into a database and extract the data for guild vaults, compare that with the guild vault logs, and replace anything that hasn’t actually been withdrawn.


That’s right, the last days since 8/14/24 would no longer be there. But how is that compared to the items that have been stored for decades (in my case, 13 years since 2011), some of which can no longer be collected? That seems to me to be the greater loss! In any case, this incident has almost irreparably destroyed my trust in the security of WoW! All of this ruins my anticipation of a TWW that seems to have been prepared far too early! :angry:


I’m sorry for your real loss. Hope for you they sort this out.


Indeed… when what have the last 2 weeks really amounted to for the majority of players… just a long series of bugs and stuff that does not even work… its just been an exercise in frustration and waste time for most players… like a very very badly executed beta… but one we have to pay to use LMAO.

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Yeah that’s true. The main thing is that the subscription payment system and the item shops work smoothly

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Yes ofc… and screw the custards ( There used to be a definition in Blizzard of what a Customer actually was = our salary payers. Now it seems more like we are just custards, regarded as something between a customer and a bastard = either way no need to bother with)

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Same here my personal guild bank, 2 tabs were fully wiped off items …

Same here. Guild bank, my personal one, not completely but lots is wiped. Please restore.

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Same here all gone


Same issue here, Horde guild bank empty, other guild banks seem to be ok (at the moment!), no chance of remembering what was in there after many years of play if Blizzard want an item list!

I’m the GM of a max level ancient guild (formed in Vanilla) - we had a guild bank packed full of valuables and materials from waaaay back - each tab always full to the brim (as you’d expect with an old guild).

Logs are empty - if we had known this would have happened we would have emptied the guild bank; but as soon as the servers came up ours was wiped. You don’t expect to have to empty it for safe keeping between expansion updates nor did we keep off game records of what was in there as guild ranks limited withdrawals :expressionless:

Some of the stuff was sentimental too from members who have passed away or no longer play. I think that hurts the most. We stored those in the guild bank as the items though not worth much gold belonged to us all as a guild family - I shouldn’t have to squirrel them away from guildies to keep them safe from game updates!

The longer this drags on the more it feels like it won’t get fixed :pensive:

Guild: Arcana Imperii
Realm: Kul Tiras EU


Reacting to what Gumbear and Zhuge wrote. I agree that for some people this is a huge problem that could kill their desire to play WOW in the future depending on how it is handled by the developer. I’m not 100% sure on the dates but I feel that perhaps my bank was OK after the first posts appeared about this on the US forum and the tabs started to have items disappear after this. There should be some kind of official announcement to warn players and Blizzard should be doing something extreme like freezing all the guild banks until they find out what is going on. If this scenario ends up with a sorry but we can’t do anything conclusion, then who is going to put valuable stuff in guild banks ever again? I’m starting to doubt how safe the warbank is, might be better to clear that out and dump it to an ALT also


The actual problem is, player inventories are ultimately as safe as guild banks.

I’ve read a few weeks ago that players have lost characters, supposedly deleting one and different one(s) getting axed, and restoration being disabled.

(Hence at the moment I’m afraid to delete a level 13 timerunner.)

Ideally Blizzard can restore the missing items and at least bombard guild masters with mail (banks could be full). Issue being (for them), they’d also have to hand out game time tokens to allow picking it up and make sure these mails only expire in years, not 30 days. It is actually possible that the cause of delay is due to working out a solution like that.


Guild: Korpisoturit
Realm: Azuremyst
Status: All items gone

Guild: Ironborn
Realm: Thunderhorn
Status: Most items gone

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Adding my woes here too for my guild on Dragonblight EU.

To add insult to injury, was at the guild bank in Dalaran and Glutonia started mocking me I feel…

Glutonia: If you are missing items, please contact customer service! He he he
Glutonia: Look at all of it…hopefully none of it goes missing

Perhaps she knows things … :frowning:


Hello everyone.

As the first person to open this forum post, I was banned yesterday. When the items disappeared in my guild bank, I didn’t understand what was going on at first. I looked at the logs, there was no activity. there was no gold in my guild bank anyway. I wrote on the forum thinking that if I opened a ticket, there would be no progress.

With the answers to the forum post, it turned out that the problem was not only with me. all the old items in my guild bank, which was maybe 10 years old, had also disappeared.

as a precautionary measure, I suggested you to take your items from the guild bank. so that you can access your items until it is clear when the problem will be solved

Of course, I thought that this problem would be fixed somehow, but yesterday morning I had the shock of BAN. the account is still banned. I got banned for the first time in the game I started with Burning crusade.

I don’t understand what Blizzard wants to silence. please evaluate this event according to everyone.


same thing for my guild bank. all the slots had items from various expansions and i found it completely empty, except for the gold.

Oh my goodness! What did you get the ban for? Does it state any reason? And for how long is the ban?

I’ve never had a ban either - did you ticket the missing items and blizzard thinks you’ve stolen them from the guild bank? :frowning:

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