[H-PvE] Vox Turba - Recruiting DPS

Hey there! We’re a laid back Heroic progression guild with room in our ranks for DPS and a Hpala! (^-^)/

LF Moar dps: Boomie, Warrior, Windwalker, Retri, Warlock, DK! Healer: Hpala
(We may have room for other roles if the person is committed to the class!)

Raid Days: Thursday & Sunday 20:00 - 23:00

Requirements: 370+ ilvl and Discord!

Who to poke?: Keinara, Frostnips or Kamisan in game!

-Have a great day!

Strokes chin I wonder if I am ready to make my return to raiding with the Vox Turba’s on my Hpaladin :wink: ?

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Palpa voice ‘‘dew it’’ ;D

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They are great people. :>

That’s us cleared NM and onto HC! The best possible time to join for that juicy loot and curve! (^-^)7

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