So after the same faction BGs, 3 out of 4 IRL friends im playing with daily and have been playing strictly alliance with for the past 2 years, has now CLOSED thier alliance accounts and boosted horde accounts.
It was already getting hard to find dungeon groups, leveling and farming in open world due to the massive horde pop and gank culture. And since horde got the same BG queue times as alliance now, you’re simply gimping your game experience by ALOT by playing alliance.
But gz on 3 more paid boosts
My other friend and I simply chose to cancels our subs on 2 accounts each.
The entirety of my church congregation just resubbed because of this change, and are all going Alliance. That’s just shy 200 people.
at least they got 3 boosts and lost 1…
I think thats a win for blizz.
indeed, big win for blizz. Big loss for game integrity.
All these alliance saying they’ve rerolled horde etc… This BG change ends on the 7th, who knows IF/WHEN it even becomes a legit thing 
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Throwing a temper tantrum is the new meta on the forums. Regardless of faction.
I got 10 friends resubbing because of same faction battlegrounds. Most of my friends thats been playing constantly since tbcc launch play alliance though, because of op pvp racials.
They all must of skipped this
Who’s to say blizz cancels this idea completely, or tries a different idea next week? 1 extended weekend of horde having no queues and alliance all over the world are s***ing the bed
isn’t that a big part of it though? to have ppl give feedback? should everyone ignore this post since it’s a test?
All im saying is that if Actizzard will make this stay, the Alliance will almost be no more.
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Everyone is acting like this is a done deal, me included. But imagine these forums if, after whatever time they think they need to evaluate the test, they just tell us “Nah, this was bad… we won’t go ahead with this”
I think it will stand.
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cancels subs because horde gets bgs fixed
Just imagine level of jealousy
Also it says alot about your friends who choose minmax instead of playing with you:)
Did you honestly read what i wrote?
The Horde bg problem is a BIG problem that needs a souluton, indeed.
But all this same faction bg does, is make the alliance even smaller in pop, thus making it almost unplayable, because you cant find dungeon groups, farm in open world nor quest due to too many horde going zug zug mode.
Oh yea ofc, I’m just pointing at the actual reroolers at this point. As right now nobody knows if this will stay, likely yes, but 100% no. And to reroll right now on a new account and pay for a boost seems very over the top
You have 4 friends for dungeons…oh wait you have only 1 friend now)I leveled 60 to 70 by questing and never seen horde ganking alliance even though i was ganked by high level alliance rogues
Nonetheless, that is what is happening already.
well you shouldnt be forced to play a faction you dont like. just to get faster bg quenes ?
It’s not necessarily just about minmaxing racials, but that there are very big perks to being on the dominant faction.
Much easier levelling, better pve opportunities (more guilds), ability to farm in the open world, better economy, and less risk that the faction dies out and thereby needing to pay an extra 25 € for a transfer if that happens.
Ive seen many alliance players farming anything they want without getting ganked:) More players ≠ better economy.
better pve opportunities
Really?In a lfr lvl tbc raids?You can literally complete it with any setup