Guild name under name

why can`t i find an option to show my guild name under my character name and title? was it removed?

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Works for me. Sure you’re in a guild? :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you mean in game or on the forums?

Some addons can also have additional options on what you want to see.

in game

i think you now need an addon for it :face_vomiting:

It should just appear under your name if your name is visible.

Providing you’ve ticked the option ‘my name’ in interface in names section, it should show your guild too if you are in one.

only shows name and title, same for other people.

This is a screenshot from back when I played Classic for a month on launch, my guild name is visible:-

I haven’t touched the game since then so I’m not very up to date on any on going things. You might be better off asking in the Classic General Discussion forum:-

Unless someone here happens to play both.

i was talking about retail you silly goose

It’s definitely possible in retail. My guild name is always visible under my name.

If you have the advanced interface options addon or you have used a console command to turn it off it may be that you need to turn it back on.

A quick google suggests

/console UnitNamePlayerGuild 1


Sounds like something turned it off, or you aren’t in a guild.

that worked, but why is there no interface option for it like before?


There used to be a lot more options in wow but they simplified it over time. So now the only way to access those are with an addon or with commands. Sometimes people accidentally turn things off or use addons that have turned them off for them, either knowingly or unknowingly :grinning:.

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Because Blizzard thought it was too complicated and removed them, but forgot to actually remove the options themselves…

There’s an addon called AdvancedInterfaceOptions. Go get it.

blizztard just keeps becoming worse and worse huh


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