[H Gandling] <For Fun> Relaxed and Friendly Social and Casual Raiding Guild

Gandling. Add my discord Jani#2116

Great and thanks. I will contact you later when I’m about to login :blush:

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Glad to have you with us!

Awesome guild with loads of helpful people. Still going strong now, and sometimes 80+ online :slight_smile:
Come join the fun :slight_smile:

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Best place to call home <3

Are you still looking for players? Thinking about starting with Shaman and going hard in the next days to level

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We are always open to social players. We are currently full on raiding spots for now.

No prob not sure if I will be raiding and how this is going
 I would like to join you guys to hang out and level together and PVP some stuff :smiley:

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Awesome! Hit me up on btag or ingame!

We really have something great and positive going on here. Excellent guild, full of banter and <3. Just simply For Fun. Socials welcome.

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I want to be part of this.

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Hit me up on discord and we can get you to be a part of this!

Aw damn, sounded so interesting and then “raid spots full”. /sigh

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We have been recruiting for months so naturally our raid spots fill up pretty fast when there is an opening. We have socials in the guild ready and waiting to jump on any spot that opens up. If raiding is your main focus though, then this isn’t the guild for you. Raiding is just another social event to us.

Just added you on bnet in hopes of getting an invite. Big casual player but still wouldn’t mind the option of possibly raiding at some point but its not a focus for me at the moment :slight_smile:

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Hi there, me and one of my mates were wondering if you are still recruiting?

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We are but please add my social officer to join. I am very busy with RL right now so I am unable to promsie I will be able tog et back to you asap.

Social Officer
Btag: LovinFeelin#229
Discord: pugsley02#6587

Finns det raidplats i guilden fortf? Är inte lvl 60 Ă€n, men jobbar pĂ„ det :slight_smile:

English please or I can’t help you :slight_smile:


Now the majority of us are at 60 and doing some casual raids we’re looking for some additional members to fill our raiding ranks! Specifically:

Shamans (any)

Message GameJon#2579 or DareDevil#8674 on Discord if you’re interested :wink: