Guild Bank Missing Items Update

Still 0 items restored and no talk about compensation.

I went ahead and cancelled my subscription, expected something today but nope.

Now… fun for me it was renewed in the beginning of September as I was naive enough to think they’d do right by us. And since I was told by Felranys they could still see the items they were just invisible for the users, I figured: yeah they can fix this.

I guess they still have some time left to do the right thing…

Funny that the Americans got compensation (little I know) for their extended maintenance… but them deleting our stuff only gets an insincere apology and a straight up lie that they can’t do anything.

Past weekend has been swinging through: anger, disappointment, disbelief and even apathy towards the game. I was enjoying TWW, but I can barely play now because of Blizzard’s handling this severe issue and attitude towards us.

Fun game, crap company. The story of so many games these days.


One here as well on Youtube:

The Great Blizzard Bank Heist: How Blizzard Robbed Me

https: //


More and more people are speaking up about it. In other games you even read the chats about this mess up from Blizzard, especially the special treatment part about populair streamers/guilds, staff that do have all their stuff restored.


My guildbank was totally whiped. Some players got back some of their stuff in the mail but I recieved nothing at all. Does that mean I can kiss all my stuff goodbye?
All those hours collecting points for event pets that were in my guildbank are lost?


Can’t answer you but know you’re not alone.
I lost everything (7 guild bank tabs) and haven’t seen any mail.

Can’t say if its a good or bad sign, since the ones that got their mails got absolutely nothing. I doubt we’re getting most of it back, not like we are streamers or raid darlings, in Blizzard’s eyes we are peasants.

My advice: cancel subscription, tell them why and that they have an ultimatum to do right or you quit. Only message they seem to be getting is money.


I lost 4 tabs - Including a lot of old school matts - 168 Lightless silk could be found in the void.

I dont think there will be any further ingame mail with items what have been lost in the guild bank.
Why Blizzard not getting us a ingame tool so we can recover the lost items by ourselfes?

We lost 6 Tabs of Stuff, collected over the last 15-20 Years. The only thing left is some cooking mats, even of them only a fraction.
Our Guild is only me and my family - affected is only the Horde Guild - Alliance Guild everythings fine.
Soooo…long story short - I got 454 Burly Bear Haunch mailed…so i guess…
YAY! Better something than nothing…
it’s bitter, i don’t find any word for the whole mess/chaos.

Mistakes happen etc. but no backup or something like that you can fall back to?
I can’t imagine that such a big company doesn’t have that or can’t do that…idk.

So, i get cooking something with my 454 burly bear haunch.

I do not understand how they can have an “oopsie” and not at the very least provide some sort of compensation if they truly cannot fix it.

I know you cannot prove what items you had, which means there isn’t a way to tell how much you were damaged by this, but a blanket compensation across all guilds and the officers/GMs in said guilds is warranted.

Personally, my guild is a group of friends that have played for 13 years. We had a tab dedicated to sentimental items from our times together. Other tabs were pets we collected, mats, lots of things for alts, mounts we were saving for when one of our friends came back etc etc.

They should not be able to just wipe guilds out and then move on like nothing happened.

At the very least, I want proof that your company has spent the time, resources and money as a result of this to hire a team dedicated to ensuring that this will not happen in the future. You should not get away scot-free.

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Wait… So I have several worth of guild bank tabs wiped out. Mats common and rare across all expansions all wiped out and nothing has been mailed or restored and all I get is ooops sorry but there’s nothing we can do, moving on thanks?

I opened a ticket and was told don’t bother seeing the thread here. Don’t bother sending us any screenshots or contacting us anymore. That can’t be right?

The “we can’t restore anything, deal with it” response is mindboggling.
I lost almost everything.
5/6 bank tabs were empty over night.

What hurts me the most is the fact that I had a lot of letters left in the guildbank.
Memories from 10 years ago, Letters from friends who no longer play and so on.
I am very disappointed that the mistake has not been undone.

The question I now ask myself is: What if something similar happens with for example player inventory, mounts or transmog in the future? Will that be handled the same ?
Will I lose my 15+ years of collections because someone forgot to make backups or what ?

This whole fiasco is ruining my motivation to collect things in the game if this is how an issue like this is handled.
At least look into the guild bank tab log and restore the items listed there or something … you can clearly see the items that were put in for the past 6 months or so there.


Just read on another post that “big” people and guild have been restored in 100% of the items or near that… why?

Is that for real?

can you link that post?

You can see in one of the last posts

The issue with item restoration seems to be that it’s a manual process Blizzard has chosen not to prioritize, likely to save time and money. This might explain why some players, like “favored” streamers, got their stuff back (if true) while the rest of us don’t.

The so-called “partial restoration” is laughable. I received less than 1% of my items, and from what I’ve seen in both this and the US thread, that seems to be the general outcome. It would have been better to restore nothing than to give false hope, only to make us feel worse and more ridiculed on top of the initial loss.

I understand it’s hard to decide on fair compensation due to the varying levels of impact. I lost items worth over 5 million, which equals about 18 months of game time in tokens, while others barely use their guild bank and might not care.

No matter what compensation is offered, it will be too little for some and too much for others. Still, some form of compensation is necessary if Blizzard hopes to regain our trust.

One possible solution is to ask affected players to submit tickets for manual restoration. This would save Blizzard the effort of going through all logs while still making those impacted feel heard and valued.


Seeing the fact now that things may not get restored properly, I have done some digging and I have addon BagSync to keep track of items across accounts and then I realised that I have not used another computer that has wow on it since before Pre-Patch (13th August), so looked in the lua file and can see tabs and items like
“52183;1000” etc which is pyrite ore x1000
“2291”, Kang the decapitator
“647”, DestinySo I can make a detailed lists from the files if Blizzard cannot do it.
Gonna raise a new ticket and add the data to it.

Do you know all those affected? Do we need to add ourselves to a list or something?

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as guild leader i have had nothing returned in the mail - despite the contents of all bank tabs being wiped (including pets, mounts etc) - very sad - looks like we will get nothing (or close to nothing) back - certainly the worst thing thats happened in game to me in my nearly 20 years of playing WoW

If you have anyone in guild who comes back or has account they have not used since prepatch, ask them not to access guild a and check what addons they have as one could have list of what has lost.

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