Guild Bank Missing Items Update

We - the paying players - are the testing team.

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Most of you are never getting your items back, i lost millions in items when auction house went nuts, after many gm tickets i got nothing back

Not attacking, just don’t need that type of reply here and defo not from an MVP. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Its quite clear Blizzard are just gonna let it slide, and I have 16 years of build up items, some was even un obtainable.
So keep it real and its very hard not to be offended.
I certainly don’t need any blizzard/community to smoothen things out, there is absolutely nothing to cheerful about here.


thanks for a better reply ^^

Dear Blizzard,
It appears that the twisting nether has swallowed my subscription.
It was last seen there trying to recover guild bank items that have been missing for over a month.
The phrase “due care and attention” that almost every business applies to it’s relationships with their paying customers also needs to be reported as lost in the twisting nether, as you are not using any.
I took a read of the 8 core values that you publish as “What we stand for”, and this incident leaves you lacking in at least 5 of them, so you tick the corporate box but in reality you don’t practice these things.
The communications you have made, and those limited posts that have been observed (mainly in EU region) over the last month, imply a decent amount of guilds will be “OK” for “most” of their stuff.
Your words now are “an incomplete restoration for some guilds” if I recall, despite your people previously saying “the items are there but you can’t see them” - clearly not the case.
From the feedback on forums, the actual restoration appears to be so far from reality as to be tantamount to downright lies.
I lost over 1000 items, many of which are valuable or irreplaceable without hundreds of hours of work.
I was returned 6 items that I could collect from The Barrens or Stonebull Lake in 5 minutes - this is not a fair trade or suitable compensation.
It does not seem to me that a less than 1% recovery rate should qualify as a proposal to be “incomplete restoration”, you have missed a few letters out, it is truly an “incompetent restoration”.

I love your game, you have worked hard on it for some 20 years, I have taken advantage of that for over 16 years, with over 3000 levels gained (no boosting), some 36,000 hours of play.
However, I have actually paid you to allow me to play, and collect stuff, and now arbitrarily you have taken that stuff away, with no sign from you of returning my money I suppose.?
No suggestion anymore either that you will return the other 99% of my collected items, with the closure of the restoration (seriously, do we have to call it that.?).
I don’t know how to say goodbye to you, the words I feel like using will get me banned or make me look the bad guy, but they are the ones you deserve after this shambolic episode.
I leave not because I want to leave, but simply because I cannot play a game that leaves me thinking that when I log back in, I have to hope that nothing I have worked for has disappeared.
Both of my accounts are now cancelled.


This is actually brilliant.

The only reason I run Windows, and consume Microsoft products and services was because I played (past tense) World of Warcraft.

As I will no longer be giving Blizzard anymore of my money, and will be leaving World of Warcraft once my 12month sub expires (unless they refund it - highly unlikely)

I will be able to move to an alternative platform for my personal computing needs, and migrate my email and other services out of the sphere of Microsoft.

This has not only cost Blizzard my 3x WoW accounts, 2 of which were immediately cancelled, and the main account that is depleting its paid time as I type - but it will cost Microsoft cloud services revenue, and OS revenue in the future.

I’m voting with my wallet.


Sry? Six guild tabs are empty. uv restored like 6-7 items lol? This is insane


I havent gotten any mail yet on my GM, but reading all these replies, it looks like barely any worth will get restored
 i also had 7 tabs full of stuff, that my guild collected over the years
 Will i dare to use the GB again to store items? Doubtful

Next time its probably our personal bank that will get whiped


I also got, has i told earlier on this post and another one, 6 out of 7 tabs “cleand” on thos chars GB and no mail nothing
 and should be easy for blizz because almost 90% is mats from 6 expansions including a “doble” tab from classic mats
 but its more them mats
 memorys and time and memorys with someone that is now with
 even if we were far from each other when she past away

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I had 6 tabs completely wiped and tab 1 3/4 wiped.

This was my bank guild i stored full stacks of crafting materials from every patch and some removed items.

i received the mail on the guild leader and got, in total, 447 WoD herns and 7 DF health potions.

the log for deposited items shows way more than this. i dont understand where they pulled these seemingly random items from and why they cant even just give whats clearly shown as missing in the logs


Is it finished or yet in progress? Please provide exact answer.


Still got nothing nothing and nothing
 no Items
 no mails, zip. All banktabs EMPTY :frowning:

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Yup same, still got nothing back.

From a 7 tab highly used family bank with everything not soulbound in Dragonflight in there. And some stacks of Shadowlands crafting items to a complete emptied bank.

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I’m based in the UK - and require a refund of my 12 month subscription.

Under the UK Consumer Rights Act 2015 - my right to a refund is protected where gross negligence comes into play. The running of a maintenance process against the guild bank database thus erasing its contents - is gross negligence by any reasonable person’s definition as there was obviously no testing/validation, or backup/restoration method in place should that script have a detrimental result - which it clearly has.

The UK Consumer Rights Act - provides:
“Right to satisfactory quality” - I am not satisfied at the quality of the result of the maintenance script.

“Right to remedy” thus far the remedy is not satisfactory to me in any way or form.

“Gross negligence: If the service provider has been grossly negligent - Gross negligence implies a severe lack of care that goes beyond simple mistakes or poor service”. This is a monumentally massive mistake.

I’d suggest again that you validate a full refund of the 12month subscription, and write off the time I have consumed from it thus far - as you cannot process partial refunds - even though I suggested a pro-rata refund for time remaing - that you declined.

Failure on your part to even attempt to meet me in this respect will result in my requesting a Section 75 charge back - I have already engaged my payment provider on this matter, and they are extremely sympathetic.


Like many others I lost all of my Horde guild bank items following the “Incident” checking again today following the blue post, still nothing.

Anticipating the poor, but not unexpected, response from Blizzard

I started digging around old backups and found a database of items across all of my characters and their guild banks in the savedvariables folder for the addon BankItems, which I still use despite its age :slight_smile: .

This has enabled me to produce a spreadsheet of all of the items in the Sacerdotium guild bank as at 6th June 2024. Item ID, Name, Count and Level. This guild bank is not massively active so I would only lose maybe a few DF items it may have held towards the end of the DF expansion - I accept they may be lost.

I am sure that many players have already checked addons etc to see if they store details in a similar way to BankItems, so there may be others who are able to produce similar information to send to Blizzard in order to get their missing items identified and ultimately restored.

@Linxy :- Is this something Blizzard would be interested in? I’m hoping you would be able to identify genuine listings - incl. the savedvariable file(s) maybe?


Yes i got my previous post flagged and removed !

I still haven’t recieve anything for the SEVEN guild bank touched and i still can see the deposited made up to 7 months

“We really appreciate your patience as we’ve worked through this difficult issue.”

No No No you have not worked through it.
Blizzard don’t care about its customers.
A bug erases billions of gold value and we won’t get anything, Disgusting


Some articles are trickling out, feel free to post your thoughts on them.


I’m giving you ONE chance. I will open a ticket with screenshots of the guild bank before this clown show happened. If this ticket is closed without restoring my items, I’m cancelling my 3 subs and I won’t return. This is just unacceptable.


People just aren’t going to quit in the numbers required to make them pay this any heed, sadly.

I’m right now, not playing even though my 12month sub doesn’t expire until July 2025. I only login to check my GM characters mail. The character select screen doesn’t seem to display a mail icon - (did it ever do so consistently?)

They’ve had my money, they won’t get any more as it stands, but even if several thousand of us were to quit - if there are the approx. 2million subscribers that seems to be the accepted subscriber count - then we’re negligible, and they’re pointing that out to us, with a waved middle finger or two.

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Also on youtube, but sadly just a little notification and of course way to late.

Raid Finder Loot Highlights, Guild Updates We Didn’t Want to Hear - This Week in Warcraft (