Guild Bank Missing Items Update

I am not allowed to copy-paste a post from the other thread, but please check out what I posted here: Guild Bank items gone - #652 by Nkara-stormrage


There has been another blue post, in a different thread in a different part of the US forum:


Not very clever answer from a customer support, devinitive missing information what the
compensation for that mess will be.
Like this it sadly sounds more like a g… players.

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It is clear why the US forums promptly close the topics they don’t like. At EU, almost all support was fired, so there is a greater chance that our topics will stay here longer!

Well yes … a lot got fired. Don’t deny that at all. Very sad and has affected us all greatly.

But in this one instance, and very weirdly, we in the EU had more visible support presence than the US. Perhaps the US support guys had been told not to say anything under threat of losing their jobs, as the US tends to get rid of people at the drop of a hat, whereas at least in the EU workers have some rights …

As far as the closing of the forum posts, currently in the US β€œall” they’re doing is consolidation. They’ve closed the bug report thread because, as far as Blizzard is concerned, the bug itself is fixed, and they’re merging all the others into one main thread. Whether or not that’s just to make it easier to later get rid, I don’t know.

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No matter how you look at it, nothing good is happening for us yet :frowning_face:

I’m also one of the unfortunate players affected by the wipe of the guild bank. I was waiting patiently for a restore, but it turns out this will not be possible.

This is just unacceptable!

These items had a big sentimental value for me. I’ve been a WoW player for 20 years and bought every expansion. That means I invested more than 2500 EUR in this game.

This is a very sad year for WoW and Blizzard. This shows again that Blizzard is controlled by pure corporate greed!

I quit, I just uninstalled all Blizzard games and only support Indie Game Developers from now on.


Still no restoration emails.

Let’s keep this thread alive, please.


So, are we thinking there’s going to be another scummy update today?

Its Friday afternoon after all, perfect time to tell us: Nope, that’s it.

Wouldn’t surprise me at all. I’m beyond positive expectations from Blizzard right now.


Honestly … if that is it from them … then I wouldn’t expect a response at all. They’ll just keep stringing everyone along because it’s better than putting another negative post out that will only serve to bring more attention to it.

They don’t want any more attention brought to this … therefore they’ll say nothing and assume it will blow over.

At the end of the day, the people who were affected by this are a small proportion of their paying customers. Admittedly part of the very active, longstanding and loyal customers - because those are the ones that are more likely to have a lot in their banks and play regularly enough to notice missing items.

I suspect also that part of the trigger for this occurring was based on guild vault activity - I don’t know, but quite a few reports on the forums relating to missing items also mention having accessed the vault recently prior to the bug and noticing some item glitches in the vault. Which would then narrow down those affected to those who had been actively using their vault in a certain timeframe.

So as far as they’re concerned … we don’t matter.

We didn’t matter anyway on an individual basis, and we didn’t matter as far as being part or/running guilds is concerned.

They say with this new expansion they’ve changed their perspective so that they’re doing more for the player rather than the individual characters, but that doesn’t actually seem to be the case at all. They talk a good talk … :person_shrugging:


I’ve seen this linked elsewhere … thought it was worth a re-link:


Btw to you all who are also affected, are you also from the time we had accounts with a name rather than an e-mail?

I’ve been thinking if its those old accounts or maybe its us who transferred the guild to another server or their server got connected with another. Really wondering what it is that made some affected and not others.

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Mine is … (10 chars)

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What are we even talking about here? They can’t fix the bugs in Brewfest! What worked for years suddenly broke in Cataclysm Classic. And there are still no fixes.
I’ve been in shock for over a month now from everything that’s happening at Blizzard.

Well… I’ve said this before: TWW is the buggiest release I’ve ever been apart of in WoW.
Many won’t agree because no-one is experiencing the same bugs and because they enjoy TWW.

But here’s the thing, I was also enjoying myself with TWW. I can still call out bugs and not be blind to all the issues other people are having (character restore, communication, honor, reputation, auctions,…).

It really pisses me off that I can’t enjoy the game I was having fun with because of their incompetent handling of this issue.

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out of all these items I just have the ones in the 1st tab all epics etc in last ones

[β€œtabs”] = {

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Not a single mail received here, all guild bank tabs lost.

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(post deleted by author)

This is outrageous and totally unprofessional. All the memorabilia I’ve collected over 19 years, possibly worth millions of gold, that I would never sell because of their sentimental value, just gone. And I didn’t receive a single mail.

How Blizzard expects us to keep anything in any kind of inventory again? The game’s whole system is based on getting/earning items. If we can’t be sure to keep those, why should anyone bother anymore? How do we know if a patch won’t permanently delete our bank or bag or equipped items or even achievements/titles next?