[H] Healer problem - Recruiting raiders and socials

About Us

‘Healer problem’ was founded at the end of BFA. We are well established mythic raiding guild with developed supportive and friendly social community. Most of our members are 30+ yo with jobs, families, kids, and rational sets of mind. We are bound by ambition to build a strong core of focused players for mythic progression while valuing players over the progress itself.
For those joining us we offer a mature, fun and caring, yet focused during raids environment, with respect to real life responsibilities, and stripped of drama and toxicity.

Current progress:
Current tier (SOD): 10/10 H, 3/10M
Previous tier (CN): 10/10 H, 3/10M


  • strict and focused progression mythic raiding (application required);
  • heroic social raiding with relaxed and laid-back environment and loose obligations (free for all);
  • vanity content: achievement, mount, t-mog runs (free for all);
  • M+ everyday: you will always be able to find a companion for any level of m+ difficulty (free for all).


  • Progression raid: Wednesday, 20.00-23.00 ST; Thursday, 20.00-23.00 ST.
  • Casual raid: Sunday, 20.00-23.00 ST.
  • Vanity: Friday, 20.00 - 23.00 ST.

Class Demand

  • Fire Mage

Requirements for raiders

  • zero drama, positive attitude, respect and politeness towards others;
  • ability to work as a part of a team, organized and prepared;
  • know your class and spec, able to receive criticism, ambitious to learn and improve;
  • able to plan your life a week ahead and communicate about change of plans;
  • working discord voice communication, gear ready for content, ready to use required tools and addons.

In-Game Community
Our guild has an in-game community. We welcome and encourage our members interacting with players from other guilds and on other realms. Come, join us. meet our people, see if our atmosphere fits you before you decide to dedicate yourself to our raid team.

If you have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to answer any of your questions about our guild.

Guild Leader: Beygir#6257 (Discord)
Recruitment Officer: Cheyanna#5202 (Discord), Lawura#2369 (Battletag)

We are still looking for more players for our Mythic team.

Current class demand:

  • High priority: Mage, Warlock, Demon Hunter (dd), Warlock, Paladin (ret), Priest (Disc, Holy)
  • Medium priority: Monk (dd), Rogue, Shaman (dd), Druid (balance)
  • Low priority: Death Knight (dd), Druid (feral), Priest (dd)

Other classes and specs are welcome and will be considered individually.
We also have plenty of place for socials and growing players.

Class demand list is updated:

  • High priority: -
  • Medium priority: Monk (dd), Rogue, Shaman (ench), Death Knight (dd), Paladin (retribution), Druid (feral),
  • Low priority: Priest (dd), Druid (balance)
  • Closed: all tanks, all healers

All classes and specs are welcome and will be considered individually.
We also have plenty of space for socials and growing players.
We also started recruiting for cross-realm mythic raids that are yet to come.
Join our guild community, participate our other activities, meet our guild members, and stay tuned, and be there when the cross-realm mythic raids are available.

We have updated list of classes we are looking for:

  • High priority: DK (tank, unholy), Mage, Paladin (Holy), Shaman (Enh)
  • Medium priority: Hunter (BM,MM) Monk (dd) Priest (Holy/exceptional Disc), Warlock
  • Low priority: Paladin (dd), rogue

We also are opened for social and have a good number of strong m+ players.

Latest news
We have started on our mythic raids.
Current progress 2/10.
High: warlock, Shaman (enh)
Medium: WW monk, DH (dd)

We are still doing a lot of high mythic plus keys on daily basis and are opened for socials of all kinds.

Interested in knowing more

im 10/10 HC on Blood and Unholy if its any good character is “Nubbins” dreanor

Hey Shortcast!
Add me on Battletag (Lawura#2369) or Discord (Cheyanna#5202) I will try to answer all your questions. Hope to hear from you soon.

We have updated our class demand list!

For our progression team we currently we are looking for:

  • High priority: 1x Warlock, 1x Shaman (enh), 1x Priest (shadow)
  • Medium priority: 2x (any melee dps, except rogue)

Remember, that we welcome all active social players, and application for raiding team from any class will be considered individually.

We have updated our progression and list of raid opened spots.
Current progression: 10/10HC, 3/10M.

At the moment we have no opened raid spots, but we are ready to consider exceptional applicants.
We value high attendance, chilled attitude, adult mind set, ready for raiding both player and its characters.
If you are interested to see the flow and taste the mojo of our raids before deciding to join, please tune to our streamers.

Contact us for more info, or if you have any questions.
Guild Leader: Beygir#6257 (Discord)
Recruitment Officer: Cheyanna#5202 (Discord), Lawura#2369 (Battletag)

We are currently looking for a skillful and reliable warlock for our mythic team.

Contact us for more info, or if you have any questions.
Guild Leader: Beygir#6257 (Discord)
Recruitment Officer: Cheyanna#5202 (Discord), Lawura#2369 (Battletag)


i would like to speak to you or your recruitment person
added them on discord just now

We are looking for a skillful and reliable Fire Mage.

About you:

  • team player
  • know your class, ready to accept criticism, ambitious to learn and improve
  • you are geared for mythic progression (ilvl 240+, leggo, sockets, trinkets, stats)
  • ready to attend 80%+, and ready for eventual benching
  • positive attitude, zero drama, and respect to people around you

We are always opened for active socials of all types.

Contact us for more info, or if you have any questions.
Guild Leader: Beygir#6257 (Discord)
Recruitment Officer: Cheyanna#5202 (Discord), Lawura#2369 (Battletag)

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