[H-RP] Conquest Clash II [28th February & 1st March]

On various notice boards within Horde cities, settlements and outposts, posters are being pinned up displaying a call for the Horde to gather in Conquest Hold in the new year. Calling for an attempt to forge new bonds and strengthen existing ones between the peoples of the Horde. Sixteen will enter but only one will remain. Our victor will get to choose one prize from a small selection of weapons that will be on offer to be claimed. Fights this year will take place over the two days.

TLDR Details:

  • When: 28th February & 1st March

  • Where: Conquest Hold, Grizzly Hills

  • Sign-ups Open: 19:00 ST 28th February (sign-ups are first come, first served. I am not accepting sign-ups before the event)

  • Fights Start: Approximately 20:00 ST 28th February

IC Notice - https://i.imgur.com/BftS4EO.png


  • Weapons are allowed

  • No magic or enchantments of any variety

  • No maiming

  • No killing

  • No poisons

  • If any rules are broken, it will result in disqualification and their opponent advancing to the next round

OOC Details

Conquest Clash shall be hosted on the 28th February & 1st March in Conquest Hold, Grizzly Hills. Sign-ups will open at 19:00 ST and close at 20:00 ST. Be early if you want to participate, as there is a limit of 16 participants! Fights will begin shortly after once the matches are all set. For the matches, a simple brawl system will be used. Fighters with begin with an initiative roll to decide who goes first. From there, the highest roller begins with their attack, then rolls. If the defender rolls higher than the attacker they will have successfully defended. All rolls will be /roll.

Unlike last year, fights will take place over the two days. Eight fights on the first night and seven on the second. I ask any participants that want to join to be mindful that attendance on both days is preferable. Should matters beyond your control arise and you cannot make it to the second day if you have already progressed, try to let me know. Your opponent will still have chance to fight - whether that is myself or someone from the audience is your choice.

Merchants and healers are welcome on both days. Should any wish to be involved specifically with catering for the feast please do contact me (In-game: Sikasha) or through discord.


Everyone will have 3 HP at the start of their fight and rolls will be simple /roll. Fighters will rolls for initiative. Each time the attacker rolls higher than their opponent’s defensive roll, they land a successful hit. Should the defensive roll be higher than the attacking roll, they have successfully defended. Once one fighter has reached 0 HP the fight is concluded and the winner advances into the next round.

There will be no bonuses for critical rolls (90 - 100 rolls).

Please be aware that I as the host will be busy throughout the night, I ask for patience if you bring anything to me during the sign-ups and active fights.

The add-on ‘Listener’ is highly recommended for anyone participating or just spectating.

Argent Archives - https://www.argentarchives.org/node/269534

For any additional questions, you’re welcome to join the Horde Community Discord - https://discord.gg/G7s3qrFBZd


Giving this a friendly bump!

A great time to come together for some great social RP as well as a bit of fighting!


aye this be sounding very interesting.
A great day to forge new trading partners and friends.
And we be able to prove our cannons against the other combatants, sending them down to the locker yarrr!
The Goldhides be ready.


You’re most welcome to ^^

Hopefully it’ll be another grand couple of mights with some fierce clashes!


I intend to be there, to defend my title from Charmi.


Great intiative, I love to see events like that. Events that gather roleplayers of the Horde together! Thanks for hosting, remember we all appreciate it greatly!


Shall certainly hope to be there, sounds interesting!


I’ll be interested to see who turns up, whether that be to enter or spectate ^^

Along with a choice of weapon as prize, the victor this year will also have a title as an added bonus to add to their TRP.


As the good Legionnaire says, the Ashen will be there.

We can’t say no now after @Kazura decided to yell at us in Orgrimmar to be there. :sob:


Closing in fast on Conquest Clash! See you all at the end of the month.


Excited for this! Looking forward to see all of the competition! And most of all, the RP to be had!


Will throw this on our guild Discord.
Not sure what attendance will be, but definitely interested.


Just under two weeks until the Clash kicks off. See you all at Conquest Hold!

A reminder that there are no sign-ups before this event starts on the 28th at 19:00 ST and that only 16 participants will partake this time.


Very excited about this, I am surely going to join and try advance past round 1 xD

1 Like

Looking forward to it! Y’all smashed it out of the park last time, so I am curious to see how awesome it goes this time!


Officially one week away from Conquest Clash II!

The prizes the victor can choose from are now set and I’m working on some little loot visuals for the winner. I do hope whoever wins enjoys what they get and gets to use it well in the future.

A reminder that sign-ups open at 19:00 ST on Friday 28th February. I will not be taking any beforehand, the 16 slots will be first come first served. And I’m happy to say that the Wandering Lamppost will once again be returning to cater both nights of the event as well.


I hope I’m able to show up in time to sign up!


Love the sound of this! Looking forward to it!


Last day before Conquest Clash begins!

Another reminder that sign-ups open at 19:00 ST and the 16 entry slots are first come, first served. The tournament will begin around 20:00 ST with the first 8 fights on Friday and the remaining fights on Saturday. If you cannot compete on both days, please be considerate to the people that can come and fight both days.

Listener is strongly encouraged and since there are no targets within the hold itself, try getting your hands on the Malfunctioning Stealthman 54 toy to give you a combat-like stance. They’re around 700 gold on the AH if you’ve not got one and are quite handy for RP.

See you all tomorrow!


Hello! I just wanted to ask for further clarification on this:

What sort of attack emotes would be considered acceptable vs. unacceptable here, given weapons are in use? I realise not everybody is able to stitch their limbs back on, but I saw some pretty hardcore stuff at last year’s Clash and want to be on the right page.