Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I read the posts of our American comrades in misfortune again. I noticed that there are fewer and fewer demanding and angry posts. And more and more sad and desperate people who no longer hope to receive justice. This is very sad. :pensive:


This. I can understand some bug reports are useful doing them in-game because they apparently record your characterā€™s position in the world, but several times Iā€™ve sent in a bug report and feel itā€™s inadequate because I canā€™t include screenshots of what Iā€™m seeing. Iā€™d like to be able to submit a bug report via the ticketing system simply to help out ā€¦ to give them more information that might help them fix it. But whenever I have, I just get an automated response giving me nonsensical ā€œadviceā€ that quite often isnā€™t relevant to the issue.

I canā€™t post images on the forums and, indeed, here in the EU we donā€™t even HAVE a bug report forum.

Therefore ā€¦ as you say ā€¦ why bother. At this point itā€™s very obvious they do not have enough in-house testers. Theyā€™ve been outsourcing more and more of that to the public who, with the best will in the world, are generally not as good as actual professional game testers. And even when you do beta test and send in bug reports - it feels like a triage process. Theyā€™re no doubt fixing some bugs, but a lot of reported bugs STILL make it live, which then makes a mockery of those people who are literally paying Blizzard to be able to test their game for them.


For some reason, the situation with returning our lost things looks like this to me:

  1. A random person is taken, their tickets are read, and the reasoning goes like this. There was definitely fabric in the GB. Ok. Letā€™s send a couple of stacks of fabric. There was definitely leather. Ok. Letā€™s send leather too.
    Then it gets boring, and thereā€™s more than one person.
  2. And so on, down the list, until you get bored.
    And you get bored quickly, apparently.
    Thatā€™s it, the end of the movie.
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Another reset day and still nothing of my guild bank restored.
No communication on the process either.

Much love from Blizzard on this 20th anniversary! /s

I am missing a lot of recipes & reagents with some of them unavailable now - I have not recieved anything back so far. I enjoyed the profession side of the game and was saving the items to level with. It will be very expensice to replace it all.
Also, why is it so damn difficult to raise a ticket now? The option is hidden away it seems to make it harder to get an issue resolved. Putting it back in game would be better than hiding in you website with no clear option to raise it.

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Blizzardā€™s position is already clear. We fixed it, it didnā€™t work, so what, what are you going to do to us? Write, write. Weā€™ve survived such scandals, and weā€™ll certainly survive this one!

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I think the point behind them making it really difficult to raise a ticket is ā€¦ they donā€™t really want people raising tickets. The vast majority of issues that are raised on tickets these days seem to be either something you can fix yourself with a bit of googling/wowhead, or something CS canā€™t fix (or both).

And it seems the list of things CS canā€™t fix (or wonā€™t), has grown quite considerably - probably due to the fact that thereā€™s an awful lot less of them now and the majority of those they do have, have been outsourced and really donā€™t have much of a clue.

Customer Support no longer matters to Blizzard, in the grand scheme of things. They just want customers to pay their money and keep quiet (unless they have something positive to say).

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Much to my disbelief the othet post was closed with the same ā€œexcuseā€ā€¦ now i know blizzard is joking with all the small playersā€¦ and i say not out of angre but said that when i started playing i likedā€¦

Ps: i stimm got zero from 6 tabs almost fullā€¦ and iā€™m talking 90% mats from classic and 4 more expansionsā€¦

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Hmm indeed ā€¦ I suppose I see their point ā€¦ its like the one that was closed in the US bug report forum. Blizzard no longer see it as a bug, because the bug itself was fixed.

Here, they see it as no longer a customer support issue, because they have decided to give no customer support. Kinda proves my point above.

As far as Blizzard are concerned ā€¦ you either suck it up and be aware that, at any time, your stuff in-game could just disappear (materials, reputation, achievements, collections like transmogs/pets/mounts) ā€¦ even your characters, or you stop playing/find another game.


A topic canā€™t go around in circles when there is only one party participating in it.

ultimate disappointing resolution? How about the worthless statement from blizzard left more questions than answers?

Communication from the devs has been non-existent and the cs team are nothing more than script readers with no powers at all.

Hopefully weā€™ll not see them happen again? Good luck with that, hope doesnā€™t keep data safe.

Im done with this company, expect my redund request shortly. I paid a 12 month sub believing that i would receive the level of service expected. That has not happened, therefore i am due a refund under uk law. I highly reccomend that everyone that has been affected by this unsub, demand refund for remaining time and above all, stop playing, these thieves only understand metrics.


Are the blues saying that they feel it is appropriate to remove what is in essence a ā€œsupport groupā€?

Thatā€™s how Iā€™m reading it.

And wating for them to close this thread too.


Iā€™m playing since mid 2009, and i ā€œjustā€ stoped playing for 6 months in 2013 because of issues that i donā€™t need to say, but the game ā€œsavedā€ me from being very bad, and even when my account was hacked they were greatā€¦ since the ā€œfirstā€ aquisition i donā€™t see the same gameā€¦ i still play because it takes me out of my problemsā€¦ even if iā€™m just playing 10/30 min day but this char i canā€™t play with it nowā€¦ althoug this guild was created with a dwarven monk by me itā€™s always been my safe deposit for what i needā€¦ now the memories that led me to make my GB like they are and the mats that i farmed with someone that is not around anymore, yes blizz dead people that we love still, i truly in a darker placeā€¦ hope that the people at blizz that ignore this donā€™t have the same ā€œfateā€ that all of us, those who leave and are no coming back, those like me that are in a dark place, those that are going in every ā€œdirectionā€ā€¦

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Stay strong. If you need a new release, ffxiv has great story and an amazing, friendly playerbase.

(And before someone calls me out on mentioning another mmo in these forums, if my comment saves someone from going down a dark path, Iā€™d post it every day of the year. )


Several people are advocating writing tickets about this ā€¦ there is no point in doing that. Tickets go to GMs who have nothing to do with making the game, looking at or fixing bugs and definitely not sending out items etc.
Bug reports that you make ingame go directly to the devs/QA who investigate them and will be the people who sent out the items.
I made a bug report straight away when I discovered the loss and I suggest anyone who hasnā€™t already should do so as well with details of how many tabs were affected etc. so they know more about who what and where.

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Sent ticket as well, as soon as two bank tabs were deleted. As a result, I received three stacks of grass from old add-ons by mail on the same day when there was an official post about fixing the bug. Thatā€™s all.

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Why do we write on forums anyway? Especially when we feel bad, we have problems. Most often, we try to support each other here, to feel that we are not alone.
I hope that everything will be fine with you, come here to the forums, we will try to write more kind and warm words to each other.
We will not behave the way the developers behave towards us in the game and in support.


Thank you and all the community for all you have done


and Shopkeeper appears to have left the building. Maybe for 48hrs.


When devs ignore players and stop commenting on this HUGE issue, one has to wonderā€¦ what is left to do? Put pressure, tickets, whateverā€¦ and if it failsā€¦ well, I cancelled my 12m sub and requested refund.
There are TWO ways:
a) FULL restoration
b) ā€œnot worth Blizz devsā€™ timeā€ meaning players mad, some will stop playing the game, Blizzardā€™s reputation and trust lost forever

I put ticket and GM response ā€œyour voice matters bla bla hereā€™s link to forumā€

Hello, my voice does not matter it seems and it gives precedence to how Blizzard handles data losses. What will be next time? Iā€™m gonna lose my character? Bank? Pets? Mounts? Achievements? Nothing is safe now.

HOW TO DO IT (for devs that say itā€™s impossible)

  1. Get Gbank backup snapshot before the patch
  2. Sum up gold, items and amounts from that snapshot
  3. Subtract withdrawed items based on Gbank logs (those are intact)
  4. Add up items that have been put into Gbank based on Gbank logs
  5. Subtract items that are present in Gbank at the moment
  6. Subtract already ā€œrecoveredā€ items that have been sent out
  7. Wohoooo you have the result! All missing items and gold that should be mailed out to current GuM!
    (and there are reports of players receiving items they didnt have, and BoE and toys etc becoming soulboundā€¦)

As I already mentioned, I got 9 item slots (old cloth stacks) out of ~650 slots lost, thatā€™s ~1,4% items restored.
Now with Blizzard communication state it is becoming even more of a matter of principle.

I want my subscription to be partially refunded (unplayed time). I do not wish to play game where nothing is safe.

As I mentioned above, there is zero way they dont have any backup and it doesnā€™t matter if gbank snapshot is 2, 3 or 6 months old. Snapshot is there, logs are there as well. It is about writing a script that crunches that massive data and spits out the results.


Anyone else not enjoying wow anymore? Itā€™s like if you had a friend stealing from you, lying to you (yes, you have backup blizzard) and they are not even sorry. You just donā€™t enjoy their company anymore. Both my accounts are cancelled.