Guild Bank items gone

keep calm. imho it was just a precaution measure in unclear situation, before they got an info that problem is much more mass.

Same here, but items vanished between yesterday and today, long after the reset, on satuday. Bank totally empty

For the “daily” update, the “same” 6 ou 7 tabs still empty on this guild, and seems, “for now” nothing has passed on the other guild banks.

I still cant make some connection for all that i’ve read… so its realy strange… But still not havem any will to play… so i loged saw the banks and got of the game… nothing from blizz gives me the will to play… Because i what to return to Diablo… but now this…

Lets see, because they can roll back just the banks… but i don’t know… because its not “just a UE” problem…

Our guild bank is affected too. I noticed a few days ago there were a bunch of items that couldn’t be moved or withdrawn. Now they are all completely gone, and it is possible to place new items where they used to be.

Lost a lot of expensive items…

A bunch of them show up in the deposit logs with no entry for withdrawal. Just gone.


Spoilers: all those locked items will disappear soon. It was the same thing for me and now those items are just gone.

I can confirm on this issue, my guilds bank tabs 6 and 7 were appearently wiped during a patch/restart during the pre-patch event. Is there a way to report this ingame, so we can have our stuff back?


I meant for on EU-Ysera!

I can confirm on this issue, my guilds bank tabs 6 and 7 were appearently wiped during a patch/restart during the pre-patch event. Is there a way to report this ingame, so we can have our stuff back?

Just wanted to also add our guild on Champer of Aspects realm EU - Bricks and Mordor - has also had all items wiped.

Hello. Same for us, the Mandriva Guild on the “FR - Chants éternels” server. Almost all the tabs are emptied, and only a few cloths are left in tab 1. Good luck to everyone.

Played Wow for nearly 20 years, been Guild Leader on same guild for more than 14.5 years. What Blizzard have forced on its MILLIONS of paying customers in last 2 weeks is not acceptable. Bug after bug, failed quest after failed quest. However what you have done in your last reset disaster make all that pale into insignificance ! You have STOLEN all guild bank items. That is literally millions of items gone. What is even worse is this thread is now 143 entries… WHERE IS A BLUE POST SAYING … soz we will make it right ??? WHERE ???


Take a look here:

Guild bank missing items - what happened? - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (

467 posts still no Blizzard reply.

This post is NOT relevant. Blizz dont even try to pretend it does.

Well this is a note… when i got my reply the link was this post… so i think they are doing something but don’t want to agravate people… But its just me thinking out loud

Logging into my guild to make room for TWW… well, now there is a lot of room…

Tab1: Empty
Tab2: Empty
Tab3: Empty
Tab4: Empty
Tab5: 90% is gone
Tab6: Empty
Tab7: 90% is gone
Tab8: Empty

Same thing here, and the worst thing is the support replies to be honest. There is literally no reason for even having a support anymore with how bad they are. Like i get not everything can be solved with the wink of an hand or whatever. But 9/10 times the reply is “check wowhead” or some other NPC / AI bull answer. Like wowhead is not even an official blizzard site, what the heck.


I ABSOLUTELY agree with you man! No blue post yet, and nothing in the news either. I guess some big guilds got lucky and were unaffected so no none cares… It’s just sad… Also, no streamer or WoW news is reporting the issue at all, we need to get the info spreading, how I am not sure!

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Couldn’t check for any personal losses without an active subscription but judging by guild chats over several F2P/Veteran characters there is a whole lot of confusion and anger.

Wonder how long its going to take to fix

Same thing for me. I invited all my crossrealm alts to my own guild to have a shared GBank on thursday. Organizing sth, but on thursday eve i cant move items in Tab 5 (consumables, completely filled with flasks, food, runes etc). I also can’t move sth from gbank to my bags & vice versa. Tab 1 works properly at this time.

On friday morning, my GBank has been wiped:

Tab 1 is untouched, but was nearly empty before (4 stacks of consumables in there, all stay)
Tab 2-4 completely wiped
Tab 5 lost randomly whole stacks of consumables, ~50% missing
Tab 6 untouched, all there
Tab 7 is a rnd storage, before the wipe there was nothing in here

Log is showing nothing of that, my account is the only one with toons in this guild and access to its guild bank.

My guild is “Fat Cats” on EU-Aegwynn.

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To add my guild / realms details to this - in case Blizz personnel are collating that information from this thread.

(Executive Branch) Alliance - EU Aggramar - Guild Master Kilitus.
Significantly impacted - many years and expacs of materials, completely lost except a few items on tab 1.

Tab1 (was full not one empty slot, exclusively Dragonflight materials, crafting reagents, ores, herbs, of various qualities.

Tabs 2 & 3 were cooking ingredients from expacs prior to MoP (Tab2), and food/cooking ingredients MoP onwards (Tab3) - both full maybe a single slot empty per tab. Many stacks very high, dont think any were multiple stacks of same item, but is possible. Both completely empty.

Tab 4 Trade Mats prior to legion - pretty much entirely full, again stacks very high, sometimes in multiples; Completely empty.

Tab 5 Trade Mats Legion onwards - again, stack high multiple stacks of some items, now completely empty.

Tabs 6 & 7 was a lot of rep items and crafting mats from legacy raids, and from across all expacs, and vanilla in case of some legendary ores/ingots. Hundreds of rep items from TBC, pets, shirts from last year or 2022 t-shirt day, fishing rods, many 16 slot bags (travellers backpack i think), thermal anvils, swiss army knife or whatever the game equivalent is called.) All of significant value in either respect of economic value, or time required to replace.

Also in tab 6 (maybe 7) were some level 62, 64, 67 weapons / gear I never got around to using on alts (thanks pre-patch event for letting them level past needing those items, but they would have been sharded - economically not a great loss granted.

(The Executive Branch) Horde - EU Aggramar - Guild Master Alruna
Unaffected as was emptied and consolidated into Alliance (Executive Branch) guild bank once the Warband bank became available allowing consolidation from across factions)

*** Is it possible that cross faction consolidation was the causal factor here? ***