[H] [Community] <Zen Horde> - Mythic Raid Team Recruiting!

Greetings everyone!

The Zen Horde Raid Team would like to extend an invitation to everyone that is looking for a place, where people from all walks of life, enjoy to play and progress together.

Our Raid Team is not hardcore nor casual, yet determined to push on, evolve, adapt and stand united. We have had alot of fun together taking on Normal, Heroic and Mythic Ny’alotha, our comradery is what we want to bring with us into the next expansion, Shadowlands.

This is why we are reaching out to all of you!

We want to include everyone who is on the quest of finding a comfortable and fair place, where common sense and positivity lay the bricks to our foundation.

If the above is something for you, please keep reading on.

//Zen Horde

Recruitment Information

We are open to all classes/specs with priority on Casters and Tanks.

If you are ready to jump into Mythic Ny’alotha, below we’ve listed our requirements.

Player Essentials

  • To read, understand and follow our pinned messages on discord.
  • To be able to communicate over voice on discord.
  • To do your best and keep an healthy attitude.
  • To keep improving yourself and your character outside of raids*

Character Progression

  • 470+ ilvl (equipped)
  • 80+ neck
  • Essences: BiS rank 3 major + rank 3 (x3) minor
  • Rank 15+ cloak

Raid Schedule

Mythic: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 19:45 to 23:00 server time.
Heroic: Sundays from 19:45 to 23:00 server time.

Note: Heroic is used for gearing mains to acquire those last bits of upgrades, that help us push further into Mythic.




Disclaimer: Apart from raiding, everyone is welcome to participate in M+, transmog runs or just plain hanging out ingame aswell as on our discord server.

The more the merrier!

We hope to attract likeminded players and wish you all the best during these harsh times, take care and see you all ingame!

//Zen Horde

We are still looking for more people for raid. But even if you dont want to raid feel free to join the zen horde community! :slight_smile:

Currently looking for Mistweaver Monk & Holy Priest.

Feel free to add me on Bnet: aRTeeCee#9015 for a chat :slight_smile:
