[H][RP-EVENT] War Council

Before you lays a sealed scroll, baring the mark of the Warchief. Removing the seal, the scroll rolls open, revealing the text inside:


My fellow leaders of the horde, we have all heard the drums beating once again and the skirmishes at the crossroads have not gone unnoticed. The call to arms have been made, and we have answered it as our duty and honour mandates.

I wish to invite you to join me within the valley of honour, three weeks from this day such that we may discuss the future of this war and coordinate our attacks against these alliance scum who plague our lands.

Lok’tar Ogar!




Hey guys, I know everyone is on that 60 grind so rp has been very limited to casual encounters, or at least that has been my experience. I would like to set up this little rp event, three weeks from now (21th of September, 8pm server time) such that us horde guild leaders can meet up IC and maybe discuss some far in the future rp/rp-pvp events.

For the time being, I would like to limit this to GM’s and Officers inside the actual meeting just so that there isn’t too much chaos from the get go.

I believe this will also be a good starting point for horde rp, and just building the rp community on the server in general so if you are interested please join the discord below:


The date has been postponed by a full week to accommodate for a few guilds.


Yaaas, been buzzing for this to start! What are the to guilds so far?

I still wonder is there any more horde RP guilds so far? Or Loktar Ogar would be exclusive, the most desired, demanded and beloved guild by RP Alliance. An emerald for which others RP Alliance guild will strugle, compete. I guess Lokater Ogar soon will feel themselves like girl for which attention fighting 5 young men!

Part of the problem I think is that the few rp guilds around don’t really know each other, so I can’t tell you what other guilds there are yet but hopefully if you keep an eye on this forum you will see others :slight_smile:

I’m sure there are, but they I think they understandably have been too busy with the level 60 grind to even bother with the forums.

What a wonderous idea, Mr. Orc! I alas won’t be able to attend at that particular timeframe. But you can rest assured there are role-players lurking in the shadows, and it is exactly these kind initiatives that are required to lure them out smirks

Well done, Mr. Orc. Well done.

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No need to worry about not attending this one Shagrath, I plan to hopefully has this as a mini monthly or every other month event, and I doubt this first meeting will be very large.

Any scheduled date and place for the meeting? Asking for a Horde friend.


“Grr, filthy alliance trying to stick his nose into our business!”

See you guys there!

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Great initiative! If you could nudge the date to sometime after the 15th of September I can also definitely come.

From my part, I am Themrok, one of the guildmasters of .

Theme-wise, we roleplay as a dysfunctional warband that is a warband only by name.

In-character we are lead by an NPC, Stone Guard Bloodfist (aka The Overseer) who is never around, but whose tight-grip can be felt on the members of the warband across both continents. All playable characters in the guild, including the officers and the guild master are portrayed as Grunts in-character.

We are trying to roleplay as everymen characters (scrubs) each packing their own issues and trying to make sense of the increasingly unstable world of the Zandalar Tribe realm.

Our primary, non-negotiable focus is RP.

  • We are not event-focused at all. Instead we try to RP as we go, and try to immerse in our characters as much as we can. We don’t take breaks from RP to level and vice-versa. We try to combine both at the same time
  • With respect to PVP, we absolutely enjoy PVP on one hand. On the other hand, we don’t want PVP to compromise the identity of the guild. We see ourselves more as an IC-ly defensive peasant militia type of guild that will be there to pull last-ditch defenses. Offensively, we are looking for superior militant-type of guilds that will press our warband into service.

Therefore, community-wise, what we are looking from other guilds are:

  • Some warband guilds that we could place our dysfunctional warband under their wings to do the dirty work (and also push our IC’ly characters to engage in combat)
  • Anybody that wants to enter diplomacy games/compromises of any sorts
  • Anybody that’s trying to organise the crafting/trading aspect or the Horde-side
  • Anybody that wants to try to take advantage of the IC chaos that is The Howling axe. We promise to keep IC and OOC facts separate and welcome IC drama with open arms (but shun OOC drama).

That’s a very big part of the problem.

The server is packed with people. However with so many people shunning RP, it’s very difficult to initiate anything in the crowded areas. What seems to work for us is crowding together and try to pick off lone wanderers etc (e.g., near the entrance to the Crossroads, rather than inside the settlement itself)

However, without knowing which are the other RP guilds and what guild concepts float about, we are feeling a bit isolated.


I like your detailed description of your guild, I appreciate you setting everything out and I can already see our characters butting head in game! As far as the date goes, I believe we will post pone it by a bit and I will post the final date on here once it is confirmed.

It’s time to gather around and plan our combined attack against the Alliance! By combined I mean - to set a day when we all charge to Ashenvale and acquire all the lumber in the name of the Horde and the Warchief.
A sound plan for every orc, right? Or at least for an orc like my character.

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Hush, don’t tell them we are going to storm Ashenvale and steal their lumber.

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Revered Guild Master Zorog

I will pass this scroll to the guild master of Wicked Brood in hopes we will send a small party of Representatives to attend to the meeting.

Blood and Honor
Komarod, Shaman of the Horde.

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This is nice. So far I’ve not dared jumping into joining a guild in spite of my interest in possible rp-pvp, mostly because most guilds want a level of dedication I just can’t give. So something like this to poke my nose into could be good.

What’s your IGN? I’m a guild officer for “Loktar Ogar” who could give you some more information and an invite if you’re interested.

My classic character is called Maah as well, I just couldn’t figure out how to post from that one, so the more high-res twin had to step in!

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Dis be nice thinkin’, Orc.

I’ll do ma best to be dere’.

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Wonderful idea Master Zorog! I’ll pass the letter on to my Chieftain and we’ll be there! Still fine tuning our guild but it’ll be done by 21st.
As for future RP-Pvp events Ashenvale seems like it’ll be an active hub for Alliance and Horde when RP starts if it hasn’t already. Quite a few Night Elf guilds are setting up there I think, some I hear are already eager to look into RP-PVP events with the horde in the area, they plan to patrol their forest on a regular basis and stuff too so that might be something to bring up ICly at the meeting, activity in Ashenvale.

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Will try to be there.

  • Alamut Skychaser of the Spirit Rise
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