[H] Mythics - Calm Keystones

Hi, I am interested in joining. I’ve recently acquired lots of gear for Vengeance, so would be more than happy to assist people with group finding. Add me on Ross#1717

Hi All.

For info we’ll be removing inactive accounts this coming weekend (16/2/19) so will try to get invites to all who have left your bnets then. Apologies for not getting them too you sooner

You can add me on Nephthiz#2864 , I am a resto druid who would love to be part of a nice community running m+ every now and then.


Dedicated healer always looking for friends to do M+ with.

Please add me Coffeemate#2316

Would love an invite. Coming back from a break and got removed in the last “purge”. Looking to do some mythics again.

Wrong char
I play the shaman now.


I would like an invite to the community, got a few friends in there also.

Would love an invite, dedicated healer/DPS always looking for friends to do M+ with.

Hey, would like an invite please.

Would like an invite if possible <3


You can add me on Nephthiz#2864 , I am a resto druid who would love to be part of a nice community running m+ every now and then.


Would like an invite to this if there’s space.

Holy Priest / Brewmaster Monk



If there are invites available, I would love one. I play DH Havoc.


Would very much appreciate an invite too. Aximum#2830

Sounds great, I would love to join. Dawn#2824

Hey! Wonderful idea. I just felt nervous doing a +2 after coming back from a break - yet I’ve played since release! if any invites going my id is plawson#2687


Glad to see it’s still going strong <3


The wife and I would like an invite for this. We are both casual players that would really like to see some more of the game then just LFR and LFD. You can come across some really unfriendly people in those places.
Our bnet tags are: Djenda#2494 and Evil#2925 .

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Would love an invite if there is room. Unholy/Blood DK - Fredzor#2167

Hey would love to be added, WW monk my bnet is BrandenE#2911