[H/RP] Hand of Conquest

Patrol of Orgrimmar Route SPIRITS

On the late evening of the twenty-eighth of the fifth month, I did my first patrol of the route spirits with Scout Noura, I found one or two civilians that I knew and saluted them, but apart from that we did not found anything outside of the order.

Therefore, nothing major to report, it was clear and safe.

Scout Naori Loonybolt
Patrol of Durotar routes SPIRITS and STRENGTH.

Stone Guard. On the 7th day of the 6th moon we patrolled the routes mentioned.

Those who attended:
Grunt Lorkus.
Scout Tenjo.

Around the ninth drum of the evening me and Scout Tenjo set out to patrol. This was Tenjos first patrol aswell so i of course showed him the basics of how our patrols work, how we do things and of course where the maps are located.

Both routes were quiet, which is kind of a let down since i wanted to show Tenjo the more exciting side of our patrols.

Grunt Lorkus Greyfur.

Patrol Report
Carbek, son of Bruuf
Degrak, son of Bograk

We began from the Valley of Honour, The Drag was not yet busy and so, we had easily found ourselves in the Valley of Wisdom after. Two blood elves sat on the bridge speaking to one another, a peaceful sight as is the rest of this Valley.

We went through the canyon and the tunnel which lead to the Valley of Spirits. Some goblins were shining a lamp in the waters of the Valley and claimed they were merely treasure hunting. I am not sure if any 'treasure' belonging to trolls can be of much value or use in the wrong hands. We continued on, finding ourselves at the embassy which is a lot more quiet compared to when it was first built for our Highmountain and Nightborne allies.

The Valley of Strength had many warriors tending to their armour and weapons, prepared to venture forth into their next great journey, with many battles to spend their steel on. We made our way back to the Valley of Honour through The Drag with nothing to investigate still.

A satisfyingly quiet afternoon in Orgrimmar.
Patrol report of the CRAFTER'S ROUTE
Carbek, Son of Bruuf

We began our patrol from the Valley of Honour towards the North Gate.
We made our way past the auction house where a few Goblins were haggling over the price of what they said to be a Samophlange, I don't know how much value such a creation holds but it seemed like it was important to them. As we neared the stables everything was still quiet, a few tenders darted back and forth between the wolf pens.

We made our way past the headquarters where those Goblins that housed the Ice Troll tend to be and everything was quiet, for once. Moving further up we watched as Goblin siege crafters oiled up and attached new parts to the already massive siege engines. Again all was quiet.

We finished our route by looking into Azshara where Carbek wondered if it would ever be peaceful enough there to settle farmlands. A nice gesture if it wasn't for the Goblin pollution of the area.

There was nothing special to report and the route was generally quiet.
This was on the twelfth day of the sixth moon.
Patrol of Routes Crafter - Spirits

Sergeant Harn Battlebrave.
Grunt Carbek Dawnhoof.

We set out just as the fifth drum struck, and started with the route of crafters. It was uneventful, and nothing of note was seen or heard. The Route of spirits wich we walked next, followed the same way. Nothing to report and all was calm.

Harn Battlebrave
Patrol Report – Crafter and Spirits route.

Sergeant Harn Battlebrave.
Scout Crur.

We set out around the seventh drums. Starting our patrol with the route of crafters. Nothing out of the ordinary happen at the blacksmith. The Gearfist store was empty and the route leading to the back gate of Orgrimmar was eventful aswell. We then head back to do the route of spirits. In the drag nothing unusual was taking place. Passing by the Vally of Wisdom was calm aswell, the same to be said for the Vally of Spirits.

Scout Crur
Patrol of Orgrimmar and Durotar routes SPIRITSand TRIALS.

Centurion Vol'renus, on the 19th day of the 6th moon we patrolled the routes mentioned.

Those who attended:
Stone Guard Zeep.
Raider Lorkus.

Around the 19th drum of the evening me and the Stone Guard set out to patrol the routes. We started off by doing the SPIRITS route, everything peaceful and quiet there.
We then took two wyverns to Razor Hill and then set out for the route TRIALS. On the route both me and the Stone Guard had a few misfortunes upon us, but nothing severe. We entered the den and decided to try and recruit new young strong soldier to the Thirteenth. We were however unsuccesful in finding anyone fit to serve. There was one orc that we sent out to do a task, if he fullfills it, he might have a future in the military.

Raider Lorkus Greyfur.
Patrol of Orgrimmar route CRAFTERS.

Centurion Vol'renus, on the 23rd day of the 6th moon we patrolled the routes mentioned.

Those who attended:
Raider Lorkus.
Grunt Hench.
Grunt Gobbert.
Scout Tenjo.
Scout Crur.

Around the second drum of the night we patrolled the CRAFTERS route.
Nothing exciting happend on this patrol. Peaceful and quiet.

Raider Lorkus Greyfur.
Written in awful handwriting.
I write about the death of Scout Crur at an unknown time in the middle of the night during a night skirmish against crusaders and infantry forces; during which, he was cornered and drunk from a vial that would eventually lead to his death rather than be captured. The Alliance took his body, and in a last ditch effort I challenge the knights one by one in an attempt to get to his body. After the defeat of one, the leader offered that all forces retreat back to our camp and his body will be returned to sunrise exactly. The skirmish and raid lead to the damage of the Alliance camp, and their resources lessened, however the loss of our scout in return. His bravery and resistance against Human forces was admirable to all that fought in the skirmish, and I truly know his spirit will rest well. I write this part personally; suffer well, Crur.

Signed, Scout Zin'dani
After a successful war effort in Ashenvale and Darkshore, spearheaded by your very own Hand of Conquest, the boys in red are now in Tirisfal to defend against the Alliance armada that seeks to take over our lands in the Eastern Kingdoms.

If you, a mighty orc, savage troll, brawny tauren or pesky goblin, find yourself out on the battlefield and feeling patriotic, come seek us out and join Orgrimmar's finest!

For the Horde!
A great bunch, looking forward to coming to Lordaeron with the rest of the Battalion to reinforce them!
Ayoyo! Wahooooo!
"Counting supplies." Apawi had told her superiors, as they asked why she was descending into the barrack's basement this late at night. A lie. All she sought was peace, but even in the dark, damp storeroom, she found none. The silence was broken by the sounds in her mind. The roar of battle, the wailing of dying soldiers, the crackling of fire. Her burned fingertips stung, as she lifted up the lid of a wooden crate, to find what she was looking for. It took her a while of digging, searching through what seems to be an endless supply of bandages and potions. The Seer snorted mockingly, realising that even this endless supply was not enough to save the ones she was supposed to save.

She sank down, her back against the wall. Her bare, scarred palms clutched around a single vial. Its glass felt cold to the touch, soothing the injuries on her hands. She leant her head back to the stones, and closed her eyes. Even now, she saw them. Their green faces, covered in mud and injuries. She saw Horkim. She saw Hench. She saw Fenrogg. She saw their mangled bodies, the crimson of their blood staining her palms, as she desperately tried to keep them from dying. The mere thought of cauterising their wounds with sunflames made her fingertips sting. Despite that, her thumb pressed against the cork on the vial, pushing it out. The liquid inside was clear, and has no distinctive scent, but it would do the job, she thought, it would bring her peace.

She stared at the vial, hesitating for a brief moment, before bringing it to her lips. Apawi closed her eyes, hesitating. She saw flames and smoke. She saw Taloha, her daughter, who only recently passed her rites, and her son Rhuno, even younger than his sister. Both, laying limp on the floor in the Seer's burned out home. She saw home, a memory that felt like lifetimes ago, but still haunted her every moment. Even then, she had failed to save those she was meant to protect.

The vial dropped to the ground, its contents spilling over the stone floor. She buried her head in her hands. She could not face them. She did not deserve to. As long as there are Shu'halo children to protect from the fate her own calves suffered, she had a duty to fulfill, no matter how much she wished it were otherwise.

It took hours for her to return upstairs, but by that time, her stone cold appearance had returned, ready to perform her morning prayers to help An'she bleed for the dawn.
A sad frown that has been planted on Lorkus' face ever since Lordaeron followed him out of the Wyvern's tail. It was the night before the funeral of his comrades who lost their lives in the Siege of Lordaeron, their names always going through his head " Fogugh, Fenrogg, Hench....Horkim." the three young orcs who still had a lifetime of war and honor upon them and then Fenrogg an aged Bleeding Hollow orc who got his warriors death.

He made his way to the valley of Wisdom where the Tauren Seers were set to prepare their bodies for the pyres the next day. Lorkus had wanted to see the faces of the orcs he had known for so long one last time before they are sent to their ancestors. He made his way across the bridge leading into the Valley of Wisdom before hearing the sound of the waterfall that flows there.

He stopped for a moment to just look at the waters as he started to remember the time he had with his now dead friends. Hench's cooking and fighting, Fighting back to back with Horkim against atleast twenty Alliance in The Barrens, Fogugh and his positive way of looking at life and his crazy ideas, the blackrock was brain damaged after all but not so much that he was sent over to the peons. Lorkus had not known Fenrogg for long, but he thought to himself that the aged Bleeding Hollow and him could've been good friends had they had the time to connect.

The sounds of the waterfall always calmed the old orc, he often sit at this very bridge to contemplate things. Now he has to cross this bridge to give his last private farewell to his friends. He walked up to the tent where the bodies of the fallen were being held.

The old Frostwolf looked at the line where the Thirteenths dead lie, he looked at the shawl covered bodies of Hench, Fogugh and Fenrogg. The last shawl was lying on the dusty ground, empty. Lorkus ran up as fast as he could to the shawl, he removed the top part of the other shawls to see which one of the Grunts were missing. His worst fears had come true.. The body of Horkim Pyreblade, the young Frostwolf which Lorkus felt was like a son to him had been stolen.

He let out a roar from the top of his lungs, he held the shawl in his hands for a few moments after that. He looked around the tent for clues on who or what could've taken the body of Horkim.. Nothing was there. He stormed out of the tent anger expressed all over his face.
Patrol Report: By Carbek Dawnhoof
with Grunt Kadral, Scout Degrak and Scout Alk'nuk

A good amount of us grunts were rallied for this patrol. We began with the northern gate of Orgrimmar, but I didn't count on anything to happen given the outcome of Ashenvale and Darkshore... and I was right. The lands of Azshara posed no threat to the gate and the siege workers were on schedule with salvaging what was spent on the campaign in Darkshore and the siege of Lordaeron.

We turned back and planned to move through the Valley of Wisdom, of Strength and then back to the barracks. While leaving the Valley of Honour, we passed a large gathering of orcs, but paid no heed to it.

The Valley of Wisdom was quiet, peaceful - often a close replica of Mulgore itself. I have always considered even pick pockets showing this place some respect. While there, we decided to check on that same gathering in case last night repeated itself.

On our way back, a blood elf joined us back to the valley so he could meet with Raider Apawi to discuss things over. Specifically about the goblin known as Rafe.

Though our patrol was short lived, I and the fellow grunts who participated in this patrol, can confirm that the northern gate is secure.
Patrol report: by Topaka Proudmane
with Sergeant Harn Battlebrave

Having returned to Orgrimmar, we went on with out duties as peacekeepers. We were heading for the northern gate, thus taking the crafters rout. As expected, the blacksmiths were busy at work, bending steel into weapons and armour.

Having visited the blacksmiths, we quickly realized that there was no need of our aid at this time. We immediately left for the gate, passing the Gearfist headquarters on our way. Everything seemed quiet - no doubt the small greenskins were busy testing their deadly devices elsewhere.

We arrived at the northern gate and as expected, we met nothing unusual. No signs of enemies nor any news from the stationed grunts. Back the same way we went, checking the storage room near the gate as we left. Once again, there was nothing unusual to see.

Arriving at the Valley of Honor, we joined up with the remaining members of the 13th, ending our patrol.
Patrol report: By Topaka Proudmane
with Scout Garyra and Scout Orrosh

We left the Valley of Honor, heading for the Valley of Spirits. On our way we ran into Manata Proudsong, with whom we spoke briefly. She had nothing to report, despite the fact that she too had noticed the tension between the various units and factions in Orgrimmar. Meanwhile, Scout Garyra went about, searching the nearby crates and the forge, finding everything as peaceful and quiet as we like it. We moved on, only to encounter Raider Apawi, whom asked us to fetch the Sergeants immedaitely. Han of Townlong, a former member of the 13th, were found dead, floating in the water between the Drag and the Valley of Wisdom. Judging from the wound inflicted, our former brother decided to end his own missery.

Our patrol took a turn and from here, we were asked to wrap Han in a blanket and carry him outside Orgrimmar. There would be no ceremony for his burial, as he had not died a warrior's death. Scout Orrosh and Garyra both agreed to burry Han next to the headstones. We prepared a hole and said our farewells.

Having burried Han, Scout Garyra spotted a flock of marauding Harpies near the Razorwind Canyon. We decided to do our duty and went in to slay the foul beasts. A swath was cut through their lines and we eventually made it to their nesting ground. Scout Orrosh asked the elements for aid and burned the Harpy nests, to avoid further attacks on Razor Hills and traveling merchants.

Having slain the winged devils, we went back to the Valley of Honor, reporting to Sergeant Lorkus Greyfur.
We are now recruiting Mag'har with the addition of them joining the Horde, isn't that exciting?
We do not discriminate based on skin colour.

Trolls are not included in this policy.
Cool guild