Guild Bank Missing Items Update

The problem is that, as much as I’d love it to work, the WTF and Lua files aren’t read-only, unfortunately, so they can be tinkered with.

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This is a brilliant idea! Why limit the fun to just the EU? Let’s take it global—world domination, anyone? :smile:

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I’m in the same boat, complete guild bank loss, all tabs and nothing via post… I won’t give up the game I love, but I CAN make other changes which impact Blizz financially…

According to my transactions list, since 2010 I’ve spent something in the region of £2500 in the shop - tokens, character changes, mounts etc etc, over and above normal game time and special launch editions. NO MORE.

If I can’t trust that the money I buy in tokens to spend on stuff I need for profs, etc (don’t have time to grind) will remain in my bank, I’m just not gonna do it - nor will you have my subs 6 or 12 monthly as I no longer trust you not to break the game…

In addition to that, I’ve cancelled my x-box subscription - I didn’t use it that much, but nevertheless, it’s gone and if Microsoft ask me why, I’ll explain the reasons.

Wanna make it right Blizzard? Give me the ridiculously priced last warbank tab and I’ll consider the 2,500,000 gold the cost of my loss and call it even - that won’t even cost you anything, just a digital fix.

But I won’t hold my breath


Still got 0% restored. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:
Incomplete restoration? Are you having a laugh?

Meanwhile, I can’t play the game. Because whatever progress I achieve might get wiped without any restoration or compensation.


Well still zero items…

Just thinking why ones get all, other zero or almost nothin?

It was more then 2 tabs full of classic mats and other 4 expansions… the memories (good or bad does not matter) with some people that are not on this earth anymore… the lessons learn on organizing and doing stuff…


Blizzard really messed the game up for me. Tried playing today, but just quit after a minute.
Still have nothing restored from my guild bank, meanwhile I can’t trust this game at all to preserve my progress.

Even if I find the motivation to play: After 30 minutes my character gets an existential crisis and goes: why even bother?

It annoys me massively (to put it mildly). They had the weekend to prepare some more/better communication, explaining how it happened, how they will prevent it and how they will do right by us. But nope… its 5 days later since the tone deaf communication and we still got nothing.

I went through MMO’s that died, I know nothing is forever. But to have this on an active game… I just can’t understand.

The items represent: The time and effort we put into the game, gold that we spend, money that we paid to play the game. These aren’t just pixels, they stopped being that the moment they introduced: tokens. They have monetary value.

So what do I expect from Blizzard: communication that will restore our trust in the game systems, compensation for the things we lost if restoration is not an option. What that is I have no idea but a decent amount of game-time and/or gold isn’t unreasonable in my opinion.

Some clarification on the time and process of their ‘restoration’. Us who didn’t get anything and others who got nothing have no idea: is this it? If you got something that’s all you get? If you got nothing so far: do we get nothing at all or at a later date?

To the forum goers:
Sorry for my ranting and me posting about this issue multiple times, but I need to let some steam off.
IRL: There is a whole lot more anger, swearing and calling Blizzard all kinds of names that wouldn’t fly on these forums.


We stopped using the guild bank the minute we noticed things went missing. In expectation that activity in the bank might be causing it, but also that a possible solution would be to just completely revert the bank back to the contents before the bug appeared. I guess we wasted our time doing something sensible and expecting the developers to do the same.

Players were left to try to cope with this problem themselves, when the developers could have put out messages saying don’t use your guild banks or frozen access whist they investigated. Instead, they put this issue to the back of their queue thinking they could resolve it later and now find they can’t fix it in the way they thought they could.

I bet those backups have now been written over because they took so long? If not and the backups do exist, how about giving the option of a full restore of the guild bank to the pre-bug state as an option to those that did freeze their banks themselves? From the comments I’ve read at least a few guilds did do the same as us and haven’t been using their banks ever since they spotted the issue.


Exactly the same.

I went to the Great Vault on both my characters who had items waiting. Did that.

Then I went to my third character that is level 76 - and did 2 quests. Then logged out.

They’ve effectively said “thanks the 20ish years of monthly subs, the collectors editions and store purchases you’ve made. We don’t value you anymore. Bye”


No apology needed - you’re speaking for me too.


The thing that dissapoints me is the fact that Blizzard has restored banks for so called elites/ streamers/ high end guilds. That really p… me off after being a loyal customer for 17 yrs.


The whole bank is gone, no mail jbut ust a crap post from Blizzard on a forum as they dont care for costumers at all. This is totally unaccaptable. I demand some kind of compensation. I suggest we all make tickets. The more the better


Sadly my guild have all tabs disapear will be very hard to recover from it :frowning: I hope that not happen again :frowning:


I have personally lost many BoE no-longer-obtainable transmog items worth multiple 10s of millions of gold. I have not yet received any of those items via mail, who can I reach out to to get additional feedback?
Additionally I have a list (and addon logs) to show which items exactly got lost.


Pretty much no-where. You could open a ticket, but you’ll either get fobbed off with a bot response that makes no sense, or you’ll get fobbed off by a real person who can’t do or say anything helpful. In either case, they’ll close the ticket as “resolved”.

You can add your voice here, and any social media you can … they might eventually pay attention, but equally they might just leave it untouched and unread for years … there’s a few threads I’ve seen that they do that to.


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Still not a single item restored yet either


And to no one’s surprise: 0 items restored, still haven’t seen a mail.

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You have completely wiped 2 guild banks of mine. One of them was a trade alt bank that had some of rarest (now long time unobtainable) BOE items in it. I’ve probably lost items worth 10s of millions of gold I could sell on the AH. Amongst them items that there’s probably less than 10 in existence nowadays (boe items from the the 10 hour The Gates of Ahn’Qiraj opening even from 19 years ago).

I have no idea what’s going on. You said “we will soon mail” - what’s exactly is soon? Did you already mail all the items you have found to the guild leaders and this is it or is this an ongoing process and we can expect stuff still to be mailed to us? Will the guild leaders that lost everything and no items were found receive a mail acknowledging that they won’t receive any items?

I’m so disappointed in the way this has been handled that for the first time in almost 20 years (I started in beta) I’m considering quitting.


On American forums people continue to persistently write about our common problem. The posts are increasingly angry, people are losing patience, but the reaction of the developers is still the same - nothing!

I’ve only just become aware of this issue and just checked the 2 guild banks that I have access to. in each case first tab fine, the rest of the tabs are empty.

To get a reply saying that we may not get anything back really stings as my wife and myself kept lots of items from many past expansions.

Really feeling quite disillusioned with Bliz right now.