Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I saw a job post once to be part of blizzards customer team. They wanted people speaking at least 2 languages fluently. It seems the budget for staff is so low that they can’t even have teams per language.

I lost nothing and as such have no story in this. But I find this disgusting that there is such apathy from Blizzard toward people who have written about their losses and I do start to wonder how an issue that does affect me will be treated.



Don’t most people in Europe speak at least two languages though?
Maybe its a policy to keep the English out. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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It feels like a plus and a minus:

on the plus side: the job posting confirms that the humans exist that read the tickets and do indeed sometimes, provide customer service. (Or at least they did in 2020 ish when I think I remember seeing the post, it might of been older)

on the minus side: the multiple langauge requirement suggests the team isn’t fantastically large.

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Maybe it is maybe it ain’t.

As a Belgian I’m so used of seeing job applications that ask for proficiency in multiple languages or it being a plus. So I don’t find it odd.

Even in the Vivendi days Blizzard asked for French+English. And support was great back then… well Blizzard was still great back then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, we did, and for me that is the only consequence possible. How could anyone play a mmo game if there wasn’t a way to restore virtual valuables if something goes wrong? I, personally, assumed the customer service is there for exactly those things. Obviously I was wrong and customer service is just doing, hmm, what exactly? Closing tickets instead of working on them. So why would I pay money? You probably are correct for free-to-play games where you do not pay thus don’t expect anything but short-term fun. WoW used to be different. And I am honestly saying I did in fact enjoy the game lately.
Customer service not doing anything hurts me bad and even having 2 more weeks of game time left, I don’t feel it is worth my time logging in.


well there are no longer closing ticket only, I just recieve a warning on my account following a ticket on the heist, first one in 19 years, if you still believe blizzard is run by people trying to make fun games, think again


Just a thought… This is Europe. Companies don’t have as much liberty to abuse their customers as they do in the USA. Elon Musk and others like him regularly cry because they actually have to follow some laws to keep operating here. Let’s take the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) as an example.

The GDPR is mostly concerned with safeguarding people’s sensitive personal data, such as social security numbers and medical records. In-game data, such as the (lost) items in our guild banks, might not seem like traditional personal data, but if it can be tied to an identifiable user account, it could be argued that it falls under the GDPR’s broad definition of personal data.

Under the GDPR, organizations must take appropriate steps to safeguard the data they hold. Even if the lost data isn’t technically personal, Blizzard might be seen as failing to properly protect it. If users feel their in-game data has been mismanaged, this could raise questions about Blizzard’s overall data protection practices.

Even if Blizzard is not obligated to restore the lost data, they are required under the GDPR to be transparent about how they handle user data, including any technical failures. Depending on the circumstances, if they’re found to be negligent or lacking transparency, it could reflect poorly on their compliance with broader data protection principles.

Outside of the GDPR, various European consumer protection regulations could come into play. We pay for subscriptions and have lost items due to Blizzard’s failure to maintain their data. This could fall under unfair business practices according to European consumer rights laws.

We’re unlikely to get back what we’ve lost, but it would be satisfying if there were spiteful enough people out there to push this issue and potentially cause Blizzard to pay fines in the millions. Here’s a quote from the official GDPR website:

The less severe infringements could result in a fine of up to €10 million, or 2% of the firm’s worldwide annual revenue from the preceding financial year, whichever amount is higher.

Assumably, money is all they care about. We aren’t getting more effort from Blizzard to solve this issue because, in their calculations, it would cost too much to do so. Perhaps adding the threat of hefty fines into their calculus could motivate them to help us players in the long run?


Stop wasting your time on this. They decided on what they were going to do and have done it. Story over. You are only wastign your tiem and energy. You wont even get a compensation package for losing 20 years worth of mats and items. They dont care.

Any collateral damage as far as people leaving the game due to this, they have taken into account and they, frankly, do not care if you leave. There appears to be enough people pumping money into this game so they really dont care.

They build hard enough systems so the little randy’s always get money from mom to buy runs. This is probably why M+ is now seriously hard right from the start. They have decided to wring every single penny from their users and build gameplay around this.

M$ wants its money. All 67.5 billion dollars. That has to come from somwhere.

It is apparent they dont care when you read their responses. They dont care. They dont give a crap about your items that some spent 20 years building up. They dont give a crap about you, the player. How? Read the language and how it is formulated. The language used is that of an anti-social misfit who cannot even address humans. We are treated as entities and not humans who lost stuff.

I have 14 years worth of mats in my own bank and if that ever disappeared then i would quit that very second. Our bank was robbed %100. All of it gone.

Blizzards shameless dungeon invitational with a pool of 400.000 dollars when they wont pay some SQL wizzard to extract the tables is a slap in all players faces. They dont care. They are going to go on shamelessly self promoting. THey have to, so this terrible thing they did gets burried.

Of course they dont want players to leave. This is why they are not saying a damn word about this as they cant talk about this now from a PR standpoint. They have to maintain silence. There are still players in the game who have no ide what this even took place. So the less said the better they are off.

Ive made my decision. I am playing WOW less and FF14 more. At the end of the sub there will be no renewal. Ive left the game many times but this time is different. And then know it. They are hoping that enough people who got screwed over will stay. If people stay after that then anything else that happens to them they deserve as they did not make moves to prevent this from happening again to them. Your own fault for staying.

A ten word apology is all you get from them for losing all that stuff. No compensation. End of.

Your choice is simple as a player. Either stay and keep paying these incompetent and incapable makers of this game, or leave.


We are leaving, we just have quite some time left.

So we like to keep shouting at them. Hey, if they steal 65€ from me with lies… I might get something out of it and spend 15 minutes a day reminding people how awful this company has become.


You had tokens in the guild bank?

That sucks. I have two months left and am playing less and less now per day. I am playing FF14. Quite a contrast to this game. They love locking my threads so it wont be long before i am banned again. They dont want me to say anything at all.

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Nah, I didn’t cancel my sub when trouble started as there were signs they knew what was wrong and they were working on it… it renewed a week before their disingenuous apology.
So that’s 6 months of subscription down the drain that they didn’t want to refund.

As to me and my wife’s guild bank: 7 tabs filled with mats from Dragonflight and collectibles gone (as it was easier to store it like that instead of asking for trade or mailing each other all the time) .

I only logged in now and then since the ‘apology’ to check if they restored anything: they didn’t. I just can’t play this game anymore, it feels pointless and depressing.

Mostly been playing games on Steam and a little bit of Guild Wars 2… its funny how in that game every anniversary gift was just waiting in my E-mail. Think there was 10 years worth of stuff in my mail. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Quite the contrast with how I’m treated here.


Sorry to hear that.

Our guild lost %100 of the bank, as did many others. This is a huge disaster for them and it is going to cost them huge, in terms of players who will leave at the end of their subs. If they have not left already in disgust at the way they were treated.

That no compensation at all was issued is ridiculous. They could have come up with a general package that would suit most people. A selection of mats from all expansions. While rare pets and things like that cant be replaced the mats that people lost could be. This would have cost them nothing and made some good will even. Possibly even preventing people from actually leaving the game. Instead they roll on like they do with the overall message of, if you dont like it you can quit.

Guess what?

Lots of us are going to this time around. There is no way back from that knife in the back. Especially when they twist it in a bit.

A one paragraph statement more or less dictating that nothing is going to be done. blah blah blah, followed by a one sentence ten word apology. And that was it.

The person in PR that approved this needs to get fired along with the devs who pushed against a rollback.

A rollback which all players affected would have preferred. Lose stuff or go back in time. Hmm…not hard eh?

I have always seen as blizzard as talking down in a condescending manner to us children. That has always been the manner in which blizzard tended to communicate with the player base. They dictated to us like dictators rather than engaged with us.

For as long as i can remember they have made decision after decision where i just shrug my shoulders and ask myself :" Are you serious?"

M+ dungeon choices being the worst and most hated of expansions. The perpetual %25 DPS difference in top and bottom. Those numbers are so entrenched there is no balance being done as they have not managed to balance anything for the lst 20 years.

The fact that the game loop actually revolves around getting you to the next month’s sub fee rather than giving you content to do for fun is insulting enough. These decisions which make wow, wow, are also costing it huge in terms of players. I just keep shruggin my shoulders.


so what is that exactly that Blizzard say?
we have to wait? do we get our mats back? Cause i and my guild didnt get one material back…
worst service ever after 20 years of playing/paying …awefull…

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Well my guild bank is still as empty as the promises made by the topic starter.

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Blizzard say nothing. And nothing is what you will get back also :frowning:

Still nothing restored here.

If you have not received anything then you are not getting anything. They are done with “restoration of items” and they are done talking about this.

If you want action on this good luck as there wont be any,

There will come a time, i assume very soon indeed, that they are going to lock this thread as well, in hopes of getting rid of all comments like this, that remind people that they messed up.

They messed up so bad i dont think in 40 years of gaming i have ever seen a compnay act so bad on so many levels. Ive seen screw ups. Followed by roll backs as the path forward was even worse than losing a few hours of play time. No, these guys rolled on shamelessy pushign their failed updates knowing there were issues.

People that lost stuff were writing tickets and it was only when tickets started piling up that they even acted on them.

The fact that they expect people to stick arounf after a monumental screw up like that is shameful in itself. Especially since they are not giving anything back.

Some people lost a decade or more of stuff. SOme list 20 years worth of stuff. Some people lost tokens which is actual money. No refunds. Is this even legal since now real life cash is involved that they took. You can hide behind a EULA all you want but the second money is involved and you are responsibile for losing it this one sided EULA wont stand ip in court. You are not allowed to hide theft of money behind a EULA.

Once gain. You are not getting anything from them. Nothing. Nada. Not even some half baked compensation package. They dont care. They dont care if you leave. Like some nasty, dirty bank that gets fined for doing dirty deeds, they factored in your leaving and they calculated that enough people will stay and are ok with the results.


How do we make it happen? Or start investigation if we have a case? Contact our national “consumer council” (sorry I don’t know what it’s called in English but I think you know what I mean)

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Sad innit?

Blizzard promoting the crap out of their Anniversary. Meanwhile, we who lost a lot are ignored.

And to top it off: it wouldn’t cost them a thing to do right by us. They could throw virtual items at us. Which can be made till infinity and have no real consequences because even WoW will die in the end.

Yeah, you have a few idiots who shout: “Duplication”… as if it would be so disastrous if a few things were duplicated. Their raid darlings had bigger effects on the economy and they let most of it slip.

See you tomorrow for a new whine by me. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


It would cost them alot in terms of man hours, and I am pretty sure that’s why they “couldn’t” restore anymore items.
However, full restoration (more or less) regardless of cost is still the only right thing to do - otherwise people lose trust on Blizzard. Like we do now.