I am playing both Warrior (P & F) & Shaman (E & R), currently on Magtheridon server.
Am looking for a social guild, with focus on social - I am intrested in progressing through HC but no futher since I cannot guarantee I will be avaible on raid nights.
I am easy going 27yo male, a chef, English and Polish speaking, liking fantasy books, anime and every media connected to it.
I want to main Warrior again, tho I have a spectrum of Pally, DK, Shaman in my arsenal too.
I am willing to create new character on another server, and to see if I fit to the potential guild and eventually transfer my characters if I do.
PS: Would love to try RP realm, even on Alliance side.
Hi Volgrief! Our guild on Magtheridon is currently recruiting more friendly people! We raid, run M+, have social events and generally have fun together!
We aim to clear heroic and get everyone Curve if they want it
We have plenty of people in the guild that can’t commit to 100% attendance due to real life stuff and that is no problem. Real life comes first!
If our guild sounds good to you hit me up on Discord (xxx) or in game (xxx) for a chat and I’ll answer any questions you have! 
Greetings Volgrief!
I like what I see, I feel like you could be a good fit for Apostles!
We’re a pretty laid back community that flexes around real life and other issues. Mostly made up of ex-hardcore raiders who got old, had children and work commitments etc, we aim (and succeed) to get Curve every raid since we returned for BFA (we were in legion too). A good family feel, with plenty to do outside of raids and a good social core who like to hang out on voice comms too. If interested, please give our post a look over and feel free to contact me either on Discord: Darksunlight#0486 or Battlenet: Sirelias#2106. You’ll find the details here: [H][Draenor] Apostles | Heroic Raiding | M+ | Social Community
Currently joined the .
Will keep you mind Darksunlight if it won’t work tho
I see you mentin you’d love to try an RP realm, even on Ally side…
Well! I run Ally side on Argent Dawn, which is the high pop RP realm.
We’re currently recruiting casual raiders and social members. Hoping to raid 1/2 nights a week with no pressure to come along if you can’t.
Here’s a link to my recruitment post so you can see if we’re right for you: [A][Argent Dawn] <The Scarlet Service> Perfect for New/Returning Raiders!