Guild items gone

(Not sure why I can only post as Classic character and can’t change to normal retail main…)
Since the new expansion began, guild banks that my alt characters own, have been missing A LOT of items. I thought maybe it’s some bug with warbands, because my Warband bank sometimes didn’t show items, but a relog would help. But it’s been more than 2 months already and the items in guildbanks are not appearing… I wrote a ticket for support and got a GM reply saying to report this to tech forums… Strange, because usually these posts get closed, but here I go:

I have been playing WoW for 18 years, so You can imagine I’ve accumulated a lot of stuff… I am collector, I like sorting, so I had 4 guildbanks for things…

One guild had 3,5 tabs of items gone (out of 5 tabs), one had 2 tabs (or 3) gone, 2 other guilds had random items gone, but not fully “cleared” tabs.

I know Blizzard used to have DB backups, so they DO know what items we had in bank… But the restoration is not happening…
I can try provide you with lists of what items I had (I remember many things, but not all. I have screenshots of how guilds look now), maybe it would help something…

One of my guildmasters received ONE email with 756 Silk Cloth. That’s it. Other guild masters - nothing. This cannot be true… I had hundreds of items…

I am an IT tester myself, so one thing I noticed: I received Silk Cloth - this is THE ONLY item I accidentally put INTO guild bank since the new expansion. So I received only THAT item that I put in later? This is strange… what if I put more items of what I had before…?

I need real answers here. I don’t believe Blizzard has no backups of what we had… I am not of those people saying “small indie company” so, please, dear tech support, show us that You are not…

I can provide a list of items I remember, screenshots of guilds, but I REALLY NEED some of my items back.
Jesus, I am so nervous and anxious now… It’s 18 years of things…
Please tell me You can give the items back!!

For the guild bank update and any feedback you may have about it refer to this thread:

I saw that post, but it says that restoration is complete which can’t be true… 4 guilds of items missing and ONE item restored… This is not right… I can send list of items I remember I had. I really really need at least some items returned! I can search if I have screenshots from the past… How can Blizzard ignore their oldest playing (and paying) players and just say “we are done with restoration” and not restore anything…

Plus, as I said, a GM said to register on this forum, so they are still giving hope.

You meant a ticket GM? They generally point to the forums, not a specific forum.

We’ve had a detailed answer on previous inquiries in the CS forums to the stickied Guild Bank thread about this.

Good luck, I too think the systems shouldn’t have failed so much like this.