[H] Primal Madness 6/8 M, 2 d/w LF RDPS/Healer

About us:

Primal Madness was formed in 2010 with the aim of clearing high end content in a competitive way. We did this in Cataclysm & Pandaria. We came back in BFA to become what we once were but this with a whole new core which is why we’re recruiting!

Current Progress:

6/8 Mythic

Raid days & Times:

Monday & Tuesday Mythic 19:00 – 23:00 CEST

What we expect from you?

A player:

who has a thorough understanding of his/her class/spec(s), and is able to analyse logs without being asked to. #Wowanalyze - warcraftlogs
who strives to become better every day
who wants to be part of the guild and not solely in it for him/herself
who is able to cope with criticism
who strives for optimal attendance, making sure he regulates his hobby’s in such a way it doesn’t interfere with the raid.
who understands the basic addon requirements for raiding like Exorsus Raid Tools, DBM …

What you can expect from us?

Raid leaders that have in depth knowledge of encounters at first pull.
Tactical knowledge of and execution to achieve maximum efficiency out of our raiding hours.
If we don’t reach our goal that we set up during the week, be sure to expect to go overtime!

What are we recruiting?

High: Ranged DPS/Disc Priest/MW monk/HPala
Medium: Melee DPS & Off - Tank
Low: Tank

We’re always looking for exceptional players so if you think you’re on that fits the guild be sure to apply!

Interested in applying?

Realms: Dragonmaw / Spinebreaker / Haomarush / Vashj / Stormreaver or realm transfer! Transfer is required to start your trial period.

Please fill in our application discord.gg/aRw2UFH


Pico#2151, Rob#2116 & Elitescream#2347
