[H] Jeeves needs Chieves

TL:DR Version
A new community for everyone that shares a love for achievements, whether that be reputation grinding because you want to show off all the friends you’ve made or collecting mounts, pets, toys and whatnot. Stuck on Only the Penitent? Need help with Blood Infusion? Find likeminded people here.

First and foremost; be helpful, giving and taking should be in balance.

Link to join

Now for the long story…

My name’s Infernae, a newly returned WoW player who, unfortunately, lost his old account. I used to play end-game WotLK and Cata on Blade’s Edge and have always been an achievement hunter. The last thing I was working on was Insane in the Membrane.

What I noticed after returning to WoW is the overwhelming amount of content to be cleared, but as the completionist that I am, this just makes me happy. The most important thing though seems to be limiting yourself to a few goals at a time. I’m currently working on farming mounts, pets and legendaries from weekly raids (Vanilla, TBC, WotLK and Cata).
Another thing I’ve noticed is that the social aspect of the game has changed, a lot. It seems impossible to find people to play with outside of a guild and/or community. Since a lot of stuff is soloable all I see is people doing their thing and ignoring others (guilty of this as well). Also, boosting for gear and achievements has become a thing, which I’m honestly disgusted by. We used to bring alts to raids if we could, gear those instead of selling runs to strangers. Hell, I’d rather bring a complete stranger for free than sell stuff like that. Anywaaaay, getting a bit off-topic so back on track: I decided to create this community and hopefully find people who are willing to help each other for free, even in this time-consuming, overwhelmingly content-filled World of Warcraft of today.

Now, a bit more information about the community.
What I’m hoping to create is a community where one can freely ask for help, about pretty much anything achievement related. Need a Standard Scope for your SELFIE Camera and think the prices in AH are ridiculous? Need help with Darkmoon Dominator? Feel free to ask!
What I’m trying to say is that I’d like the range of things you can ask help for is not limited to a certain expansion or aspect of WoW.

So what is asked of (potential) members?
Be helpful, don’t just take help, give where it is needed as well even if you’re done with whatever it is another player needs help with.
Patience and understanding that you might not always get the help you want, WoW has become massive in regards to content so people might not always be in a position to help you immediately.
Absolutely no baggering of any kind.
Zero-tolerance on selling help, be it with something simple like Only the Penitent or Mythic: G’huun. If you want something like the latter and no one is doing it for free, take it outside of the community if you want to buy or sell services like that. What is acceptable is asking for a small fee in return of mats, but only if both the receiving and giving party agree on the price. If anyone asks for a mat you can make an agreement, but no /trade stuff, no messages like WTS Sky Golem or WTB Akunda’s Bite. This is not a trading community.
Absolutely no obligation to talking in chat whatsoever, still free to ask for help.
Proper behaviour and helping as well as receiving help, that’s what is needed.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a newbie, veteran or returning player.

I hope to built a nice, carefree helping community of likeminded achievement hunters.

Edit: For a like-minded Mythic community make sure to check out [H] Mythics - Calm Keystones