I just woke up from a long slumber, (Campaign nights mean late night RP for me almost always…) but having partaken in the early Darkspear Rebellion RP back in the day myself, and indeed having some criticisms of my own, here’s a few things I’d suggest are fairly different.
- Nothing in this initiative is aimed at launching or emboldening a rebellion; I’ve no idea how the lore pans out on this yet. Instead it’s aimed at trying to re-integrate or help figure out a path for “Horde” characters who’re disillusioned with it’s current state - I noticed we have a lot of those.
- As mentioned by others, this will not be centered around a single location, and certainly not a location close to Orgrimmar, with the Kor’kron Vanguard looming in the distance. Indeed, unlike the Darkspear Rebellion it won’t be centered around “one big evil”, but more exploring what else creeps in when the “Red Eye” points elsewhere.
- I’m hoping the spirit of trying to help engage low-activity-existing or new-to-be-made communities (Pandaria and Nightborne as an example) will encourage an atmosphere of co-operation both IC and OOC, rather than the… somewhat lacklustre performance both from myself and others in those days.