H-PvE-Pyrewood Village *Pandion Knights* Casual Raiding Guild

The Guild

The Pandion Knights are a multi gaming clan who have been going for 10+ years. Our Facebook page and Discord channel has more information regarding the games we play. The average age of the players in the guild is 35, but we do have some in early 20’s and also 40s and 50s! You must be +18 to join.

The WoW Team

A lot of our WoW team have played since Vanilla and have settled into a more relaxed style of play as the game has progressed (normal raiding rather than mythic raiding). Not sure what class to play? Its up to you, we welcome you to join and play whichever class! Some of our WoW members also dabble in other games but the core plays mainly Retail WoW.

The Plan

We are recruiting semi-casual players for levelling, 5 man dungeon runs and end game raiding twice a week (or not at all if you don’t wish to raid). Chilled out semi casual players welcome and those who have time on their hands who may wish to play with a partner who does not have as much time, give us a try!? You do not have to raid every single week if you are not available. Our progression in Retail WoW is slow, but that’s the guild and how we wish to play! Maybe this is your kind of pace? Some of us even do the odd bit of PvP once in a while. We of course welcome those who have a lot more to play, but in terms of raiding progression, want to down bosses on the first night? Then we might not be the guild for you. If you fancy joining a laid back guild with no pressure to raid, but you do fancy dabbling in some raiding every now and again we are the guild for you. Discord is used for levelling, 5 man dungeons and raids, you don’t have to talk if you do not want to, but it is required for raiding and will be handy to have during dungeon runs. On non raid nights some of us will log onto Discord and chat and play WoW

Please /w a member online who will be happy to have a talk and we hope to see you in guild soon!!

Thanks for reading.



Might be interested, going to play a horde priest. Have played WoW since 2005, which I just realised is a heck of a long time for playing one game :stuck_out_tongue:


i would like to join your guild when it opens,
name of the chars:
hunter - nations
paladin/ret - paladina

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Hi Dornisus and Darktrooper! Look forward to seeing you both in Classic!

Hello guys, thanks for showing interest. Just to re-confirm this is for Horde rather than Alliance. My post selected an old character and I’m unable to change!

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A friend and I are definitely interested, we both played towards the end of Vanilla and right through TBC, but fell away as Blizzard/Activision dumbed down the game and really took it in a direction we were not comfortable with.
I do have some observations that I hope you can speak to.

We both wondered if it’s really possible for any guild to be as casual as you suggest, and also if it’s not a little too casual as you presented it… we missed out on the Vanilla raiding, coming late to the party and not reaching level 60 before TBC was released, and so we come with a goal to reach endgame and raid.

I don’t thing we’ll be wanting to go crazy with it, I’d much rather struggle to figure it out and make some friends along the way than raid 5 nights a week for progression but I do hope this guild will be large/keen enough to be able to organize those 40 man raids we missed out on.

The other thing is that we are night owls… real life doesn’t allow me to have 7 or even 8pm raid times during the week, so I wonder how you imagine organizing eventual raiding… my weekends are really flexible, but during the week it would be challenging to meet early times… but later in the evening we can, and sometimes do go until the sun comes up.

Finally… Discord!.. For anyone reading, I know personal situations don’t always allow it, but any content, from shared questing to 5 man dungeons and beyond is so much more fun if you’re chatting with those people you’re playing with making new friends and laughing about the odd wipe rather than swearing at the screen… please, we implore everyone who can, get on discord.

I will be a Resto Shaman called “Knevah”… and my friend will be a Mage called “Detritus”. I think that having a post here 1 day after character selection points to a more determined kind of casual than you implied, and as such I think we’d love to join… what toon should we contact in game once the realms are open?


You sound like a cool bunch of peeps, I’ve been looking for a home in classic. Gonna hit you up on discord.

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Hi, I’m the GM for Pandion Knights.

Hopefully I can answer your questions Knotist and some of the other questions that I’ve been asked since this post went up. Apologies for the wall of text but I’ve got multiple things to cover.

It is certainly possible to be a casual guild and still be a raiding guild. PK has been raiding since Vanilla and we’ve done okay for ourselves. We’ll never get a world first for anything other than ‘shortest time to wipe’ or ‘most inventive if accidental boss pull’ but we do usually get there in the end. We’ve been raiding heroic at or about the curve level since WoD, so being a little more dedicated isn’t completely alien to us but we do it in our own way. Everything is balanced against being relaxed and sticking to a core value for PK that ‘real life comes first.’

We’ll start out with the same philiosophy and ethos that has served PK well for almost 20 years. We care more about the journey than the destination. We want the right people in our community, not the right class or spec. Ideally, we want people that 20 years from now are still part of PK and maybe even helping us create and drive new communities in the new games being released. This is probably why we seem a little “more determined kind of casual.” We’ve been doing this for a while now and, once in a while, are a little more organised.

When it comes to Vanilla experience, several of us have played since day one (since day one of the US beta in my case) and raided throughout the entire period.

We don’t know what raid nights or schedule will be simply because we haven’t asked the community yet. When we start getting to the point where raiding is a serious consideration we’ll put the question to our members. We’ll ask what nights and times they want to/are able to raid and then go from there. All being well, I will be asking that question 2-3 months from now.

We’ve got people from across the EU in the guild and do what we can to accomodate people from different time zones. Typically we organise our raids from 19:30 to 22:00 BST/GMT. With retail we’re happy with people coming and going because the flexible raiding mechanics make this possible. I don’t know yet how we are going to manage this in Classic. But, if there is a large enough group of people that need or want a later raid, we’ll see what we can do to make that happen.

We have a discord server and a fair few people use it regularly. We don’t make it mandatory or try to force people on to it as it should be down to the individual to choose. The only time this stance changes is when we are raiding. Everyone in the raid group needs to be on Discord (or the voice comms app of the moment) or they simply don’t join the raid. They don’t need to speak, or even have a microphone, but they do need to be able to hear the raid leaders instructions and listen to directions. Typically though, there is always a core of people in the voice channels as often as they can be because, like you mentioned Knotist, playing games with people is more enjoyable.

I hope that covers everything but if anyone else has any questions, please ask, one my team or I will try to answer.


Hi, my partner and i will be playing on Pyrewood, rogue-priest. we are looking for a friendly casual guild and you guys seem to be that.


Good to hear your answers, and TBH it’s very good… I’m still somewhat confused by the suggested raid times, since we used to schedule much more time for 10 man Kara runs in TBC, but everyone seems to have a similar 2 hour window in mind for Classic, so I guess we’ll have to see how it works out. As you say, and I absolutely agree, it /is/ more about the journey than the destination and if it wasn’t for the fact that I missed out on the lvl60 content first time around I probably wouldn’t be obsessing about it at all… I’ve done the hardcore raiding 5 nights a week for progression in black temple during TBC, and as much as I wouldn’t have missed that for the world, it’s not what I’m looking for now.

For the last year of TBC, I joined a large long established gaming community when I played on the US realms and it was a great experience, so now in the EU, I’m hoping “Pandion Knights” will be as well.

I have to say tho, there are a lot of people who have been pushing for Classic for a long time, and if the level of enthusiasm I’ve seen in recent months is carried over, it might not be 2-3 months… but if it is, then so be it.

As regards discord… I have a couple of questions:-

  1. I notice you have made a point of not advertising the Discord, but I wonder if it might be possible for people who express an interest here to join and chat with members who will be playing in Classic, both to get a feel for the community and to get to know a few people before launch… I would expect it to have limited access etc… of course.

  2. Pug’s are inevitable at times… is there a room in the discord where we could invite non-guild players so we can still talk if one or two members of the group are not in the guild.

I’ve seen the number of guild adverts jump from just a few to hundreds, but I’m not impressed by most of them… so both of us would love to be able to join in spirit, if not in game yet… and ideally get to chat with some existing members etc.

Finally, I looked at your forums on Enjin, but as far as I can see the only option to join is still (Draenor)… so I didn’t do anything over there as yet.

Hi Acacia, we look forward to seeing you in game.

Oh god, the Enjin site. Try to ignore that. It’s woefully out of date and in need of some attention. It’s been on my to do list for at least a year now but something else always seems to come up.

At the minute, at least in terms of WoW, Dreanor Horde is where the community is at. You’re more than welcome to come join us there between now and Classic. Once you have, you’ll see the Discord link in the guild info. One of the community admins will sort your access out once you’re in and then you’ve got the server at your disposal.

We can, if we have not already, sort out access for a public access chat channel for pug groups. I’ll need to chat to my admin team to see what and how they want to setup first but it is doable.

Hey guys welcome to Pyrewood, if you haven’t joined yet visit the community discord - discord.gg/swcaCsc - great place to meet like minded people!

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Welcome to the mad house ;o)
Looking forward to meeting you in classic ;o)

Looking forward too it!

Thank you all for your interest in the guild. We have managed to recruit quite a few players! Just over a week to go now! :slight_smile:

Hi, should we just /w you in game once the guild is up and running?

Hi. Feel free to whisper me in game. My character will be called Twinkle. We are hoping to set up the guild as quick as we can! You can make a level 1 Horde character on Draenor now and whisper someone in the guild so you can get our discord details - they are listed in our Guild info. We already have a few waiting to play Classic. I am sure there will be a several of us on there chatting and leveling together come launch day! We would love for you join in too!

YES! We need more horde on pyrewood… :smiley_cat:

Hi all.

After reading the posts by Themaddogg and Tayark, I decided to write this post because I am really interested in this guild. Due to a very demanding work & family daily schedule, I will be able to play approx 1-1,5 hours per day (while leveling — more on weekends I guess) and attend approx 2-3 raids per week (while at 60). Tayark mentioned “19:30 to 22:00 BST/GMT”, which is pretty close to what I can offer, regardless of what day of the week it is. Since I am on a GMT + 3 zone, it means that the raid for me will start at 22:30, which is ok.

A few words about myself. I am 39 years old, I play a warlock, who hyped at TBC (character name Velorinysse, Focus guild @ Turalyon, 1 of the 3 core warlocks of the guild at the time, tanked Illidan as a lock at the Black Temple fight, also raided Mount Hyjal plenty of times). After 80 and after raiding WotLK up until the King (mainly with random raids at the time, didn’t kill him), I kinda quit WoW. My lock is now 88, still at Turalyon, along with my lock twink 19 (Elestrada, exalted Warsong Outriders) and my bank alt. We used dkp and Vent or TS (in the old days) but from most threads I read now it seems that things have changed to Discord hehe.

Anyways, I hope to see you inside Classic in 8-9 days. My chars are the following:

Kakodaimon - Undead Warlock
Kakomagus - Undead Mage (maybe as a future alt)
Kakobank - Undead Rogue (bank alt)

I love casual and casual raiding, so I hope to find some cool and funny people in Pandion Knights (if you 'll have me of course) to hang around, run some 5-man dungeons, some 10-man dungeons and hopefully raid together.


Supplemental post. Changed character to the main lock.