(H) (EU) Lonewolf Looking for guild

im looking for a guild with friendly people to join!
i would love to join a guild that raids! 2/3 days
a guild that teams up and does ohter things aswell ( dungeons/pvp/fun stuff out in the world/helping eachohter out!

i live in denmark so english is not my native language.
but i can write/speak it to some degree.

im open to play most classes if needed!

i dont really care what realm, BUT would love a realm with alot of people.

please ask if you need ANY kind of info!

thank you for reading my post!

Hey Dirtyhole, we are rolling Horde on Golemagg(PvP) and are currently looking for members in our core raid team. There is a Google Spreadsheet link with our raid roster with open class positions, and a link to our discord.


Hej mate, vil du ikke med os på Shazzrah Ally? :slight_smile:

We are all +30 years old

Wed 20.00-23.00 servertime
Thur 20.00-23.00 servertime
possibilitie for adding sundays same time, for progression

We are going alliance on Shazzrah!

We´re a bunch of friends whom all played since vanilla,
Clearing Everything:
Molten Core: Cleared.
Onyxia´s Lair: Cleared.
Black Wing Lair: Cleared.
Ahn’Qiraj Temple: Cleared.
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj: Cleared.
Zul Gurub: Cleared.
Naxx: Cleared.

I´ve lead a guild in later wow succesfully aswell to Ranks in Legion:
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 Mythic World 564.

Trial of Valor: 3/3 Mythic World 216.

Nighthold: 10/10 Mythic World 298.

Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9 Mythic:
Fallen Avatar: World 26
Maiden of Vigilance: World 16
Mistress Sassz’ine: World 20
The Desolate Host: World 18
Sisters of the Moon: World 22
Harjatan: World 46
Demonic Inquisition: World 36
Goroth: World 85

Antorus, the Burning Throne: 11/11 Mythic World 143.

I´ve added you both on bnet and on discord :slight_smile:

in case u wanna come easier in touch, please join our discord and ask for me or sinned :slight_smile:



As of today we started recruiting on Golemagg - PvP
We’re a semi-hardcore guild with 3 raiding days a week.
I’d love to have a chat with you if you’re still looking for a guild!
Add me on discord : Qayran#1583

In case you’d like to take a look!

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