(H-Draenor) Returning Healer looking for raiding guild

I recently came back to the game, after not raiding or playing much over the last two expansions due to real life stuff happening. The guild I have been in since MoP has unfortunately fallen apart due to everyone going their own way so I decided to level new characters on Draenor as the horde side on my previous server died out as well.

I have raided since WotLK and would love to get back into it now that I have the time again. I can raid on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Friday evenings after 20:00 server time.

I am currently in the process of leveling all my healers up to 50, my priest and monk already being there and shaman not far following behind.

You can reach me on Discord for any questions etc. Mirophi#5897

Look at our recruitment post.
Rat Pack

I am 100% confident that you will love what you’ll see.


Once you’re there you should be able to PM any of the officers on that Discord (Woosa, Cronali, Vorium, TbXie) and go on from there.
This guarantees that we will get your message asap and you don’t have to wait unnecessarily long to get an answer.

Thank you & Best of Luck in both your applications and in SL!

C u soon.