[H Gandling] <For Fun> Relaxed and Friendly Social and Casual Raiding Guild

Good guild, good atmosphere, good people, and lots of them. Still looking for more socials to bolster the ranks. :slight_smile:

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Hippity hop, bibbity bop, up to the top!

Less than a week to get yourself into a good guild before release. You couldn’t ask for better than For Fun. The hype is real, and everyone’s raring to go!!

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Bump for the the socials. Everyone loves the socials.

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Awesome place to be for classic. Can’t wait! :slightly_smiling_face:

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The social bump.

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The hype is real! Looking for some mroe freinds to come and join us. Worried about pugs for dugneons? Join us, and you wont need to pug! Worried about beign judge for being a newbie? Join us, and you will be free to do whatever you want!

We have quite the friendly and laied back community already built up here, but we would love some more peeps to come and join us. So if you are looking for a home where you always have people ready to help you out, chat to, and events to look forward to, join us!


I’m currently looking for a guild. I played hardcore PvE during entire vanilla from the early patches and I have cleared all content with the mage class. My ambition is not to play on that level anymore, I am more interested in gold farming, chatting in guild chat, going to STV Arena with guildmates to wreck havoc, et cetera. However, having a possibility (not guarantee) to raid in the future is a big plus, since you know…its vanilla content.

During TBC I focused on arena and earned gladiator ranks. During WotLK I also focused on pvp and earned gladiator ranks.

I only played alliance during vanilla and it feels like I know every single NPC and footstep for alliance, thats why I’m gonna go with horde this time around. A big plus is also that I can finally gank gnomes in STV.

I will play UD mage in classic.

Do you think there is any room for an experienced vanilla player that is unsure about the level of dedication he can promise?

I look forward to hear from you.

Thanks in advance.


Yes to all your questions! :+1:
Edit* The only thing we can’t guarantee at the moment is a raid spot. But that’s a ways away, and there will be coming and going before then.

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As already mentioned, you’d be more than welcoem as a social. You’ll have people to group up with for pvp, dungeons, messing about out in the world. You’ll also get to join in with any of our social events we will do etc.

We are currently full on raid spots so we can’t promise you that. When raid spots open up due to people dropping out or such then we do ping people on discord to fill them. But I wont stand here and say “you can totally raid with us!” when I can’t romsie that at all. Due to our very casual nature we aren’t rushing into the raiding scene so we still have time to see who pulsl through and who doesn’t etc.

If raiding is your main focus then I would honestly say we aren’t the right guild. If the social side is your main focus than that we have covered!

Nimos! :smiley: Zipps here from ragnaros, add me on bnet Turbotomte#1234

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I hope everything is well with you. I’m quite certain I stumbled across your name yesterday when I was looking at old screenshots dated 2005-2006.

I will contact you later on bnet!

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We are now moving to Gandling!

Let’s bump this up the list.

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Still lookign for some more peeps to join us on our journey through Azeroth! There’s not long now until release, and the hype here is real!

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Gandling… The Darkmaster himself. BAMF

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We want the socials, give us the socials.

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Looking for a shadow priest to fill in our last raid spot!

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Gandling seems to be the most mature healthy server !!!

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Dear Hug and Folcwine,

Thank you for taking time to respond. An old friend told me about a guild some known old players will play in, so in the end I decided to join them based on nostalgia :slight_smile:

You will find me on Firemaw as horde.

I wish you all the best in classic!

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