[H] [EU] [Tarren-Mill] - <Arrival> 9/9HC, 5/9m - LF Mage, healer, Rogue, DK. (3% Pull on Zskarn)

Do you only recruit warlocks?

Ranged DPS only currently

We are now 7/8m. Get in touch if you think you’re a good fit.

We are also considering applications for 10.1, let us know!

Any RDPS gamers for Rasz? Get in touch =)

Hi! are you still looking for dps to your team? :slight_smile: Im a balance druid 7/8M progress looking for a new CE guild. Im on Tarren Mill but transfered my char to ally today cause we soon have X-faction guilds. You can add me and contact on Discord, Siniistra#5619 to chat More :slight_smile:

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Hello, any chance you could join our discord please, as seen above :slight_smile:

We are still looking for new players for 10.1.

Would you have a spot for ex-CE ret/fury war?

Hey, sorry for the delayed reply. Join our discord and we can have a chat - you should be able to find a link above (gets censored sometimes for some reason)

forgot to ping you a notification :slight_smile:

We’re now looking for a new mage. Get in touch if you think you’ll be a good fit.

Any mages?

We’re now looking for more RDPS to bolster our roster, please get in touch!

We’re now 5/9 HC, 9/9 normal in ATSC. Please get in touch if you are interested in trialling for our guild.

Still looking :slight_smile:

We’re now 8/9 HC. Please get in touch if you have previous experience in mythic and think you’re a good fit.

We are now 9/9HC, 1/8M! Please get in touch if you have previous experience and think you’re a good fit to the guild. :slight_smile:

We are 15% on Assault after 3 pulls, so very much expect 3/9m next week.

Are you looking for healers at all?