Hey guys, are you still active? I’ve been looking for a nice group of people to run some chilled dungeons (and also to learn them as I haven’t really done them much). Good pace for me would be like once a week or so and I’m ok with what ever level of dungeon just something extra to do while playing. Grinding quests by myself is starting to feel a bit boring and it is kind of scary to try find a random with all the IO score thing / ilvl req / general high expectations happening there. I’ve tried to /who the list of names given in the post but constantly getting 0 players. Maybe you’re just not online during weekends
I have tried to get in contact with you for some days now but none of you seem to be online during the evenings.
Is there any other way to get in contact with you or could you give me a time when you will likely be online? Having a hard time catching any of you atm
im on now (as are a few other officer) if you want to try and get in touch?
been having troubles contacting any chance for other way if you catch me ?
Hey. I’ll be online about 8pm server time. Will try to contact you then. We dont like to do the whole ‘bnet’ add thing or invite codes on forums. It just gets messy.
Also i’ll try to get alts written in the main post as some officers play on alts.
i have added Bubbajiggles-Tarrenmill but i never seem to be able to catch him online to join if possible add Nethal-Tarrenmill and add me
This looks as a perfect enviroment for me. I have small children at home so evenings is perfect for me. Im playing resto druid and fury warr. Il be online tonight 8:30-9 pm if you guys need a healer
Yeah just hit me up when you’re on. I should be on killing things and falling off cliffs tonight =P
When i try and add you says player not found
cant add no1 of this nicknames. how can i join?
This looks interesting! I tried to add the names on the list but got the message “player not found”. How can i join?
as with others before. Keep trying.
We wont be adding bnets or such and the ones above are the officers in the comm. Mostly on evenings EU
Hi. I am also a returning player in the pve domain.
I have a holy priest level almost 430 and a gruadian druid bit below 425. I would like to start with runs that would allow me to upgrade my key to do the +10 runs. I play 3-4 times a week around 20:00 CET
if you are interested dervast#2371
The Community is still active, Ork has been removed for his continued negative behaviour and attitude towards members and other officers - we dislike drama - and I would advise anyone considering membership to talk to an individual with a more objective opinion.
id love to join you! Shovel#2604
Is this still going in a relax manner or is it a push community and lost its way ?
it is and have always been a relaxed community, but also a place for pepole who wish to do higher keys
I tried to contact some ppl mentioned in this and the older threads for invite but I can’t hit anyone of them online. Are these ppl still active and playing the game and should I keep trying or how else can I ask for join?
Hi, I would very much like to join this community, I run keys all day everyday but pugs are just Meh sometimes and takes just as long finding a group than it does to do 3 keys.
I play a resto druid, currently a little short of 1.5k rio score and am available Monday - sunday al day everyday ( except raid nights weds and Thursdays)
Add me on Liviticuz#2841
I would love to join, but is there a link or who to contact ?