I am BM Hunter looking for a semi-hardcore or hardcore progression guild. I am currently 8/8 HC Uldir looking for guild to progress through mythic Uldir and beyond.
Raid Times : 6 PM - Midnight CET
Raid Days : Any
Server : Any
Faction: Horde
Logs : www(dot)warcraftlogs(dot)com/character/id/36020300?mode=detailed&zone=19#difficulty=4
Bnet : neongott#2969
What to expect from me: I am a very active player who is constantly trying to improve not only gear but also skill wise
What I expect from you: i want you to be a guild with like minded players with the goal of completing the current raid tier.
if you are interested in having me in your guild/raiding team feel free to add me.
Hi Neonter
Please read about us here : [H] [Vehemence] [Hellfire/Arathor]
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care in meantime 
Hi Neonter,
We, Order of Thrall on Ragnaros , are currently looking for DPS to join our group and perhaps you’d like to come join us! Our current progress is 2/8M and with more guild members, and less pugs , we’d be able to clear a lot further into the content.
Outwith raiding we’re a social lot on Discord, there’s always someone to talk to, and we run a lot of Mythic+ keys. We have some people who like to push keys as high as possible, some who run low keys for alts and those who just want their 10 done each week. Either way you’d get some done.
Raid times: Monday and Thursday, 20:30 - 23:30 Server time.
If you like the sound of that then get in contact with me: Holy#2543
Hey mate add and have chat with these guys might be what your looking for 
H Neonter, (T H U N D E R) is a Mythic guild looking for rDPS for its raid team on Draenor. We also run M+ on off nights and are needing more players for our mythic raid team. We are a mature guild and well established, if you would like to consider our guild please see below info.
Our Raid times are 21:00-00:00 and Wed, Thurs & Sunday and our guild recruitment post is here [H Draenor] T H U N D E R - Late evening raiders - need dps . Please contact Narce [Adda6#2711] if you’d like to find out more about us.