My name is Dan, I’m 26, from the UK and I’ve recently returned to the game after a 6 month break due to not enjoying BFA at launch.
I have been playing WoW since end of Cata going into MoP and have been raiding at a mythic level since WoD.
I enjoy multi classing usually but am looking to settle down to a main class/role if possible for raiding and M+ key pushing as this xpac isn’t the best for being alt friendly.
I have experience as a Tank, Dps and Healer in mythic raids having played Resto Sham, Prot Paladin, Arcane Mage and Affliction Warlock at Mythic levels in both Legion and WoD and gettin cutting edge during Emerald Nightmare as Prot Paladin.
Also 11/13 Mythic Hellfire Citadel (stopped due to guild folding) (As Affliction Warlock)
I am looking for a guild which has a friendly and active atmosphere with no dramas just pure enjoyment within Azeroth 
I’m willing to re-roll to any spec or class providing it’s viable for the right guild!
Add me on Btag for any further info you may need Danny#22563
Many Thanks and Good Luck,
Cohors Vuluae is a newly formed guild of mythic raiders looking to experience the most challenging aspects of wow. We aim to create a fair and motivating environment for progress.
We have recently moved from Alliance on outlands to Horde on Draenor, Currently we are looking to recruit dps to join our ranks and our raid team to start mythic EP, as well as preparing for Ny’alotha
We expect all members that join to be able to use voice chat and have some understanding of their role/class, but we are always happy to help people that are in need.
so if you want to join a guild of chill Vuluae’s, have a sense of humour & aged 20+ drop a message in game or on discord.
pogodamonkey#2210 [battle.net]
pogodamonkey#8073 [discord]
Hi Dan! I’m Chris from the UK, welcome back to WoW!
Me and a few friends from the UK have just returned to the game and formed a guild. We have a solid 6 members, we are just looking to fill the remaining slots with some new faces. The guild is called Fracture, we are based on Ravencrest (Alliance).
We pride ourselves on having a good time in WoW while achieving the goals we set ourselves. If you’re looking for a mythic raiding guild straight away then we may not be the best option, however if you want a chilled out but talented team then we may just be what you’re looking for!
Would love to have a chat if you’re interested, I’ve listed my battle tag below.
Battletag: Myo#2863
“Physix” is recruiting and looking for members to expand our team. Currently we are at 8/8 heroic and 3/8 mythic. The guild has been reformed since Eternal Palace and we are aiming to get back to around rank 1200 in patch 8,3!
Currently we are full on tanks and are mainly looking for healers and dps.
We raid 2 days a week on Wednesday and Monday 19:00 till 22:00.
Besides raiding we also organize mythic+ runs and optionally normal/heroic runs to gear alts.
The guild has a history that starts at ToTc untill Hellfire Citadel!
We banter a lot but we try to clear the content within a reasonable amount of time.
You can add me on battlenet for more information or a chat!
Battlenet: Swyxia#2707
Hi there,
This is the place for you. Don’t hesitate to go on the initiative yourself, all contact information is on the page. My own I’ve updated in the comments.
I’ll be adding you, when I’m able to!
Say no more,
Hi. Having seen this message i’m interested in joining you guild. I have recently returned to the game and have played on and off since cata.
My name is Greg and I’m from the UK. I have limited raiding experience but i’m keen to learn. Ideally looking to heal but happy to dps. If there are any specific roles you are looking to recruit for i’m happy to consider.
Hi Dan, welcome back buddy!
Who are we?
We are Synergize a serious raiding guild who also boast a great community (3/8M). We took a big hit when Classic came out and we are looking to recruit players to push progress for EP and have a good solid team for 8.3
Synergize has an active discord where people do content outside of the raids and play other games toghether as a community.
How is it during raids?
We like to banter and meme, but we are more serious during boss fights to get the things done. But that doesn’t mean we don’t allow talking between the bosses.
When do we raid?
We do mythic raiding Tue & Sun from 20:00 to 23:00 server time (CET). We also clear Heroics on Thursday at around 20:00.
Discord: Preco#7847
Hi Greg,
We’ve got people from varying backgrounds from inside and from outside of the game. Please add me in Discord, where I’m available for almost 24/7 so that we can get into details, EvilDonutMan#8970.