Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I’m sure this won’t happen. For over a week at the Beer Festival in Kata Classic, Horde players had bugged quests. There was hope that they would either extend the event for a week or compensate with tokens so that you could buy at least a couple of pets. But… In short. Here’s attitude towards players.
What else can we expect?


You’re not the only ones getting this. I suspect it is a symptom of auto-loot being a little bit buggy/glitchy at the moment.

But empty emails… unless it is currency there is no excuse for it being empty.

Just Blizz being Blizz, being Shizz.


Really? Thats all you offer? All but one tab gone and three stacks of items restored from the tab that wasnt gone completely. Months of farming lost with no compensation?


month XD Brother, not to delegitimate your suffering here, but we people lost tons of 20 year old legacy items.


We are all in the same boat here. Someone has lost a lot of gold, someone has lost less valuable things, but they are dear as a memory. And someone, perhaps, has lost the trust of the people who kept the common values ​​in the GB.


If any actual compensation is given now, it is too late. However:

Is it not strange that there has been no compensation?

I know they don’t want to flood the market with gold. But they haven’t even given a token gesture, despite seeing all these emptied guild banks.

They really don’t want to give any compensation at all. Not even ‘here, have one single day of free game time to compensate for 20 years collection wiped.’.

Why the absolutely steadfast resolve to offer no help, offer no compensation. It doesn’t make business sense, even. It is odd.


There is a phrase: “The guilty one is justified.” Perhaps it does not convey the whole point in English. But the meaning is this: if you do not issue compensation, then you do not acknowledge the importance of the problem. After all, the bug affected “some guilds” and not very important things disappeared, according to them.


In the end these customer support issues are a simple equation; if the expected loss in subs < value of man-power spent on resolving or compensating the matter => nothing or the bare minimum will suffice. It makes perfect sense from a business perspective: time is money, money is time.

For whoever is affected, as the guild I manage (the items weren’t even mine, making it feel even worse), this isn’t great. But…to be honest…the customer support overall hasn’t been top-notch for a long time. Can’t blame them, we (in most cases) don’t really choose to play WoW because of their excellent service. It’s just a minor part of the total equation.

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No. It is consequent and consistent.

If they would give out a compensation this would make big news.
But they have to avoid this thing beeing big news
Its a massive dataleakage by a tripple A software company.
if they can they should keep quiet about it.
if they can they have to spread as less information about it as possible.

remember, this company is all about market value, not maximizing player-happieness.
the masses of casual players are not affected. its “only” about us few stupid longtermgrinders.


We shouldn’t separate Blizzard from its customer support, it’s still the same corporation. Customer support can’t communicate with developers? It’s still Blizzard’s fault. Customer support can’t assign items to characters? It’s still Blizzard’s fault.
We can and should blame them too, because they’re not different people working for other corporations. It’s still our subscriptions that pay for them.

While understanding how single parts of Blizzard work could give us a more thorough vision about this, it doesn’t actually help us nor solves our issue. It just makes us lenient to them saying this is an unsolvable issue.


The point is, how much does it hurt them when we blame them if we don’t vote with our wallets? It doesn’t.

I agree that their support channels are, well, I’m not even gonna say it. The first response to a ticket is apparently nowadays a generic answer involving three different games. Then the second response is that you “exhausted the steps available through customer support”. That’s some corporate gaslighting, if anything.

But again, yes, we prob should be very aware of this and blame them. But they won’t change if we don’t give them a reason to.


That’s why we were kicked out of the Support topics. We write in General, discuss with whom? Well, with ourselves. They stopped paying attention to us a long time ago. In bug reports in the game you can write a couple of times, then there is a reply and nothing more can be done. It turned out great.


Oh look, who’s here!

For my first ever infraction they gave me a week.

Yeah, I’ll stand by what I said about that employee. Also: thanks Blizzard the terrible company, still haven’t shed your abusive tendencies I see. Its okay when they do it, not us. Even though we have every right to call them what I did because how they treat us.

Funny thing was they silenced me when I was writing a goodbye post. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Btw PoisonEnvy, can you tell everyone in the US topic that the user: Haterate is only posting in their topic. So he’s clearly a troll and I’m surprised no one has picked up that he’s only posting in that thread.

Edit: And an update after a week of not checking and playing other games…
Empty guild bank and no mails with restored items.

I think they twigged a long time ago that he was a troll. Sometimes people just feel the urge to feed them though :stuck_out_tongue:

I checked out his profile, as should anyone who feels they need to rise to anyone like that - and he’s got virtually no actual game time under his belt. Sure … the account has been active over a fairly long period of time … but it’s not done a lot. Obviously a keyboard warrior. Says a lot, means nowt, does nowt.

No point in interacting with anyone who doesn’t have skin in the game.

I do sometimes wonder … in my little conspiracy theory moments, whether sometimes trolls may be actual Blizzard employees just seeing how far they can push … perhaps hoping to have a reason to ban more, and lock threads. Obviously very unlikely … but you know … :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, saw some posts about employees being encouraged derailing critical posts on social media and such. Sounded a bit far fetched… but companies these days… don’t have much trust in them either. :stuck_out_tongue:


Some news on this front, GMs no longer response to the tickets, they just close it now… So funny…
0 work done, 0 compensations given and 0 attention to their customers
And then they wonder why people stop playing blizz games…


21 days and counting since the lies of the first response. Still nothing. Not one cloth or copper. Can’t use warbanks or guildbanks since the robbers and thiefs at Blizzard are not te be trusted. If they make a mistake again we can start all over. Maybe it’s indeed time to leave the beta of TWW and find something else.


I don’t think people would stop playing because of poor customer service. No-one WANTS to contact customer support - they’d rather the game just worked. And, when inevitably something didn’t work, they’d expect the company acted to resolve it completely and quickly.

So the issue isn’t so much with customer support - although the fact that they seem to have been stripped of anything but the most basic powers now, so they’re essentially a difficult-to-reach version of Google, with less information, doesn’t help.

The issue is with Blizzard the company who have, over time, brought in new policies that seem to concentrate less on us players and more on their bottom line. I’m assuming they have some threshold somewhere of “acceptable losses” from their playerbase, where it doesn’t really affect their bottom line and as long as any in-game issue doesn’t cause a loss higher than that of income, then it doesn’t matter.

Most players are NIMBYs (ie, they may at most commiserate with players having issues, but unless they’re feeling it themselves, they’re happy to continue playing and paying) - which is fair enough and acceptable. Blizzard lean into that now.

I’m sure once upon a time they’d be horrified at the issue of losing all this data and then do their best to put it right/compensate. Now … it doesn’t matter to them. We either suck it up or leave.


It’s been a lot to suck up. The wiping out guildbanks, the lies, the arrogance, the wokeness. 19 years in this game and I have never been this frustrated before. I just don’t like them anymore and will not “suck it up”
Also final nail for me is the making everything “common”. As someone that collects pets, mounts etc, I don’t see the point anymore as they will just hand rares out like candies later.