Recently, the Irregulars ventured into the green hells of Feralas, chasing an ogre magi rumoured to have been one of Cho’Gall’s disciples in the Twilight’s Hammer. This magi had rallied the local Gordunni and Grimtotem to his side, seeking to brave the ancient ruins of Eldre’Thalas in pursuit of great power from an age long past. Our intrepid heroes however, were ready to put a stop to this, first ambushing the magi’s Grimtotem allies, then taking out his coven of lesser ogre magi in a daring assault on the ruins of Isildien, before finally coming head to head with the Magi himself deep inside Eldre’Thalas.
In the end we were chased out of the ancient city by a group of Night Elves and their Worgen allies… What can I say? You win some, you lose some, and it at least felt like we were winning right up until a priestess of Elune forced us to flee. At least we killed their dog
Not ones to sit idle, after a brief return home, the Irregulars now find themselves in Vengeance Landing in the Howling Fjord, from where they will travel to Conquest Hold in the Grizzly Hills for the Conquest Clash. Hope to see some of you there! After the Conquest Clash, they will be travelling further into Northrend to Ice Crown where their next mission awaits…
On a different note, we have decided to open recruitment once more, so if you are interested in joining the Irregulars, contact either myself or Halfsilver or Hearthgate.