Guild invites

Just something I’ve noticed in SoD. No random guild invites, none at all, nada, zip, zero, bugger all even.

Just thought I’d mention it, since it’s a bit weird. I remember you couldn’t walk up to the first quest giver at points during classic without a random guild invite.

I’ll hold my hands up and admit part of me not noticing is probably down to not being in a guild and being unable to mooch, beg, borrow or steal materials or lurk along in a super guild dungeon run. :laughing:

I can live without random guild invite spam, but the thing I really do miss is the beggars. They completely vanished around 2011 and are now extinct.

Time was when it was impossible to go anywhere near a capital city or auction house without getting a whisper like: “plzzzzz i need golod 4 weapun” from some random lowbie. Ah the fun we used to have…

I guess times change, but thankfully the rosy glow of nostalgic memory lives on forever untarnished.

Oddly, I don’t think I ever got the whispers asking for gold. Maybe they saw the general poor quality of my gear and thought he’s worse off than me.

I do clearly remember the people in general asking for gold. Which for some reason you still get in the gold fest that is retail.

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