[H] [EU] 2x DPS LF mythic guild


Fury warrior and assassination rouge are looking to join a mythic raiding guild, we are both 3/10. Our current guild disbanded and we are looking for a new place to go. Pref raiding days are Monday and Wednesday, other days are fine. We just cannot do Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Our ilvls are both 224.

Massage me on dis if you want any further information

Hello there,

I’d be very much excited to have a chat with you and your friend.

I’ve sent you a friend request on battle net from AariusWoods :slight_smile:

hey mate,
sent you a friend request on discord, lets have a chat :slight_smile:

in the meanwhile, here is a link to our recruitment post:

Hi Mate,

You are litterally the final 2 pieces to our jigsaw and would love to speak to you more if you able to adjust your raid days slightly?

Let us know.

Hey :slight_smile:

Check us out → [H][EU][⋆ Divide et Impera ⋆] is looking for Dedicated Raiders for its Main Core